Hr Wells - Tumblr Posts
So far Team Flash has managed to get 3 people to commit suicide. It’s kind of impressive.
And I don’t mean that as a joke, but it’s nothing good. Those people weren’t sucidal. Those People wanted to live. Eddie wanted to marry Iris (okay, Eobard talked him sort of out of it), Leonard asked Sara if there was a future for them and HR was practically planning his future with Tracy. And they all ended up sacrificing themselves.
It’s a lot for 3 seasons. I mean one sacrifice once every 3-4 season seems normal, but one every season is a lot.
(I’m counting Snart as season 2, because Ronnie died by accident, so it wasn’t a planned sacrifice and because LoT season 1 plays during Flash season 2, aswell as the fact that what Barry told Snart in season 2 was responsible for him joining the Legends.)
For people who always try to be the good guys and do everything and fix everything, always someone else seems the one who actually fixes it.
And besides Eddie, they all cared way too little over the characters that died. For Snart that is more of a LoT problem, where they spend more time focusing on Laurels death in season 1, than Snarts, but for HR, they practically did nothing. I get that they are happy that Iris didn‘t die and that there is a certain we-did-it-mentality, but someone who was there friend, who spend lots of time with them died and they didn’t grief at all.

all's wells that ends wells
I love how the Arrowverse fandom has given Eobard Thawne the nickname “Angry Helicopter Noises”
Tom Cavanagh's real talent is taking a brand new, completely ridiculous and absolutely terrible alternate reality version of Harrison Wells, almost every season, and making you root for him at the end.

With hugs!
—HR Wells, The Flash, “Attack on Gorilla City”
Wells Men being in love with you, but you're in a secret relationship with Harry
Note: My first imagine !! It’s a short one I hope I didn’t do any mistakes I’m so nervous. Please tell me if you find mistakes I’ll correct them (writing in a foreign language isn’t easy)
Hope you like it !

"I think I'm in love with 'er. She's tellement belle." Sherloque says, smiling as you enter the room.
The Wells Men were eating together at a table, because, yes, they don't argue with each other when they eat Big Belly Burger.
"Don't dream, Frenchman," Nash says, smiling at you too "I'll take her to my adventures, and take care of her like a queen." The detective opens his mouth in shock but doesn't reply.
"Halt! Sie wants nicht to go in dangerous places mit you. She needs to be with jemand sehr smart." Wolfgang replies, making sure he's looking well.
"Nah, I don't agree with ya," Lothario mumbles, stealing a fry to the German "She needs a man whose charismatic and can give her love, which means me!" he chuckles "I would like to grab her hips, push her against a wall then f-"
"Any of us need to picture that," HR cuts "Look at the thoughts you have about her. You don't deserve her at all! But I do because I know the little things and talks that can light up her day," he smiles proudly at him.
"Shut up, you moron," Harry says, throwing HR's coffee and burger on the floor. He then gets up, goes to you, grabs your cheek, and kisses you gently. Melting in his touch, you kiss back your boyfriend.
"I love you," Harry whispers in your ear.
"Me too, but I thought you wanted a secret relationship ?" you ask, confused.
"Those guys are in love with you and I wanted them to know you already belong to Harry Wells" he winks at you, saying the last eleven words out loud. He knows the others heard those words.
You both turn to Harry's doppelgangers, still being in each other's arms. They first look at each other, then turn to you two with widen eyes and screaming at the same time :