Polymorph - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Oh gods, my players would use the Spell Burst ability for any and all concentration spells

Spellbook Bomb

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

“A unique spellbook that absorbs spells cast into it. The arcane runes and gems on the front cover glow and pulse as more power is transferred into its pages. When at full capacity, it’s a deadly magic item regardless of the hands that hold it.”

This magic spellbook can store up to 12 levels worth of spells at a time. Any creature can cast a spell into the spellbook by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the spellbook. If the spellbook can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

Book Bomb. As an action you can throw this spellbook into a space you can see within 30 feet and speak the command word. Any creature within 20 feet of the book must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 damage per level of spells stored in the book, or half as much on a success. You can choose the damage type from one of the spells stored in the spellbook. This does not destroy the spellbook. The spellbook is emptied of all spell levels following this action and you cannot store spells in it for 24 hours.

Spell Burst. When detonating the spellbook you can instead choose to unleash all of the spells stored inside at the same time. Any creature within range of a spell is subject to the effects. A spell with a single target is determined at random, so long as all other prerequisites of the spell are met. Touch spells affect a random creature within 20 feet of the spellbook. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. Spells that require concentration, do not, lasting their full duration. The spells cast from the book are done so in a random order, and are no longer stored in it. After using this action, roll a d20, on a result of 1-5, the book is destroyed. Otherwise you cannot store spells within it for 7 days.

LOOK! I know what you're thinking, and yes, this thing is ridiculous. Give to your players at your own RISK! But the Twitch Chat wanted a Book Bomb, so they got a Book Bomb.

Spellbook Bomb

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

“A unique spellbook that absorbs spells cast into it. The arcane runes and gems on the front cover glow and pulse as more power is transferred into its pages. When at full capacity, it’s a deadly magic item regardless of the hands that hold it.”

This magic spellbook can store up to 12 levels worth of spells at a time. Any creature can cast a spell into the spellbook by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the spellbook. If the spellbook can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

Book Bomb. As an action you can throw this spellbook into a space you can see within 30 feet and speak the command word. Any creature within 20 feet of the book must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 damage per level of spells stored in the book, or half as much on a success. You can choose the damage type from one of the spells stored in the spellbook. This does not destroy the spellbook. The spellbook is emptied of all spell levels following this action and you cannot store spells in it for 24 hours.

Spell Burst. When detonating the spellbook you can instead choose to unleash all of the spells stored inside at the same time. Any creature within range of a spell is subject to the effects. A spell with a single target is determined at random, so long as all other prerequisites of the spell are met. Touch spells affect a random creature within 20 feet of the spellbook. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. Spells that require concentration, do not, lasting their full duration. The spells cast from the book are done so in a random order, and are no longer stored in it. After using this action, roll a d20, on a result of 1-5, the book is destroyed. Otherwise you cannot store spells within it for 7 days.

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1 year ago

I know which kin is strongest when I get a bout of species dysphoria surrounding that kin

The polymorphism has retaken the wheel, y'all

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8 months ago

Adult otherkin/alterhumans pspspspspsps my mom has Tumblr now but she's an adult (old enough to have a 20 yr old son) and a lot of the otherkin community are minors. Bonus points if ur polymorph/gryphon/angel kin but absolutely any otherkin can interact. This isn't reblog bait; replies and likes will also be taken into account if you don't feel comfortable reblogging!

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8 months ago

hullo,, thought I'd share my Phighting polymorph Mimic forms cause they ar interesting !! :D

Hullo,, Thought I'd Share My Phighting Polymorph Mimic Forms Cause They Ar Interesting !! :D

ive really only gotten medkit and subspace so far,, I used to get Banhammer every once ina while but some of my forms kinda just come and go ^_^

Hullo,, Thought I'd Share My Phighting Polymorph Mimic Forms Cause They Ar Interesting !! :D

also ther ar somany pros n cons about being subspace SIGH. theres the fact that I'm VENOMOUS HEHHEHEH I get venom in my fangs and my tail hehehheheheh and also. breath some sort of gas ? its like the stuff that'd make you pass out I thinjk heheh. but the cons are that SUNLIGHT SUCKS. LIKE SUUCCKKS. it feels weird on my burns and my mostly exposed arm,, just uncomfy. then also I'm terribly thin, being rotten ykyk and eating feels weird. sometimes I just cant eat cause my stomach will IMMEDIATELY reject it sigh.

anyway enough rambles I'll try to post again soon,, hehehehheheheh

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8 months ago


☆ expression tips for polymorph, polytherians, shapeshifters, and any individuals with numerous forms ☆

it’s an obvious one, but if you like to change your appearance based on your form, then collect various wearable gear. this can be anything like clothes, jewelry, accessories, tails, masks, or even makeshift things that reflect your forms. you can mix and match as much as you’d like — if you’re feeling particularly goatlike and fishlike, you can opt for a fishing shirt with a pair of horns!

of course, gear doesn’t just include wearable things. you can collect plushies, decor, figurines, pieces of art, or any objects that remind you of your kins or forms :)

try experimenting with sounds! you could perhaps learn how to recreate birdsong, copy different kinds of growls and howls, or even invent your own or personal lexicon of words and phrases! another option is finding a playlist of songs or noises that reflect your habitat or home, like rainforest sounds or thematic music

it’s a weirder one, but you can also experiment with your scent with perfume or cologne. this is a subtle yet effective way to convey a different vibe without looking any different

if your diet allows, try branching out to different foods or snacks that may fit your form. for example, on days you feel more rodentlike, you could opt for more leafy and nut based snacks like salad or trail mix. on other days you feel more carnivorous, try a hearty burger or chicken wings instead!

watch documentaries, movies, or even do research based on your current form. learn about hibernation patterns if you’re a bear, watch a documentary on the behaviors of cats if you’re a domestic feline, or watch the how to train your dragon movies if you’re a nightfury

as a shapeshifter myself, i like to keep these things in mind whenever i shift to find ways to express my identity :3 hopefully this helps anyone that may need it !!

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