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Random Sketch while bored but I coloured it

I kind of hate this, but oh well. Just needs different colours.
Angel Ink Font Backstory: also Includes Dream and Nightmares sides of the story
Once, upon a time, a family lived in harmony, and peace. The father was part of a powerful guard, protecting the Kings of Heaven and Hell. They were very powerful, and full of life. One day, the Kings found two children that wandered into Hell. Their souls... Were so different... They were pure black, nothing like anyone had seen. Frisk and Chara stayed in the village, they were sweet and kind... Then one day, the Kings found them, with the one girl cradling her headless, mutalated sister.'The Monster did it.' Was what Chara said, and a black portal full of mindless, horrifying creatures poured out, forcing the brothers to seal the portal. However, the damage was done. The Monsters multiplied, and spilled into the Human realm. Thankfully, all species had special abilities to kill these creatures. Then everything... Changed.... Unknown to any of them, Chara did open this portal, she did summon the monster that murdered her sister in cold blood. But she hid it. Hid it until the right time when the brothers where apart. She planned to open the portal again, and shroud the realms in darkness and foul blood. The father did not want to fight. He wanted to help, but he had a family. The rest agreed, the children needed their father and wished the father best of luck. He begged them to forget about Chara and come with him to hide, but they refused, and the battle went south. Everything was destroyed. Chara had won. The brothers fled. However... She had no way to open the portal again with out a very, very powerful soul. Then, she remembered. The father had very powerful Hybrid children. It was her chance! So... After finding them, she raided the laboratory, only to just capture the father and his wife. The children escaped. The Humans hated them... Thought them of Monsters themselves, because Beasts that fled from Chara integrated themselves with the Humans, but they did not fully accept. So the children were part of their undying hatred and rage. They trapped them inside a barrier to where they would rot and die...Then... One day... A lady showed up... She had bright red hair... And a cheerful smile. She offered them to play a Game with her. They accepted... But the board wasnt right. There was something wrong. They didnt know this was Chara, until she revealed her real form, grabbing at the oldest child. However, the youngest boy stepped in the way to be taken. Then, the oldest grabbed her baby sister and ran. Chara eventually caught up with them, and stabbed the youngest through her soul. Chara couldnt finish the job, as the oldest teleported away, begging her sister not to die.
Then she had an idea. She took her sisters vanishing soul.
And fused it with hers.
Ink maintains complete control, due to her sisters weak soul.
Hi ! Hope yall good today/tonight ✨
Earlier on this blog, I said that I wanted to show yall my OCs, remember ? Then here's one of them.
I present you Tallo the throne !

He's the main character of my OP AUs called "Hybrids" (yea I know I'm original).
WARNING SPOILERS ! If you didn't read the last chapter (1105), you'll be spoiled !
In this AU, the MG used the bustercall and destroyed Egghead.
Also this AU is canon with a Kataking french fanfiction made by @lawesculape, where King is living with Katakuri on Whole Cake Island after their captains's death. That's all you need to know to understand this AU.
Tallo was born as a test project, not classified as a seraphim like the ones you know, but as the first generation of lunarian hybrid made by Vegapunk about 18years ago : the Thrones.
But even after years under the control of the scientists, the thrones were still too rampageous and destructive to be used, so Vegapunk choosed to cryogenize them and locked them up on a basement far under the ground, far from the laboratories.
To make a long story short, when the bustercall was declared, an old scientist stayed on Egghead, released Tallo and helped him to run away from Egghead with a strange portal (an old unfinished experiment of the scientist). He was released randomly on one of the little islands of Whole Cake.
Weeks later, he will be discovered by King and Katakuri on Katakuri's island.
Annnd I think that's enought for now. It will be too long if I say everything I want in only one post lol. There's a lot to say about Tallo and also, there's some other OCs I've created for this AU. I'm so exited to talk to you about them.
Hope you enjoyed my little story. Sorry for the bad english by the way. I hope you've undertood everything 😅 Also here's the reference I've used to draw this time. Most of the references I use I found them on Pinterest, and most of the time I don't found the original artists. If you know who made the references let me know. I will, obviously, tag them !

See yall !

The prophet and the Prince