Hyper Masculinity - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
This Is Dedication.

This is dedication.

This is honour.

This is perfect.

This is, quite simply, the unsurpassable beauty of the Male form.

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2 years ago
The Fur Is Really Getting Well Established Now.

The fur is really getting well established now.

Makes me excited to think how much thicker it’s going to get when every hair follicle has been drowned in chemical androgens for another 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.

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2 years ago
I Want Pecs So Big I Cant See My Feet. Just Two Gigantic Slabs Of Thick, Heavy, Chemically-enhanced Drugmeat.

I want pecs so big I can’t see my feet. Just two gigantic slabs of thick, heavy, chemically-enhanced drugmeat.

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2 years ago
James Gets Better With Every Passing Day.

James gets better with every passing day.

More muscle, less hair. The ultimate combination.

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2 years ago
Im Experimenting A Little With My Steroid Regime At The Moment, So Ive Added Some Primo Into My Stack.

I’m experimenting a little with my steroid regime at the moment, so I’ve added some Primo into my stack.

Bloody expensive, but I’ve heard good things so I’m trialling it for the next month or so.

Keeping calories at a consistent 4,800 per day, but will increase that to 5,000+ if need be. Already my weight has climbed to 203 lbs.

Feeling strong, feeling motivated, feeling ready to grow.

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2 years ago
Current Weight Has Increased To 205 Lbs.

Current weight has increased to 205 lbs.

Feeling real good about my growth prospects.

Consistently knocking back a shit load of food, increased intensity in the gym, progressing on each of my lifts, and I even splashed out on a new mattress to aid my sleep.

My 240 lb goal is firmly locked on the horizon, only another 35 lbs to go.

Then, we set our sights on even more…

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2 years ago
Is There Any Greater Signifier Of Status In Our Community Than A Huge Set Of Quads?

Is there any greater signifier of status in our community than a huge set of quads?

I admire plenty of physiques out there, both online and in my own gym. But for me, there is another level of admiration saved exclusively for Men with knock out quads.

It’s the difference between thinking ‘Damn he looks good’ and ‘Oh shit, this dude means business’.

I’ve a long way to go, but I will get there. I need the characteristic ‘bodybuilder waddle’.

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2 years ago

Complete Obscenity.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw this one. It just does not get better than this.

So much dense, bulky muscle hanging off Rob’s femurs. This is a Man who knows what he’s doing. He understands how to harness the true potential of the Male form, and what our incredible bodies are capable of when force fed and introduced to the needle.

This Man is a hero and I will be saluting him by blowing my roidwad to this video. Join me.

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2 years ago
Hyper-Masculinity: A Celebration Of Malehood

Hyper-Masculinity: a celebration of Malehood

It all started with a modest vision. A desire to look less scrawny and not have arms like twigs. But it didn’t take long for my aspirations to soar much higher.

How could I be satisfied with merely being ‘less scrawny’ when bodybuilders across the world offered a glimpse into the true magnificence of the Male form?

My formerly modest vision soon developed into something altogether more powerful. Modest improvement gave way to a complete reimagining of who I was.

Yet, I still feel like my transformation is barely 50% complete. To even contemplate easing off the throttle now would be a dereliction of duty. There is still so much muscle to be gained.

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2 years ago
Mutation Continues.

Mutation continues.

My body is still starved of vital muscle. There remains so much free space on my frame that should be packed with excessive muscle mass

But even though that is the case, mutation MUST drive onwards in other areas. Hyper-masculinity is all consuming after all.

That’s why I continue to grow furry as fuck and am now rocking an even bigger piercing.

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2 years ago
Thicken That Pelt.

Thicken that pelt.

It might make you uncomfortable, it might make you overheat, it may even leave you drenched in sweat during every single workout.

But this is not about what is comfortable. This is not about what is practical. This is about a steadfast commitment to the hyper-masculinisation of the Male form.

If you are truly dedicated to the cause, you need to accept that muscle and fur go hand in hand. Ditch your razor, bin those clippers. This is who you are now.

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2 years ago
4 Years - 33 Lbs Gained

4 years - 33 lbs gained

Force fed, nourished with chemical androgens, determined to be a freak.

Bodybuilding has a cruel tendency to make you blind to the gains you’ve made. When I close my eyes and try to picture my current physique, my brain still concocts an image just like the one on the left.

The belief that this is how I still look can be so strong that, when confronted with a pic such as the one on the right, I don’t recognise it as myself. “I don’t think my arms look like that, there’s no way my delts look that full, I’m definitely not that hairy”. But it is me. I am that hairy. My delts do look like that.

Crazy thing is, even when armed with clear evidence of how inaccurate my internal size-barometer is, I can still say with 100% certainty that I want to be so much bigger. My quest for obscene size is honestly stronger now than it’s ever been.

I guess the moral of the story here is: chase your dreams; if you want to be obscene, then be obscene. Just make sure to occasionally take stock and acknowledge how far you’ve come already.

Wanna help me pack on the next 33 lbs? Drop me a DM and let’s talk.

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2 years ago
The Lust For Size.

The lust for size.

Identifiable gains come pretty slowly in this game, especially when you’re used to seeing your body in the mirror every day. But even I’ve noticed some new size lately.

Any time I notice some new growth, it has a powerful compounding effect on my desire to get big. Instead of making me feel like I’m nearly there, it only makes me dream of aiming even higher. Current weight is hovering around 208 lbs. But I think we can all agree that needs to be significantly more.

If you’d like to play a key role in making sure 208 becomes 228, becomes 248, becomes… feel free to check out my new WishTender. I’ve detailed some of my recent growth-related expenditure (including my most anabolic of supplements 💉💉💉).

Universal wishlist. Receive and give gifts safely and easily.

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2 years ago

Hey, man. Love your page. I’ll have to check out your onlyfans. Getting ready to resume my roid progress and start generating content, as well. It’s good to see someone like minded when it comes to masculine identity. Keep up the good work, bro!

Appreciate the love, thanks buddy.

There’s plenty of furry muscle on there to hopefully keep your mind focussed on the task at hand. Remember: bigger is always better.


OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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2 years ago

Wow man, you're bigger than anyone I've seen IRL. Can I ask how long you've been working out? I always dreamed of being giant but I've always been a skinny twig and at 34 I feel like I missed my window. Also how are your legs looking? You don't usually show them ;)

Wow Man, You're Bigger Than Anyone I've Seen IRL. Can I Ask How Long You've Been Working Out? I Always

Been lifting in some capacity for the past 12 years, but I’d argue I’ve only been lifting with purpose for the last 4 years.

Do not short change yourself, buddy. If you were hoping to step on an Olympia stage, sure, starting at 34 might make that an impossibility. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still make considerable progress. Hyper-masculinity is too great a gift to be squandered.

I don’t tend to show off the wheels as often because they need a lot of work haha. But I’ll get there. Wanna grow these fuckers until they chafe when I walk 💪

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2 years ago

Will you post dick?💯💯😍😍

I’m afraid Tumblr doesn’t allow explicit content anymore, buddy.

However, I do post a ton of dick (and ass) on Twitter and OF. Check them out here:

Steroidal Masculinity (@SteroidalMasc) / Twitter
Ultra-sexualised hyper-masculinity. That’s the goal.

OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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2 years ago

Love your transformation and hope you embrace your balding

Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding

I couldn’t be more proud.

I embrace hair loss because it is an integral part of the Man I want to become. Every single one of my favourite bodybuilders are bald. Baldness only serves to amplify a Man’s sexual potency.

Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding
Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding
Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding
Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding
Love Your Transformation And Hope You Embrace Your Balding

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2 years ago
Growing Again.

Growing again.

Food intake has always been my biggest challenge when it comes to muscle growth. My natural appetite is quickly satiated meaning any extra calorie requirements rely on constant, conscious effort.

Not a big deal, we gotta do what we gotta do to grow. But what it does mean is, when I get sick (like I did recently on holiday), the drive to continue eating to excess vanishes and weight falls off me: from around 208 lbs to 200.3 lbs in this case.

I’m back to full strength now and shovelling food down my gullet. Already, my weight has rebounded to 202.7 lbs. The plan is to regain as much as I can over the next few weeks, then enter 2023 primed to pack on some fresh, new, never seen before muscle.

With a little bit of luck, 2023 will leave me bigger to the point of being unrecognisable from the guy you see above 💪💉💪

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2 years ago


Nowadays, I don’t think a minute goes by where my brain isn’t consumed by sex. As my body grows larger and my mind is reprogrammed, the desire to view dudes as sex objects, as conquests, only gets stronger.

Doesn’t matter if you’re out shopping for groceries, minding your own business walking down the street or taking a breather after an epic set in the gym. I see you. And my dick wants to be deep inside you.

OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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Chest day

Head freshly shaved, beard looking sharp, titties feeling pumped, now let’s go fuck some dudes in the locker room.

OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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