I Dont Intend To Make That A Habit - Tumblr Posts
With Horror
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The smell of baked goodies slowly spread across the castle. You know this because the scent is what coaxed you out of the library this time. You set your book in its proper place and headed towards the kitchen. It was faint, but you were able to pick up a few scents from the rest. Cinnamon. Sugar. Peanut butter. Various berries. And definitely batter.
You perked up. Horror must be in one of his ‘dessert’ moods. The last time he did that was around the time you’d first joined. He’d made so many pastries that the gang almost had leftovers. You were surprised how much they could eat. Even if they were skeletons and it didn’t make sense how they could eat in the first place. You also quickly learned to guard your food. Killer was a thief. And Dust too, but he was insanely good at not getting caught. The rest didn’t really steal at all with the exception of Cross and chocolate.
Anyways, you entered the kitchen and were greeted by cinnamon rolls, various cookies(excluding any chocolate), and a few cobblers that Horror was still cooking. On the counter sat a muffin tin with raw batter still inside. Looked like cupcakes were next.
“Hey, Horror. Whatcha makin’?” You leaned against the doorframe.
The skeleton in question looked up at you as he pulled out one of the cobblers. He didn’t seem shocked to see you but, then again, he never did. “Makin’ peach cobbler.” He said, gently shaking the cobbler to show you before pointing inside the oven at the other two desserts. “Blueberry cobbler. Strawberry cobbler.” He spoke slowly as he set the peach version down on a coaster.
“Smells great.” You said. “I wish I could cook like you do. Your cooking is always amazing.”
Horror looked over his shoulder at you and smiled. “You don’t have to. . . Your cooking is good, too.”
“Pffft!” You laugh. “Horror, if you didn’t stand by me, helping me cook, I’d burn the food to a crisp!”
He shook his head. “No, you wouldn’t.”
“Horror.” You calmed yourself and looked Horror dead in the eye. “I’ve burnt pudding.”
His eye light went out.
. . .
You startled at the new voice and turned to see Cross behind you. He looked shocked, horrified, and fascinated all at once.
He lowered his volume. “How do you burn pudding???”
“That’s what I’m saying!” You laugh.
“How is that even possible?!?”
“I don’t know!!”
“How would you even…” Cross’s brows scrunched together. “What else have you burned?? Water???”
“No, I have not succeeded in burning water, yet.”
Horror cleared his throat at you both. “You cook well here.”
“Thank you. I’m better at cooking if someone is there to help me. And you’ve been great at teaching me.” You smiled.
Cross looked like he was puzzling something out. “Are you telling me that this entire time, if Horror had left you alone in the kitchen, you would have burnt something??”
You mock scoffed. “It would take a few minutes! I’m not Killer.”
A grin grew across Horror’s face. “You are like Killer though.”
“Oh my stars, Horror, no!” You laughed.
“Someone call me?”
“Speak of the devil.” Cross grumbled as Killer leaned over his shoulder.
“You love me.” Killer peered past you at the food on the table. “Your cooking can be smelled from across the castle, Horror.”
“So can Y/N’s, too, apparently.” Cross mumbled.
“What??” Killer laughed, looking between you and Horror. “What does that mean?”
You rolled your eyes, smile still present on your face. “I was telling these guys about how I burn nearly everything without supervision.”
Killer shrugged. “There’s no way you burn every-”
Killer choked on air.
The room burst with laughter as Killer struggled to catch his breath.
“Pudding??” Killer sputtered, eye sockets wide. “How?!?”
You shrug. “Honestly, no idea.”
Killer’s eyes narrowed. “. . . Are you pulling my leg?”
“No, unfortunately. I was making vanilla wafer pudding, had to make the pudding myself, and somehow managed to burn it.”
Horror moved the cupcakes into the oven. “You eat it?”
“Hmm?” You looked over at him, confused.
He closed the oven and set the timer before turning to you. “Did you eat it?”
You thought back. “. . . Yeah. We did eat it. You couldn’t even taste the burnt parts despite seeing that there were little burnt flakes in it.”
“Was it good?”
You shot Cross a confused look and he just shrugged. “Yeah. It was pretty good. Why do you ask?”
A grin split Horror’s face. He pointed at you. “You’re a good cook.”
“I-” You stuttered. “Thanks. But I’m really not-”
“No.” Horror interrupted. He stepped forward and jabbed your chest with a finger. “You are a good cook. No buts.”
Rubbing your chest, you mumbled a more skeptical ‘thanks’. Cross’s eye lights flicked to you.
“You’ve been helping Horror in the kitchen, right?” Killer asked while leaning on Cross.
“Yeah. When I can. Why?” You eyed Killer suspiciously.
He shrugged. “I haven’t noticed any change in Horror’s cooking since you joined. Have you?” Killer poked at Cross.
Cross slapped him away. “No, if anything, it’s gotten better somehow.” Cross looked you in the eyes. “You’re doing great, Y/N.”
You smiled. “Thanks.” You looked at the table decorated in sweets. “Hey, Horror. Can we eat that yet or do you want us to wait?”
Horror grunted. “Soon. I’ll call when it’s ready.” He then shooed you three out of the kitchen to finish cooking.