Eobard Thawne - Tumblr Posts
What if the evil flash’s form cw adopted the losers club? Would they be good dads or no? I personally think they would be good dads ironically despite they fact that they are villains.
they are indeed some of the hottest villains ever kylo-hux-fanpage
Gifs of my favorite evil men that make me 🤤
I love how the Arrowverse fandom has given Eobard Thawne the nickname “Angry Helicopter Noises”
Tom Cavanagh's real talent is taking a brand new, completely ridiculous and absolutely terrible alternate reality version of Harrison Wells, almost every season, and making you root for him at the end.
I’m glad that The Flash 7x12 was lighthearted and that there were some great, funny moments.
And yet, I am sad. End of an era, indeed. 😢
Thawne is like the Loki of the Arrowverse.
Don’t care if he’s dead,he’ll come back
Season greetings from Tom and Carlos ❤
This is what I get for relying on a washout and a dead man.
— Eobard Thawne, Season 2
Ok so I have to rant about this.
I love EoWells and Tom Cavanagh does and amazing job at playing that version of Eobard Thawne,but I am so Done and Over it at this point I want Matt Letscher to come back to play Eobard.Like there’s really no reason for Tom to have been playing Eobard for as much as he has been,I get the flashbacks and whenever Barry travels back in time to when he was impersonating Wells and like I said I do enjoy those scenes because I do love EoWells, but other than that he shouldn’t be playing Thawne Matt should.Because if you remember from season one Eobard was pretending to be Wells so that he could train Barry to become the flash so he could return to the future, but that storyline is over now so why is he still wearing Wells face? And it’s not like it’s because Matt can’t be on the show so they have Tom filling in for when he can’t be there. Because from what I’ve heard they haven’t even tried to reach out to him to play the character again so I don’t understand what is going on. I just really want to see Eobard with his own face in his own body being himself like in Legends of Tomorrow and not him looking like Wells anymore.
Oh my gosh yes 👏🏼 this is exactly how I’ve been feeling. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to watch the Flash after Cisco left because he’s been a big comfort character for me throughout the years, but when Armageddon aired I realized I just wasn’t ready to let it go yet. And I keep wishing Cisco was still there,missing seeing him interact with other characters,wondering how he would respond to certain things that have happened and are happening right now. I just miss him a lot. But I also keep just thinking about how much I’m going to miss this show once it’s over.
recently I’ve been thinking about how I’m not ready to let go of TF when it comes to an end.. mostly because of how attached I am to the show (all because of WA). I know carlos already said bye to cisco and left TF but I’m still finding myself wishing he was still there at star labs making jokes and just having cisco being cisco. oh well
I feel called out 👀😅
Me: this show is trash
Thawne: *appears*
Me: okay now we’re doing something here -
I'm going to say this one time, and one time only: Eobard Thawne is Flash clickbait. No, I will not be taking any questions, thank you.
Barry: *asks something* Thawne: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE FLASH (2014-) “Flashpoint” (3.01) // “Keep It Dark” (8.17)
“I really do think Thawne is an exceptional character. A lot of legitimate psychology to explore. And linked to the hero in such an intimate way. Pretty unsual, in my (most certainly) amateur opinion. I hope the show [CW’s The Flash] gets around to origin story sometime. The character deserves it.”
— Happy birthday, Matthew David Letscher (b. 26th June 1970)
Yesterday it really hit me that there isn’t going to be another season of The Flash and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.
I think the thing that makes Eobard Thawne stand out so much as a villain is that he just spends all day, every day, hating the Flash. He has no grand master plan, no evil ideology, no end goal of any kind. He’s just this empty, rotting pit of hatred and there’s nothing else in there. He has no friends. He has no life. Even Lex Luthor has a job. Thawne has nothing but hating the Flash. He has nearly infinite godlike power and uses it specifically and solely to attack, dismantle, endanger, humiliate, and make miserable every second of every day of the Flash’s life from birth to death. He’ll kill his mother, he’ll push him down the stairs, he’ll alienate his friends, he’ll ruin his baseball game, he’ll stalk him, he’ll bully him as a child, he’ll harrass him as an adult, he’ll write him a weird text, he’ll kidnap his girlfriend, he’ll hold him up in traffic, he’ll shuffle his timeline like playing cards until he finds the perfect sequence of events to make the Flash’s life as miserable as possible, as early as possible, in every way possible, and as consistently as possible. This is the only thing he does and he has absolutely nothing else in his life. He is literally a hater, and his only motivation is to be a hater, and if he hadn’t picked the Flash to be a hater about he would be a hater about someone else. Incredible. Literally no one else is doing it like him and thank God.
people underestimate the comedic potential of eobard’s existence and his extreme petty hatred for this one (1) dude
bonus because i just feel like barry would think he’s just hallucinating or something but came up with the WORST way to tell his mom that