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Alright then, here is chapter 2 of TWOAE, and as tensions mount, the silent observer watches as the tension begins to cross.
(Also I am creating a tag-list. If there is anyone who wants updates on this story, let me know and I will add you in the tags.) @rhyslahey @thiamsxbitch @phantomraeken @hemlocksandfoxgloves @bendystrah @amatchinwater
***This is a much longer chapter than the first one. To let everyone know, the italic words after a dialogue of a character in the past events or when Seraph is eavesdropping are his thoughts, unless it is a cinematic retelling of canon events Seraph is present in. Just so that there will be no confusion. But ENJOY!!!*
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The Wings Of An Enigmatic
Chapter 2: A Disconcerting Sight
The final bell of school rang, and countless students flooded the hallways to go to their destinations. Seraph was one of them. He swiftly navigates his way through the crowd so he can get away from the sea of loud students and head to the exit.
Despite his neutrality and observance, there were a few exchanges of words that he had listened to. It was between Scott and Mieczyslaw during chemistry class. This is one of two classes that he shares with the two individuals. But while he was creating a formula for dry ice, his heightened hearing picked up their conversation earlier.
Flashback - Second Period, Chemistry Class
“Maybe it was my blood on the door.”
“Could have been animal blood. You know? Maybe you caught a rabbit or something.”
“And did what?”
“Ate it.”
“No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I don’t know, you’re the one who can’t remember anything.”
Seraph internally sighs. Sometimes Mieczyslaw’s sarcasm doesn’t help, considering how Scott is trying to remember if he was the one who hurt Mr.Myers. Luckily for Scott, the enigmatic teen can concur that Scott did not hurt the poor man, but tried to help him out of his werewolf’s subconscious. Bless Seraph’s precognitive abilities. Although Seraph doesn’t understand why Stiles would assume Scott would eat a rabbit.
“Hey, I think I found something!” One of the students called out, heading to the window interrupting Mr. Harris’s lecture. Seraph, intrigued, went to the windows to follow the other students. Looking out the window is emt workers pulling a stretcher of a body. Mr. Myers.
Suddenly said man on the stretcher jolts up in a panic, scaring the students (minus Seraph himself) in the class. Just as the students slowly back away while still looking out the window, he felt Scott’s anxiety peak up.
“Okay, this is good. He’s alive. Dead guys can’t do that.”
“Stiles…I did that.”
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And in the cafeteria during lunch where Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Danny Mahealani, and Jackson Whittemore conversed.
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“So I hear they say it’s some kind of animal attack? Probably a cougar?” Danny’s voice muses out as Seraph heightened his hearing far from the group.
Yes…if only a werecougar was present during the attack but that wasn’t the case.
“I heard Mountain Lion.” Jackson replies.
Mountain Lions and Cougars are the same thing, insignificant scum.
“Cougars and Mountain Lions are the same thing.” Lydia responds. Yes, Lydia gets me here-
“Isn’t it?” Oh my god, this girl.
“Who cares? The guy’s probably some homeless tweaker who's going to die anyway.”
Of course you would think that Jackson because everyone in this school excluding yourself, Lydia, and Danny are homeless tweakers with that rich boy mentality. Why is Lydia with this degenerate?
“Actually I just found out who it is, check it out.” Stiles replies as he pulls out the cellphone to the group.
So have I, Stilinski. So have I.
“I-I know this guy,” Scott replies.
“You do?” “Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I was living with my dad. He was the driver.”
“Can we talk about something slightly more fun please?” Lydia huffs. At that point, Seraph tuned out the rest of the conversation.
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Present - Kingfisher Estate
“Are you sure that you were the one who hurt Mr.Myers, McCall?” Seraph ponders in his thoughts as he pulls his car up to the cobblestone driveway of his family’s Georgian estate. He turns off the ignition, takes his bag and exits the car. Earlier, Lydia had tried to find a date for Seraph to invite him to Lydia’s double date, but he flat out declined. Seraph’s ice king and enigmatic personality alone is not winning anybody’s attention.
He opens the red colored doors to the estate, going inside. Just as he locks the door, he hears someone coming down the stairs.
“Oh it’s just you.” A feminine voice flatly quips. Seraph glances at a very short girl who is 4ft '11 inches in height and with long brown hair dressed in a blouse and a black skirt with boots. His 14 year old sister, Celes Kingfisher.
“Obviously it’s me. Mom is at work still and dad is in Alaska for a board meeting. Who else were you expecting?” Seraph questions with a deadpan look.
"A boy named Mason." At Seraph’s raised eyebrows, Celes sighs. "Relax, Mason is into boys so don’t play protective brother mode."
“Inviting a regular Beacon Hills human into our estate is quite risky.”
“One, Mason is a very intelligent student with honors and has a knack for biochemistry and technology-”
“I am obviously aware he is from the affluent Hewitt family, Celes. I’m not dumb.”
Celes, the quaint fashionista girl, walks down the last part of the stairs before walking forward and plopping down on the chaise. Seraph drops his bag on the mahogany table, taking out his calculus assignment to get started on it.
“Always the serious homework doer I see.” Celes muses out as she takes out her phone to scroll through social media. Seraph gives her a confused look.
“Shouldn’t you be doing yours as well?”
“I already did my assignments, besides I am the only one with a 98 in my grade.” Celes remarks without looking up from her phone, while she relaxes and does her usual routine of looking through her feeds.
“I have 100s in 4 of my classes. I intend to keep it that way for the sake of getting into New York University in New York.” Seraph responds while he does his illustrations of formulas for the calculus problems.
“So how come your other two classes aren’t 100s then?”
“Because of Chemistry and Mr. Harris is an asshole, despite me being one of his so-called “favorite students”. But instead of getting a 100, I have a 96 for his class. His dislike for teaching is so evident. If that’s the case he should go back to the military to serve since that was his former occupation.” Seraph's curt reply makes Celes chuckle.
“And the other class?”
“Classical Literature. Apparently, Ms. Cavendish grades rather on performance than on writing details regarding life and death and usage of literary devices. I have a 99 in her class since I wrote a paper based on how love is a tragedy compared to how love is a beautiful feeling of passion. However I received an A- for that paper for the proper detailing and usage of citations from Romeo and Juliet.” Seraph finishes half of his calculus assignment before he looks at his sister.
“It’s kind of melancholic how you only know of the concept of love, yet you could only explain it theoretically, not on an emotional level.” Celes teases.
“Love is a tragedy. It makes people do crazy and reckless things. Like Romeo and Juliet, like Bella Swan with Edward Cullen in Twilight, like Katniss Everdeen with Peeta Mellark in the Hunger Games—”
“Twilight and the Hunger Games didn’t end in tragedy. Bella was happy marrying Edward and being with him for the rest of her life, while Katniss and Peeta had lived peacefully after Panem’s hegemonic dictatorship collapsed and the Hunger Games were permanently outlawed.” Celes interjects.
"My god you sound like Lydia when it comes to debates. Always eager to have a counter-argument on standby and shift the mood of the discussion.” Seraph snarks, getting up to head to the kitchen.
“Maybe you should start becoming Lydia’s partner in crime with education and history considering how the two of you have As in all of your classes.” Celes quips back.
“You are neurotic for thinking that. It’s a slim chance of ever happening considering me and Lydia’s convoluted mindsets.” Seraph grabs a glass before pouring water in it. He sips it as he listens to Celes’s discombobulated nonsense.
“It can be such a perfect duo between the two of you. Not romantic wise, no way as the two of you are very stark contrasts from each other-”
“Do not put me and her in the romantic context.” Seraph interrupts her while cringing, nearly choking on his water.
“As in a detective team duo is what I am proposing.” Celes states ignoring his disdain a few seconds ago.
“Like I mentioned before, me and her have convoluted mindsets. We would be bickering back and forth like hyenas in a desert range.” Seraph answers back. Celes just rolls her eyes at her older brother’s conservative viewpoint.
“Anyways, where is our grandmother? Because I do not sense her aura in the estate or hear her heartbeat.” Seraph asks while taking more sips of his water.
“She went grocery shopping with our butler. Apparently we are having grilled salmon topped with chopped grilled peppers, quinoa and asparagus as our dinner meal. For Dessert, they are buying key lime pie.” Celes replies, opening a can of soda.
“It was all nice and scrumptious until you mentioned asparagus. My contempt for that vegetable is very relevant. I do not understand why she still buys that." Seraph utters out, putting his finished glass in the sink.
“You just hate asparagus because it makes your urine-”
“Just don’t. Do not say it.” Seraph cuts her off vehemently. Celes tilts her head when she realizes Seraph’s now pensive gaze towards the mahogany cabinet. She ponders looking at her older brother while he thinks about— wait, he’s thinking about his encounter with a teenager named Isaac and how he is getting abused—
“Stop reading my mind, Celes. It’s troubling thoughts I should bear alone.” Seraph blurts out.
“Sorry but, you seem to be troubled by this Isaac person and finding out he is abused.” Celes responds.
“I can’t really help him. Who would believe an individual who can sense aura, read minds, smell blood and misery? Even if we involve mom, she will need a ton of concrete evidence to file a case against Isaac Lahey’s abuser. But with all of that, Isaac may not even allow that. The implication of it will only traumatize him as he believes there is something wrong with him thanks to the emotional and verbal abuser’s manipulation.” Seraph demonstrates. “An abusive narcissist finds ways to make it the victim’s fault and guilt trip them into believing it is their fault.”
“So what? We are just going to just let it continue while he gets abused by his dickwad of a caretaker?” Celes asks, hating the idea of someone innocent getting abused. It reminds her of a certain boy in her middle school whose father abused him and the mother until she divorced and left the deadbeat. But now because of how long that boy sustained abuse until 4th grade from reading that boy’s thoughts, he developed IED and has a hard time controlling his anger.
“Sadly, there is no choice. Plus us trying to help Isaac will expose us and our ties to the supernatural.” He concludes before going to the foyer for the stairs. “We do what we are best at doing. Staying neutral.”
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Garrison Meyes succumbed to his wounds that night. A tragedy befallen upon a man. Seraph knows something is definitely up as the Alpha wouldn’t just kill a school bus driver. There had to be a particular reason for him to be killed, or rather, succumbed to his critical wounds.
Seraph was asleep that night until his precognitive abilities showed him Derek Hale getting shot by a bullet filled with Blue Aconite Monkshood, from Kate Argent. The fact that the psychotic woman is back in town only states one thing. Reinforcements. When Seraph woke up at 6:15 in the morning, he realized the event had already happened, hearing the gunshots during his sleep at approximately 2am. Regardless of that, he took care of his hygiene before getting dressed in a white button down shirt, beige crew-neck sweater, black trousers and brown dress shoes. After getting his notebooks, folders and pens into his bag before draping it over his shoulder, he heads down to the kitchen table full of scrambled eggs, french toast, bacon, english muffins, variety selection of fruits, waffles, regular toast and scones, with spreads of jam, marmalade, clotted cheese and butter. He simply takes a slice of regular toast with grape jam before heading out.
“Be very careful today, Seraph. Another Argent is in town as you know.” His mother, Elizabeth stated. Her straight black hair is done neatly while she adds final touches of her eyeshadow over her tan skin in the mirror. Dressed in full attorney attire, she had her briefcase settled by the staircase in the foyer.
“I am well aware. Did Celes leave for school already?” Seraph asks after he finishes his toast.
“Yes. She went with Mason. Apparently they walked since the middle school is just 10 minutes from here.” His mom responds before she checks her phone. “By the way, your father is still in Anchorage and won’t be back until tomorrow evening. The CEO of the oil company in Alaska scheduled one final board meeting for the month.”
“And just as dad will be back, he will be swarmed with political duties in Beacon Hills Town Hall.” Seraph quips as he takes his keys. His mother chuckles at his dry wit.
“Well he is Beacon Hills’ top Council Member for a reason. He does alot of duties that require his help while he keeps watch of Beacon Hills through observing. Although, he is not happy with the arrival of the Argents.” Elizabeth explains.
“What supernatural would be thrilled about an influential multi-billionaire hunting family like the Argents being in Beacon Hills? Especially with their history and record?” Seraph questions, phrasing it as more of a statement. He kisses his mom’s cheek, saying his byes before he heads out into the driveway and enters his Honda Accord.
He gets to the school within 20 minutes before parking his car and getting ready to start his day. Once again, he is silently observing the environment, as well as watching the other students including Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia. School passes throughout the day almost uneventfully. Almost, until his last period which was study hall. It’s during this period when he senses an aura of pure pain and dread, with the scent of blood mixed with wolfsbane. He is alarmed as he remembers who was poisoned with a sizable dose of aconite.
DEREK HALE IS IN THE SCHOOL!? What is he doing here!?
Seraph calms down his thoughts as he uses his senses to lead him to wherever Derek is in the school. He is unable to comprehend why the Hale beta is in the school near the end of the last period of the day and why he is here when he can easily expose himself. As the senses of pain and dread grew stronger, so did the scent of aconite mixed with blood, and it made him nauseous. He turns to his left and he witnesses in the distance seeing a pale and very ill Derek confronted by none other than the egomaniac jock, Jackson.
“Steroids.” He hears Derek blurt out to Jackson which the blonde wasn’t buying.
“No girl scout cookies, what the hell do you think I am talking about?” Seraph hears Jackson sarcastically snap before continuing in smugness, “Oh and uh, by the way, whatever it is you’re selling, I’d probably stop sampling the merchandise. You looked wrecked.” Is Jackson assuming Derek gave Scott an enhancement or stimulant to be better in lacrosse? What an idiot. A smart but stupid idiot.
A moment of silence happens as Seraph watches Derek’s blood cascades from his knuckle, as one drop falls to the floor, unaware to the human jock. He can sense anger and pain leaking out of Derek.
“I’ll find him myself.” Derek declares quietly before leaving Jackson. But the captain of lacrosse remained undeterred as he clasped Derek’s shoulder. Seraph internally grumbles at that display of superiority.
Jackson you stupid, incomprehensible idiot-
“No, we’re not done here–!” Jackson’s words are instantly cut off when Derek pushes the former’s arm off his shoulder before pinning him to the lockers, and Derek’s claws sink deep into Jackson’s nape, earning a pained grunt from him. Seraph watches in slight shock as he sees Derek’s control slipping and harms a human. He is aware the werewolf is slowly dying from the poison but did he have to impale Jackson’s nape?
Then again, Jackson did deserve that. Derek stumbles away before Seraph witnesses Jackson grasp his nape in pain, and Seraph smells Jackson’s blood as well as the wolfsbane poison seeping into it.
Oh perfect, he’s going to suffer wolfsbane poisoning. He is not getting involved in that. This is an issue that doesn’t concern him. If Derek gets caught or ends up dying of the poison, then there goes the bloodline of the Hale family.
Seraph leaves the scene, as he heads to the parking lot for his car since the last period will be ending in 5 minutes. Just as he opens the passenger door to drop his back in is when he hears the bell ring inside and the numerous bodies of students exiting the school. Seraph gets in the driver seat, and starts the car. He pulls out of the parking lot and slowly drives as cars are in front of him exiting.
Then he feels it again. The aura of dread, pain combined with the smell of sweat, poisoned blood and this time a hint of death. He senses Derek outside again and this time, he is closeby. He abruptly stops as the car in front of him is completely still. Puzzled by the honking of horns, he unbuckles his seatbelt and exits his car. He gets a better view of what is happening and to his shock and irritation, there is Derek Hale, alive but on the pavement in front of Stiles' rustic Jeep. A disconcerting sight.
Oh my God…unreal. This is a disaster. I hope to God he does not expose himself to the humans around this school. Seraph’s thoughts were nothing but tense thoughts. As much as he feels bad for the adult werewolf, he cannot get involved in this without making himself known and who knows if there is a spy from the Argent family reporting to Chris Argent and Victoria Argent around here observing. He sees a nervous Scott and a frustrated Stiles huddled around a weakened Derek. He sees their lips moving so he sharpens his hearing.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked Derek anxiously.
“I was shot.” Derek pants out, barely sitting on the pavement.
“He’s not looking so good, dudes.” Stiles observed slowly.
NO, really Mieczysław? How did you figure that out?
“Why aren’t you healing?” Seraph hears Scott asked frantically.
“I can’t.” Derek said, breathing heavily, “It w- It was a different kind of bullet.”
“A silver bullet?” Stiles asked, surprised.
“No you idiot.”
Well technically silver bullets are useful against werewolves and werecoyotes, but not more potent compared to wolfsbane. The Argents certainly have some deadly weapons up their sleeves if they have Blue Monkshood infused bullets.
“Wait, Wait…” Scott cuts in, the aura of shock being felt. “That’s what she meant when she said you had 48 hours.”
“What?” Derek asks.
“The one who shot you.” Scott responds back. Wait, Scott was present when Kate shot Derek? Dannazione!
Suddenly, he heard the gasps and felt the flinching shifts of Derek’s human and werewolf forms. Seraph saw Derek’s eyes flicker between his regular ones and ice blue ones as he struggles to control it, shocking the enigmatic afar. Oh no this is going to be a catastrophe.
“What are you doing!? Stop that!” He hears Scott scold worriedly at Derek. At least Scott, despite his new transformation as a werewolf, is aware that they shouldn’t be out here and Derek shouldn’t be out in public as the poison makes Hale struggle with his control to shift.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell y-you, I can’t!” He sees the werewolf struggling to get up despite Scott’s urgence to get him up.
“Help me put him in the car!” Scott urges Stiles as they lift the heavy werewolf to the latter’s Jeep. The honking of car horns and curses of students are starting to annoy Seraph. He feels a presence, and glances slightly seeing Allison pass by him to see what is going on.
“I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used.” He hears Derek breathe out to Scott. Aconite Blue Monkshood, a rare form of wolfsbane, and the deadliest.
“How the hell am I supposed to do that?”
“She’s an Argent…she’s with them.” Derek implies lowly. Seraph tilts his head while he stares at the Jeep from the werewolves reply.
“Why the hell should I help you?” He hears Scott question frustratingly. I feel sorry for Scott, his transformation to becoming a werewolf is forcing him between the rift of the Hale and Argent war. A war between werewolves and hunters. A war…Scott doesn’t deserve to suffer in.
“Because you need me.” He catches Derek’s words mixed with his panting. Scott needs you, Derek? Or do you need him?
The car honks intensify along with students being much more aggravated now with the traffic congestion Stiles’ Jeep is causing, not that it’s the Sheriff’s son's fault.
“Fine, I’ll try.” He hears Scott reluctantly reply. “Stiles, get him out of here.”
“I hate you for this—so much.” Stiles grumbles as the Jeep takes off. Seraph changes back to his normal hearing as he watches the blue Jeep leave the vicinity. Before Scott could look in his direction, Seraph turned around heading back to his car. His sight deadpans when he sees a very familiar silver Porsche 911 behind his car, with Lydia inside of the Porsche. Jackson, who was out of his car just like Seraph was, sported a glare casted at him.
“Can you move your freaking piece of shit car so I can get the hell out of here, Sherlock Holmes?” Jackson snarls. Seraph remembered Jackson’s confrontation with Derek and with that new injury in the back of his neck, he appeared more like a cantankerous man that hasn’t gotten laid in 50 years.
“First off Whittemore, my Honda Accord is 3 months old with top notch durability, top quality auto parts, state of the art technology and is a terrain-resistant vehicle. I’ve been test driving it before my 16th birthday. Secondly, do not take your indignant and uncouth anger out on me just because your ego is broken thanks to someone else taking your spotlight in lacrosse.” Seraph rebukes him, staring him down.
“I would like to get back to my place instead of being in this shitty lot.” Jackson snarks back. Seraph shoots him a wry grin.
“Then you should have reversed and went around my own vehicle to leave then. What, you don’t want to ruin your precious, lavish car that was spent with daddy’s and mommy’s money? Spare me the theatrics.”
Jackson’s face turned red, like the color of a fire engine. He grinded his teeth before gazing at Seraph. “You’ve got some nerve, Kingfisher. Like you aren’t from the same rich background like me.”
Seraph chuckles sardonically. “Oh Whittemore, me and you are in two different echelons of Upper Class. You are lavishly rich since you were adopted by David Whittemore and Annalisa Whittemore. Your adoptive father created and manufactured his wealth while your adoptive mother came from money that she no longer has access to. Me, on the other hand, I was born into it. My family has been exceedingly wealthy for approximately 90 years. Henceforth my family has been a part of Beacon Hills’ high society for almost a century. I could easily buy 50 of those Porsche 911s and still be rich.” Seraph elucidates off of his family’s wealth, souring Jackson’s mood and breaking his ego. “Moreover, I am vieux-riche.”
Seraph sees Jackson clench and unclench his fists while his torso was shaking with anger and his jaw were contracted, edifying his repressed rage.
“Fuck you, tool.” Jackson hisses. Seraph bows with a humorless smile.
“The pleasure is mine. Now let me go back in my car and drive away peacefully so you can go back to your abode for your pornographic desires.” The irreverence of the enigmatic’s words startles Jackson that he chokes on his breath from the vulgar insinuation. The flabbergasted expression on the lacrosse captain’s face seen from the rearview mirror made Seraph grin before he closed his car door and drove off, not caring what or how he felt about Jackson.
Now all that matters is getting home and staying neutral. Part of him hopes Scott, Derek and Stiles are okay, while the other half of him remains negligent of their situation.
Truly he is an enigmatic structure of nerves to work with.
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So...what do you guys think of this canon au? Who is the enigma that is Seraph and just how will he interact with the others?
To let everyone know, much of season 1 and season 2 will be skimmed by partially due to Seraph being observant and a shadowy figure. However he will be having interactions of the canon characters soon. (Him and Stiles will be having sarcasm matches after sarcasm)