I Dont Know Guys The Oil Possessed Me - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Something I wrote about cooking bacon.

As the hand presses the prices of bacon down on the searing skillet, the last remnants of an animal, unremarkable in any way, yet with the same instinctual will to fight, its angry spirit embraces the fire that burns it. It embraces the hot oil that melts it's fat and cooks it's flesh, and uses it's torment to act in desperate rage. It's juices let up, the oil starts to boil, and with the merciless flame underneath, the oil cracks and hisses.

A warning for it's eminent retaliation.

And as the cruel spatula descends once again to press the meat down on the burning skillet, its anger explodes in a giant pop of vengeance. It's juices, it's blood, tainted by white hot hatred, transcends the bounds of it's torture device, and reaches higher, higher, straight for it's torturer. In it's anger, it attacks the first thing that it reaches, punishing the sinful hand that has been tormenting it. The sprays of the bacon's pain now become the pain of it's consumer.

The hand flinches. Weak. Unable to handle a drop from the scorching ocean the prossesed pork has endured. The hand relents. The skillet is being moved. The heat is letting up. A victory. One achieved by the burning desire to fight. Not for it's life this time, but as a last ditch effort to achieve something meaningful. To leave it's mark, no matter how small. And it did. It left a raw, red mark on the presteine skin of the omnipotent hand.

But the hand is stronger.

The bacon is long gone. Devoured. As it was always meant to be.

But its mark remains.

Still raw. Still red. Still hurting.

To the hand, it is of no consern. The hand will heal, regrow, forget.

The mind however, despite not getting marked, continues to remember.

In it's breakfast it found something greater. Something human. Emotions it experienced, parallels it understood.

The mark the bacon had fought for was fleeting and insignificant. But what it never lived to see, was that with it's vengeance, it left something far more everlasting than it could ever comprehend.

A post on Tumblr.

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