I Dont Know Anything About Fallout - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Somewhere in the wasteland lies a vault, no one's quite sure of the number, but its been long abandoned by its dwellers. Now that vault has only two residents, a ghoul most just call Snakebite, and a Synth the Ghoul just calls Angel. The vault's said to be a real place of wonders. Inside theres a pristine pre-bomb garden, a real Eden full of sinful sweet fruit trees. It's also got a library full of all the books there ever was on Earth. These two queer creatures abide company well enough, but it seems the only way to find their little patch of paradise is to not look for em. You stumble into em and only then if you have no ill intent in your heart or hands. How they keep hid? Who can say, not even the rad roaches bother em none and I for one am glad they're out there, a bright spot of light in all that dark.

Somewhere In The Wasteland Lies A Vault, No One's Quite Sure Of The Number, But Its Been Long Abandoned

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