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7 months ago

The lottery ticket

Hey guys, I won a writing competition like a month ago, but Im sharing them now because I totally forgot 😭

"I see a very specific message in your future, but I can't see what it says," says the fortune teller. Sandra lured me into this nonsense.

"I have no idea what it could be," I say boredly.

The witch has her eyes closed. Her white hair is in a bun and her face is covered in wrinkles. She is wearing some kind of purple cloak with colorful patterns around the edges. We are both sitting on the ground with our legs crossed.

There is silence for a few minutes. I want to get up and wish her a good night when she gets up and looks at me excitedly. "Got it! Your future says to write down all the numbers that come before your eyes tonight. Put them in the drawing tomorrow."

I stare at her for a long time. "And it applies…from now on?"

"Since I uttered that sentence."

"How many numbers? And…how will they be represented?"

She closes her eyes. "Six. And they will be…shown by a number."

I get up and brush my butt. "Well, thank you. How much will it cost?"

"Twenty euros."

My eyebrows shoot up. "Well hope that I win that lottery," I mutter under my breath and hand her the bill.

She gives me a smile. "Good night miss."

I nod my head and leave the tent. "Good night, good night."

I look for Sandra for at least fifteen minutes. She eventually finds me anyway. "Olivia!" I hear her yelling from behind me, and when I turn around, she's standing right in front of me. We start walking. Tons of people are pushing us closer together.

“What did she tell you?"

"That I will win the lottery."

Even in the dark, I can see the excitement in her eyes. "No, really? How?"

"I have to memorize the first six numbers I see tonight." I have to laugh at the absurdity. “Nonsense.”

Sandra winks at me. "You never know. Wanna get cotton candy?"

We make our way to the stand where it says: "Two for the price of one!" in numbers. My brain unconsciously writes them down.

We buy cotton candy and ride on different roller coasters. Only at the last one I realize that I'm looking for different numbers everywhere.

"I must be crazy," I say to Sandra after the ride. "I really notice those numbers."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe it will pay off in the end."

I look at her and she smiles. Then she notices my uncertainty. "You really think you've gone insane."

"Normal people don't think like that." The look she gives me is so intense that I don't know if I'm not going to sink into the ground. "I don't think like you, but...I'm not like that."

"Maybe it's because it's Friday the 13th. All that magical and terrifying power is working on you."

I sigh. "It's pretty late. Shall we go home?"

"Sure. What numbers have you seen so far?"

"Two, one and eight so far. I need to find three more."

We walk up in front of Sandra's car, and something doesn't feel right. The meadow behind us is crowded with people and the noise floats past my ears, not reaching my head. As if I was underwater for a second. Then the feeling goes away, but I remain standing there like a statue.

Sandra turns to me. "Fine?"

I shake my head. "It's nothing. I really need to get home."

On the way to our shared apartment, I squint at the world around me and look for some numbers. I lie down on the bed in my room and start counting down. "Two. One. Eight. Zero. Seven. Three."

"Are those all numbers?" Sandra asks on the way to the bathroom.

"Yeah," I reply. But I'm very tired and I fall asleep in a minute.

I wake up in the morning with butterflies in my stomach. I still remember the numbers. The first thing I do in the morning is typing them into my phone and sending the guess. The main prize is one hundred thousand euros.

Sandra and I have been waiting impatiently all day.

When I lose because my last three numbers are wrong, disappointment shakes with my whole body. After a while, Sandra blurts out: "The last three numbers are on my license plate!"

We exchange disbelieving looks. Then I close my eyes and tilt my head back with a deep sigh. "God damn it…”

Hope you liked it! You can judge if I did or didnt deserve the win :)

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