Fallout Au - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Somewhere in the wasteland lies a vault, no one's quite sure of the number, but its been long abandoned by its dwellers. Now that vault has only two residents, a ghoul most just call Snakebite, and a Synth the Ghoul just calls Angel. The vault's said to be a real place of wonders. Inside theres a pristine pre-bomb garden, a real Eden full of sinful sweet fruit trees. It's also got a library full of all the books there ever was on Earth. These two queer creatures abide company well enough, but it seems the only way to find their little patch of paradise is to not look for em. You stumble into em and only then if you have no ill intent in your heart or hands. How they keep hid? Who can say, not even the rad roaches bother em none and I for one am glad they're out there, a bright spot of light in all that dark.

Somewhere In The Wasteland Lies A Vault, No One's Quite Sure Of The Number, But Its Been Long Abandoned

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9 months ago
Anyways, Here's A Bio For Fallout! Moondrop.

Anyways, here's a bio for fallout! Moondrop. 😃

In this universe, Fazbear became a subsidiary of Vault-tec in a merger(Cause why not! They're both shady companies who don't value human life) as a sign on bonus, ALL Fazbear employees got membership to a vault. Moon and Monty thinking it's VERY weird and obviously not trusting Vault-tec or Fazbear as far as they could throw them, then did some investigating and discovered three things

1. Vault-tec and Fazbear are banking on the world ending soon (and may or may not have a part to play in that)

2. Not all the Vaults are for safety. Most are for tests, and Fazbear plays on testing on some of them!

3. Oh yeah the world is actually ending.

So, bombs start dropping Moon, and everyone got to the safety of the vaults. Moon disabled the testing equipment Fazbear and Vault-tec planned on using on them. And let's just say the rest of the Fazbear higher ups had a little surprise waiting for them in their vault (courtesy of Moon, of course). They all decided to shut down temporarily just enough until the radiation dies down so they do....

Skip ahead some 198 years later. They all wake up VERY stiff and walk out to see what the world has become, To their surprise, the world is doing kinda okay. KINDA

They are now trying to rebuild the lives they had and all seems to be going well... until something starts making robots go crazy, some kinda of virus. A virus Moon, Sun, and the others are unfortunately quite fimilar with THE RUIN VIRUS!

Someone is infecting robots with the Ruin virus, and it is indangering EVERYONE in the post-apocalypse world and now Moon and the others inbarc on a quest to find out who is transmitting the Ruin virus and stop them once and for all. Along the way, they meet friends and foes alike, befriending and joining groups such as the Synth-freeing organization The RailRoad, and the technology hording but heroic chapter of The Brotherhood of Steel and meeting other strange faces along their path like Joshua Graham,Hancock, Nick Valentine, and a talking deathclaw?

But after many quests and sacrifices, Moon began to think that there was only one group in the wasteland that could fix the world and restore it to its former glory. Enemy of the RailRoad,Brotherhood, and his friends and family The Institute! Granted, it's a decision Moon did not want to make, but when it came down to it, Moon decided to join the Institute... in secret of courses. If his family found out, let's just say he probably wouldn't have a family anymore. So, Moon desperately tries to keep the secret while he concocks a plan to fix the world and stop the Ruin virus, but just how long can Moon keep the secret?

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9 months ago


Bio: Sun never had a normal. His life was anything but normal magic,gods,monsters,starpowers, and other universes. Ya, his life is really weird! Sun would have given anything for a normal life. He would've have traded the whole world for it...


Fazbear was bought out by some company called Vault-tec (an equal shady company with equal terrible morals) Sun didn't think much of it at first just that now they had new owners who hopefully wouldn't make to many changes to the daycare. They also gave them all a sign on bonus, not money or more days off, but a place in a doomsday bunker if the world were to ever end. "Like we'd ever need that."

And then, a few months later, the world ended. Bombs started dropping, and Sun, his family, and his friends were rushed to their designated Vault. After a while, Moon suggested they all power down for a while just until the radiation dies down enough for it to be safe for them. Sun agreed he'd rather be asleep then have to face what was going on out their.

198 years later, Sun wakes up VERY stiff but still alive. He, his friends, and his family would walk out of the vault to reclaim their homes and rebuild what was destroyed . To Sun's surprise, the world is doing a pretty decent job at rebuilding it's self. Sun and his friends figured they could just relax a bit and rebuild now that Fazbear was now gone. Sun once again was wrong. A virus started affecting robots, Mr.handys, Ms. Nannys,Assulttrons,and even old security bots started to turn crazy and violent. At first, Sun didn't know what was causing it till Moon figured it out. THE RUIN VIRUS! Somehow, the virus that caused the destruction of Ruin's dimension was now here in theirs and is indangering the whole world and them! Moon and several of the other animatronics formed a team and decided to hunt down the origins of this virus and shut it down before any of them could be infected. Sun was reluctant to join, wanting to just relax in his new post-apocalyptic home, but a combination of wanting to help his brother, fear of losing his family, being convinced by Puppet, and a serious disregard about his mental health Sun decided to join Moon's team to hunt down the virus.

On their travels, they met many dangers such as raiders, gunners,super mutants,former humans turned feral Radioactive monsters and the Deathclaws.. OH DEATHCLAWS! Sun had faced a lot, had done a lot, and just needed a break! He would eventually get that break when they met a group called The RailRoad, a group of freedom fighters fighting for Synths, their freedom, and rights. Quite the inspiring group. They all joined the railroad to help their cause, and in return, the RailRoad would help them find and destroy that virus. The RailRoad sent them on many... many missions, maybe too many if you ask Sun, but one mission which led them to a town called Far harbor in what was once Maine changed a lot of things for Sun. They came across an entire town of Synths led by their leader Dima. Dima offered them a place to stay in Acadia, and of course, they jumped at the offer. Sun didn't like Acadia at first, but over time, and after many visits, Sun began to think of Acadia as a second home and became good friends with the Synths in Acadia. Sun often wished he could just live in Acadia and not have to worry about anything, but the virus is still out there. Rest would have to wait. While also on their adventures, they encountered another group called The Brotherhood of Steel who the Railroad had warned them of but much to their surprise they were pretty chill while they don't think people can be trusted with technology THIS chapter of the Brotherhood didn't actually mind the synths or them existing and weren't gonna kidnap them or scrap them for parts. Moon and Monty took quite the liking to the Brotherhood and joined them while Sun didn't he couldn't put his finger on it, but there was just something off about the Brotherhood. After 3 years in the wasteland and encountering many friends and enemies alike, their only halfway to finding the origins of the virus and how to destroy it. They made many sacrifices to get where they are, but in the end, was it worth it? Moon seems distant, and Sun doesn't know why? They've lost friends, and a lot of they've changed, and not all of them have changed in good ways. It takes a toll on you and your mental health, but what happens when your mental health is already pretty bad? How much more can Sun take in the wasteland?

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5 months ago
Wow! To Build Up Our Own Hype For The Fallout TV Show (which We Have Already Finished By Now) @plattenbauprinz
Wow! To Build Up Our Own Hype For The Fallout TV Show (which We Have Already Finished By Now) @plattenbauprinz
Wow! To Build Up Our Own Hype For The Fallout TV Show (which We Have Already Finished By Now) @plattenbauprinz

Wow! To build up our own hype for the Fallout TV show (which we have already finished by now) @plattenbauprinz and I crafted a DinLuke AU!

Just wanted to share the final concepts of Luke, Din and Boba!

Also thanks for everyone on the DinLuke server who hyped this little idea with us hehe

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5 months ago
More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!
More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!
More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!
More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!

More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!

They are in the process of getting to know either other's characters, Ghost is having a hard time figuring Soap out.

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5 months ago
Cod X Fallout NV! Mixing Special Interests!

Cod x Fallout NV! Mixing special interests!

Allow me to go on a tangent for a hot minute.

Exbrotherhood! Ghost: Simon has been part of the brotherhood for as long as he can remember. Having been abandoned as an infant on the steps of the Hidden Valley bunker. They took him in, becoming one of their most outstanding soldier with expertise in both weaponry and survival tactics. Simon would then be tranfered into their patrol team. Where he would collect data and become familiarized with the mojave landscape. Enough to expose himself to dangerous amounts of radiation. Which then turned him into a ghoul. He made his best attempt to keep his ghoulification hidden. However, word got around that they've been noticing a harshness in his voice and reluctant to change, shower, or eat in front of others. The overseer found out, making them take the ultimate decision of executing one of their own. In which he deemed "Putting him out of his misery." Simon completely shattered by his sentence. During his incarceration, he conjured the plan of faking his death on the day of his execution, in hopes of leaving the brotherhood and adopting the new identity he called "Ghost."

Boomer! Soap: John grew up on Nellis' air force base ever since his ancestors had left Vault 34 decades ago. Ever since Soap was introduced to heavy artillery and explosives, which is customary for residents part of the boomers. He discovered his natural talent of all things explosives, firing from long distances and calculating the necessary amount required for certain jobs. Soap volunteered to be part of their guard outpost. Anyone who would even look in the direction of the base would have been blast to kindgom come. They would receive all sorts of unwarranted visitors. A group that managed to catch his eye were the raiders who flaunted their makeshift armor. A part of Soap grew curious of their lifestyle and choice in wardrobe. After dark, he would secretly collect the scraps leftover from the explosions. Not much could have been recovered, but the pieces that did survive, he would wear and keep hidden in his bunker. Soap couldn't let the others know of his fascination. It would have been seen as fratinizing with the enemy.

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7 months ago

BG3 but it’s fallout- what if i made that au for fun-? Idk it might be interesting

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1 year ago

cute ending 👍👍👍👍👍👍111000000000/1010

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

Fandom: My Hero Academia Pairing: Bakugou x fem!Reader Rating: R / 18+ Status: Complete Summary: Katsuki hates the desert; shame he has to go through one to get to the other side of this god-forsaken wasteland. More so for the fact that there's a gambling town right slap-bang in the middle of it, and Denks is eager to waste all their caps. Ei's got an eye on him though, should any trouble come their way, and Katsuki's always done fine on his own. 

Or maybe he shouldn't have spoken so soon. There's a target on his back, and he'll be damned if he knows why.

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

Warnings: Post-apocalyptic AU, foul language, smut, gun violence, death, murder, drug use, prostitution, plot heavy.

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

Notes: It's that time of year again; Bakugou's Birthday of course! 🥳 Please enjoy yourselves with this as much as I loved writing it, even if it’s going to be a little late 💚

A special thank you goes to @katsukikitten for helping me with some plot stuff, and to all the wonderful writers who allowed me to put their usernames in the banner. Please check out their stuff if you haven't already. There were so many more I wanted to add, but just didn't have the space; consider yourselves filed under the <more> option 🥰

(Chapters listed under the cut)

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

If you prefer to read on AO3, please click HERE.

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

🟩 Part One

🟩 Part Two

🟩 Part Three

🟩 Part Four

Chems & Confusion Masterlist

Recommended reading playlist found HERE and HERE (instrumental) for maximum enjoyment and some easy listening 🎷🎺🎶

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9 months ago
Fallout AU So I Can Play Toys With Kyle

Fallout AU so I can play toys with Kyle

Fallout AU So I Can Play Toys With Kyle
Fallout AU So I Can Play Toys With Kyle
Fallout AU So I Can Play Toys With Kyle

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8 months ago
More Fallout AU, Been Fun Learning More About The Series With My Friends
More Fallout AU, Been Fun Learning More About The Series With My Friends

more Fallout AU, been fun learning more about the series with my friends

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8 months ago
Insane Things Kyle Asks Of Me To Draw

insane things Kyle asks of me to draw

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5 months ago

Doing nothing at work right now let me add this on

Doing Nothing At Work Right Now Let Me Add This On


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5 months ago
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things

Fallout AU Lasso Tool things

@4dr3n4lin3 oc Rila first pic

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5 months ago
More Lasso Tool Stuff

more lasso tool stuff

Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things
Fallout AU Lasso Tool Things

Fallout AU Lasso Tool things

@4dr3n4lin3 oc Rila first pic

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8 months ago

Since Arcane Season 2 is coming out on November, I just had a random thought. We know that Ella Pernell voices Jinx right?

Since Arcane Season 2 Is Coming Out On November, I Just Had A Random Thought. We Know That Ella Pernell

I was thinking…what would Cooper Howard do, that instead of running into Lucy…he ran into Jinx? Like how would he handle her? Like there are so many differences between her and Lucy MacLean. I feel like Jinx would enjoy running wild in the wasteland.

Since Arcane Season 2 Is Coming Out On November, I Just Had A Random Thought. We Know That Ella Pernell

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8 months ago
Average Super Duper Mart Experience.

Average Super Duper Mart experience.

I already loved Ella Purnell since watching #arcane , so it made the #fallout show all the more enjoyable 💙 Here's a little fun crossover!

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10 months ago


The raiders in this au are a cult

Also saph is apart of the brother hood of steel

Tyler is well was a vault dweller

Also Charlotte Aka Princess Nuka is canon 2 this au

Also harley the big uranium dog created by my friend Canine teeth

I got more facts if u wanna know ask me :)

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