I Am An Absolute Creature When Subspace I Am CHAOTIC - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

hullo,, thought I'd share my Phighting polymorph Mimic forms cause they ar interesting !! :D

Hullo,, Thought I'd Share My Phighting Polymorph Mimic Forms Cause They Ar Interesting !! :D

ive really only gotten medkit and subspace so far,, I used to get Banhammer every once ina while but some of my forms kinda just come and go ^_^

Hullo,, Thought I'd Share My Phighting Polymorph Mimic Forms Cause They Ar Interesting !! :D

also ther ar somany pros n cons about being subspace SIGH. theres the fact that I'm VENOMOUS HEHHEHEH I get venom in my fangs and my tail hehehheheheh and also. breath some sort of gas ? its like the stuff that'd make you pass out I thinjk heheh. but the cons are that SUNLIGHT SUCKS. LIKE SUUCCKKS. it feels weird on my burns and my mostly exposed arm,, just uncomfy. then also I'm terribly thin, being rotten ykyk and eating feels weird. sometimes I just cant eat cause my stomach will IMMEDIATELY reject it sigh.

anyway enough rambles I'll try to post again soon,, hehehehheheheh

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