I Also Give Great Blowjobs Unenthusiastically - Tumblr Posts
Dude you know the question you asked what do conservatives get out of supernatural? So yesterday I found out that a friend of mine from high school who is a 22yo white cishet right-leaning Roman Catholic dude who is currently serving in the military watched all 15 seasons of supernatural. Apparently he liked the guns and the fighting and he also felt like Sam and Deans’ relationship with each other and with their father reflected a lot of his own experiences growing up with 5 brothers and a military father who was gone more often than not. When he started watching, his fav character was Sam but by the end, that had shifted to Dean although he disliked the fact that Dean was, and this is a direct quote, “such a whore.” I asked him if he liked the ending and he said that it was okay, that Dean’s death was “bullshit” but that the brothers got to enter heaven together and that’s what was most important. I additionally asked him what he thought of Castiel and he said that he thought his character was boring and he disliked it when the show tried to make Cas the center of episodes. He had absolutely no memory of what happened in 15x18 and had to look up the synopsis again to remember that Cas died. **********ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT MY FRIEND THAT MAKE ALL OF THIS ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL: we met through ballet, one of his other favorite shows is Hannibal, he is an absolutely lethal jujitsu fighter, he has no idea what tumblr is, he works on motorcycles and vintage cars for fun which his dad taught him how to do, and when he was 18, after his gf at the time cheated on him, he decided to give up on women and he dated a gay friend of his for 3 months. Apparently he figured out pretty quickly that he was “definitely straight” but he kept dating/having sex with his friend/boyfriend until they both moved away because “he was a genuinely good dude” and he “didn’t have to catch so it was fine.” Yes he did suck dick. I asked