I Apologize If This Comes Of As Upfront Ot Rude It Was Never My Intention - Tumblr Posts
The chances are, Alice was a deviant way before the events of the game takes place , we don't know how long Todd has had either of them. It could be years (definitely not weeks or days lmao 💀)
Todd never threw the whole "you're an android" thing in Alice 's face probably because he was busy gaslighting himself into believing she was real (thus why Kara believed it ). If I remember correctly, I was told the YK500 was designed to feel pain and have fevers, you know, to pretend to be real , Kara offers food to alice on multiple occasions but Alice never actually eats. Alice's temperature detection can also be turned off in BfD
The thing about "Alice possibly never being a deviant because she still listens to Kara just like in her programming" well, what do you really expect Alice to do? 💀 she's a 4ft tall child who can be thrown around like she's just a piece of paper LMAO she, herself is powerless (she can only walk away from situations, like when you distant Alice in Jericho). This could stem from the fact she's just a child also, she probably doesn't have a wide range of knowledge and from having to deal with a narcissistic father like Todd, she will always feel like she has no right to even her own safety.
Alice also scolds Kara when she doesn't listen to her. I.e when you steal from the laundromat or the convenience store. Alice teaches Kara morals basically 💀 she is also the one who teaches her how to love
It's interesting that you say that there's no way of actually knowing whether or not Alice loves Kara/pos i'd love to talk about that more/gen
Though, It's likely that she genuinely love Kara. Children who have been abused often find comfort in those who are good to them, Childhood heroes if you will. (Mary Knight, a former victim of satanic ritualistic abuse, talks about this in more detail i recommend watching her interviews, however it's graphic)
Kara (the one we play as now) is the only one who had the courage to help, she was the only one who looked at Alice and said "She deserves so much better than what she got". If you have been to camps Alice practically BEGS to be in her arms again, because that's the only place she feels safe, even if she was going to die, she was happy that Kara is there
I could be reading into the lines too much , that would be because I am from a similar background but doesn't make my points any less valuable. Sorry for ranting on your post op just wanted to get some thoughts out 💀
I haven't 100%d the game yet but one thing about Detroit: Become Human that has bothered me since I finished my first run is Alice being an android
It definitely feels like one of those things the writers just pushed in to surprise the player, which I don't super love (Connor has no idea that there were two androids in the Williams household even though he has access to all deviant android information, Todd never throws the fact that she's an android in her face while he's abusing her even though he'll throw the fact in Kara's face, Alice spends the entire game complaining about being cold/with people saying that she feels hot like she has a fever and then the player finds out she's an android and none of that ever comes up again, she eats human food throughout the game even though supposedly she has no need of it) but it does bring up some ideas around Android deviancy that I find really interesting.
Children do not obey their parents. That's just a fact about children, and in order to be an accurate copy, Alice has to disobey Todd, at least in minor ways. So Alice must have a certain level of planned deviancy/disobedience to be effective as an android child replacement. But that brings up an even more interesting question- did Alice ever deviate when she ran away with Kara?
I don't think that telling Kara what Todd did to her to deactivate her counts as deviation. I also don't think that running to her room counts as deviation - that's a pretty normal action for a child to take. Disobeying humans isn't deviating- not following your program is. I think in the version of the story where you mess up the quick time event and Alice shoots Todd instead of Kara, Alice is definitely a deviant. There's no way Cyberlife programed her to be able to hurt humans, no matter how an abused child would realistically react to their guardian bring attacked.
But any other version, Alice could totally be following her programming. Once Kara shoots Todd, the only guardian Alice still has is Kara. She treats Kara like a mother figure and obeys whatever she says. Even when they're breaking the law, Alice never deviates from her programming to behave differently than a child would in that situation. And honestly, Alice's attachment to "right or wrong" could be just another way that her programming shows up- not enough to stop the adult in charge of her, but enough to give a nod to Cyberlife's programming.
And honestly that's one of the things that frustrates me about the "Alice is an android" thing- there's no way to know for sure that she even truly loves Kara, or if she's just following her programming. And since as far as we know, androids don't really "grow up", Kara will always be taking care of a child who may or may not have chosen to love her. It's just a really frustrating writing choice that causes more issues than it fixes.