I Am Fully In Tears As I Finished Reading Away - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"It was almost as if the heavens were conspiring against you, keeping you from doing the one thing that brought you the most joy." man i felt so bad for them here and the fact they have to hide doing all this

"but your grandfather made sure he taught you everything he knew before he passed away when you were barely fifteen" this was so cute of him to do 😭đŸ„ș im so glad he taught them everything!!

but he had never seen the sheer amount of love and awe in anyone’s eyes as they gazed up at the skies, except for yours. Every time he went past Earth, Seonghwa was always touched by your curiosity and passion for his creations." this made me flutter so much wow i fell in love with these words the way he saw the appreciation of his beauty by them!!

"he gets worried and decides to break Celestia’s one rule: he descends upon Earth." omg the way he just broke the rule this 😭😭😭😭😭 i love him so much for that.

i felt so bad for him when he came down only to find out.. God. that hurt so badly. with him destroying the galaxies đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜©

“Can you
 can you make me a mortal the next time her soul walks on Earth?” STOPPPPP!!!

"celebrating the first meeting of its creator and the light for whom he gave up for his immortality." i died reading this omg this was everything i literally fell off my couch 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you deserve so much kisses for this, writer!!

Looking For Star, Looking For Love

Looking For Star, Looking For Love

pairing: celestial deity!Seonghwa x fem!Reader // idol!Seonghwa x fem!reader

genre: reincarnation!au. angst. a sprinkle of fluff. meet cute-ish?

wc: 2.6k+

warnings: major character death. angst. some fluff. I think there's more fluff than I think there is but oof— mentions of MC's mom screaming (not at her). I wrote this in the middle of the night... It's literally 2 a.m. rn... So there might be typos/mistakes jsksksks ;~;

summary: what happens when a celestial deity falls for you!

Tumblr is based on a system of reblogs, not likes. Please reblog my work. Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

a/n: um... I did a little something for Seonghwa's birthday. I hope you enjoy! Happy Hwa Day, everyone!

As always thank you everyone who reads, leaves a comment, reblogs, likes, and sends in asks! You're always welcome to tell me what you liked, what you didn't, your thoughts about the fic, or simply just tell me your reaction! Much love!

Permanent Taglist (open): @justhere4kpop @spooo00oky @dorothyplushie @simeonswhore @giiouis @lelaleleb @imababywolf @starillusion13 @jjaelly @jackinmyarea @sansblackwife @starrysvn @stopeatread @aestheticsluut @jexizia @starteez @vanishingboots @charreddonuts @frankenstein852 @arminandjeanandannieandhange @8tinytings @marievllr-abg @miriamxsworld @reyagaf @marsanhwa @paigeeastman @aursmrt @wxnderingthoughts @humblenkindness @lightinythedark @mochiteez @shiningcandy1117 @neverendingdream111 @awkwardfuckingthing

Looking For Star, Looking For Love

The sun lights up the sky during the daytime, blessing everything it touches with warmth and light. But as night falls and the sun graces the other side of the planet with its light, one can truly see how dark the universe is. Far, far above the Earth’s atmosphere, space fades into an inky pitch-black, only punctuated by the feeble glimmers of distant stars and galaxies.

But tonight, the stars have been replaced by dark, stormy clouds, replaced by nothing but the small droplets of rain that fall down towards the ground, reflecting the dull light from the lamps nestled between the trees lining the roads. A horse carriage clatters to the seafront as the guard making his nightly rounds blows his whistle in the distance.

Inside a manor overlooking the sea, a woman’s unceasing tirade raises to its usual pitch of anger. Your mother shouts at the cooks as she did whenever a ball is imminent. Considering this ball is for your sister’s engagement, you sort of understand her worries. But at the same time, your skin prickles at her shrill voice, and you feel a wave of sympathy for whoever it is she has turned her ire upon. 

When angry, your mother is a force to be reckoned with that even your father doesn’t wish to cross. You shut the library doors behind you, breathing a sigh of relief when your mother’s voice falls to a mere murmur. Bless your father for ensuring that the library would be somewhat soundproof when the manor was being built.

You walk over to the table, flipping open your journal, which contains sketches of the positions of stars, the moon, and the different planets at various times of the year. When you reach a blank sheet, you can’t help but frown. You were looking forward to sketching the stars tonight, for your father had seen shooting stars blazing through the skies last night. You were surprised when he talked about it at breakfast earlier today, for according to your calculations, the yearly showers weren’t supposed to start until next week. Yet, the prospect of seeing the shooting stars was exciting, and you had planned your weekly escape from the manor meticulously. All of your plans turned to dust the moment it started raining. It was almost as if the heavens were conspiring against you, keeping you from doing the one thing that brought you the most joy.

Another sigh leaves you, and you gently put the journal away at the back of a shelf stocked with books on painting, books you knew no one in your family would touch. The cleaners weren’t allowed to take out the books from their shelves anyways, so no one would discover your little secret. You may not have received a formal education, but your grandfather made sure he taught you everything he knew before he passed away when you were barely fifteen. He had done so despite your parents being against it, and even now, they frowned upon your fascination with the stars. So you hid it well, playing the role of an obedient daughter, even if to stay out of trouble.

Later that night, after everyone in the manor has gone to sleep, you are awoken by an unpleasant dream. Bleary-eyed, you blink at the familiar sight of your room. The realisation that you’re safe and in your room eases the adrenaline in your veins somewhat, and it is at that moment you register the moonlight filters in through your windows. A confused hum leaves your lips. You remember falling asleep to the sound of raindrops and thunder, so it does strike you as a little weird that the storm passed so soon.

You pull back the blankets covering you and pad over to the french windows that open to the terrace. A gust of cold breeze hits you as you step outside, and you shiver, wrapping your robe around yourself tighter. It’s not much help, though, considering that the material is quite flimsy anyways. But the sight of the clear sky makes a smile pull at your lips as you gaze up in wonder.

From the corner of your eye, you see what you had been praying to lay your eyes upon ever since you heard your father’s words. There, in the sky, quick streaks of light erupt in the vast inkiness of the night, disappearing just as quickly as they appear. Quick as you can, you turn back to run to your room and grab the telescope your grandfather had gifted to you on your fourteenth birthday. You quickly set it up on its stand and angle yourself to look through the lens.

You can’t help but marvel at the beauty of the shooting stars as they blaze across the night sky, falling prey to the Earth’s gravity and dying in a burst of light as they burn in the Earth’s atmosphere. As you watch the shooting stars, you can’t help but remember something you had read in one of the books in the library.

Nothing is immortal. Everything you see in the universe is bound to vanish one day and will be replaced by nothing.

What you don’t know, however, is that high above you, past the atmosphere of the Earth, someone is watching you gaze at the shooting stars with a huge grin on his face. In fact, he deliberately made the meteor shower appear sooner than it should have, just to see the amazement in your eyes.

Having lived for billions of years, creating beautiful celestial phenomena, breathing life and light into the vast expanse of nothingness, Seonghwa had been sure no one appreciated his creations more than himself. Sure, many of the life forms on different planets loved to study his creations, but he had never seen the sheer amount of love and awe in anyone’s eyes as they gazed up at the skies, except for yours. Every time he went past Earth, Seonghwa was always touched by your curiosity and passion for his creations. 

Every week, as you sneaked out of your manor to the cliff a few ways away from your town to study the skies, Seonghwa would find himself watching you. He gazed at you in adoration while you studied the stars and planets, taking notes and drawing sketches of what you saw. Slowly, he found himself creating new celestial objects closer to the Earth so that he could see your eyes light up like the stars he had created as you admired his creations.


A stern voice causes a shiver down his spine. Schooling his expression, he turns towards the source of the voice. Sure enough, he sees the last person—or in this case, the only primordial deity he feared—he wanted to see. Celestia stands in front of him, hands on her hips as she looks at him with a disappointed expression.

“You cannot let your obsession for a mortal make you forget your duties,” she reprimands him.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t forget any of my duties, Celestia,” Seonghwa tries to placate her anger. He goes through his mental checklist, wondering if he has indeed forgotten something, but he cannot remember anything important enough that would make Celestia this angry.

“You were supposed to create a nebula in a whole other supercluster today,” she reprimanded him. “You have been slacking off on your duties ever since you discovered that little human. Don’t let your attraction for her cloud your judgement.”

For several moments, Seonghwa keeps quiet. His lips move as though trying to speak, though no sound emerges as he tries to come up with an excuse. Sighing when he realises he cannot talk himself out of this, he murmurs out an apology and teleports himself to where he is supposed to be.

Next week, he is unable to see you for your weekly night escapade because he has duties to attend to. So he swallows his disappointment and works on a couple of galaxies that had been colliding for millennia and were in the last phase of the merge. The week after that, when he passes by Earth and doesn’t see you, it strikes him as odd, but he doesn’t think much of it since he remembers that your sister is to be married soon. But when weeks pass, and he doesn’t see you, he gets worried and decides to break Celestia’s one rule: he descends upon Earth.

He emerges out of the tree line, dressed in something similar to what the humans of the town wear. He wastes no time, walking straight to your parents’ manor. But before he arrives at the wrought iron gates, he runs into someone. Apologising profusely, he helps them to pick up the letters that had fallen to the ground.

“You don’t seem to be from here,” the person says. “I’ve never seen you before.”

“Oh, yes,” Seonghwa smiles, handing them the letters. “I’m here to visit the youngest granddaughter of Mr Y/L/N.”

He watches as the person’s expression darkens quickly. The silence lasts for a while as the man searches Seonghwa’s expression for something. When he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, he shakes his head sorrowfully.

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?” Seonghwa frowns. Something akin to dread settles in his stomach as the male continues to observe him.

“She’s gone,” the stranger's voice is brimming with anguish. “A few weeks ago, she went to the cliff with her telescope. We don’t exactly know what happened, but in the wee hours, a couple of fishermen heard her scream. By the time the townsfolk reached, there was no sign of her and her telescope was found broken over the cliffs.”

In the billions of years Seonghwa has lived, the aeons he has seen his creations fade into nothingness, he has never felt sorrow hit him the way it does at the man’s words. He turns back the way he came, teleporting himself back into space the moment he’s sure no one can see him.

By the time Celestia reaches him, he is inconsolable. Seonghwa has destroyed so many galaxies, tearing through them in his grief as if they’re the reason for his anguish. He screams and screams and screams into the void, cheeks streaked with tears as he becomes little more than a vessel of grief.

Celestia doesn’t know how to help him, watching helplessly as she sees Seonghwa’s brightness fade. For the first time, she remembers that even though he is usually the one breathing light into the fabric of space, he’s also the one who creates massive black holes that swallow everything, even light.

Watching him like this, Celestia can’t even bring it upon herself to reprimand him for breaking her only rule: to not show themselves to mortals. She knows he blames himself for what happened. He might have been there to save you if he had not been supervising the collision.

For a long time, she watches him break until weakness and exhaustion take root, and he slumps, nothing but a whimpering mess.

“Can you
 can you make me a mortal the next time her soul walks on Earth?”

His voice is hoarse from screaming and crying, and for a moment, Celestia doesn’t register what he has said. It is only when he repeats himself that she understands what he is asking of her, and she gazes at him in horror.

“You are willing to give up your immortality for a human?”

“Why should I roam the infinite expanse of the universe, creating all these beautiful celestial phenomena, when my own light rests in that one soul?” He asks eyes rimmed with redness that reminds her of the fires that blaze in the stars he creates. “I wasn’t able to protect her this time, but I want to be there to protect her and love her the next time she walks on Earth. Please, Celestia, this is the only thing I ask of you. You are capable enough of creating someone else to take over my duties. Please.”

Looking For Star, Looking For Love

Present Day

Seonghwa strikes off the name of yet another place in his journal. The pen scratches against the paper so harshly that it rips off part of the page, cursing a frustrated noise to leave his lips. The sound of the tearing of paper is loud, causing Hongjoong and Yunho to look up from where they sit on the couch of Seonghwa’s hotel room.

They watch in concern as the eldest male puts on a cap and mask and grabs his coat from the back of a chair.

“I’m going for a walk. Don’t wait up for me,” is the only thing he says before making his way out of the door.

As he walks through the streets, he thinks of how the world looks less optimistic in the dark. Or maybe, it’s all in his head. There’s a void in his chest that doesn’t seem to fill no matter what he does. It is much like a black hole, drawing all his happiness and light into the void and turning it into longing.

Longing for what? He has no idea.

The smell of rain lingers in the air, it had been raining until an hour ago, and the chill still lingers. He feels the wind nip at his exposed skin as he stares, eyes glassy and unfocused, at the sky. Once, the night sky was a constant source of comfort to him, the stars a beacon of love and magnificence. But as time passed, watching the skies made him feel even hollower. He was thankful for his packed schedule, for it allowed him to not stop to even glance at the sky due to how busy he was.

Light from the corner of his eyes catches his attention. It comes from your phone that you just put on the bench you’re seated on. He watches, fascinated, as you push yourself backwards to rest against the back of the bench to look up at the sky. There’s a fluffy jacket covering you, making you appear small, dwarfed either by the size of the furry coat or maybe it’s because he knows the sheer size of the universe above the two of you. Like this, bathed in the dim light of the moon, you look ethereal, and he can’t help but smile beneath his mask.

Without realising it, he finds himself walking up to where you’re seated. He’s drawn to you like a moth to a flame, your light calling out to him much like a siren’s song.

“May I join you?” The words fall from his lips gently, as though he is scared to startle you. It is nighttime, and he’s nothing more than a stranger to you.

But to his utmost surprise, you smile at him brightly. “Are you here to watch the yearly meteor shower too?”

Seonghwa can only nod. He fears if he says something, you’ll not let him stay.

“You made the right choice,” you grin at him, patting the bench for him to sit down on. “This is the best place to watch the meteor shower, unlike what others think. I’m so excited because it is earlier this year. The only time that happened was 200 years ago.”

“Really?” He asks as he settles next to you, fondly listening to what you have to say about the shooting stars, looking at you as if it is you who holds all the secrets of the cosmos in your palms.

Above you, shooting stars streak across the skies, brighter than they have been since 200 years ago, celebrating the first meeting of their creator and the light for whom he gave up his immortality.

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