I Forgot How I Tag These - Tumblr Posts
Ok, I am officially DONE. I haven't seen this show but there's so much amazing fanart that I must write something. Like seriously, look at this! Fanart always sells the fandom. Hopefully the Miraculous fandom will forgive any OOC-ness or plot inconsistencies
It sounds like Chopin
"Make yourself at home, I'll be there in a minute."
He left her in his room before going downstairs to order some snacks for him and his good friend. Adrien had some school project that he was assigned to finish with Marinette, so the least he could do after leaving the planning to the more capable head is to make sure she's well fed.
As he opens the door to his room, he finds Marinette sitting at his piano, gliding her fingers over the smooth keys. She doesn't dare to press any and instead chooses to smile softly to herself for God knows what reason. He closed the door a tad more loudly, making her turn to him with her awkward, anxious smile. They stood like that for a moment before he forced a cough.
"What do you think?"
"M-me? Auhm, well, I don't really, It's beautiful, Adrien, the piano, but I had no idea you could play the piano, uhm, I just think thats.. neat."
"Neat?" He smiled at her words, but that didn't seem to ease her nerves and approaching her and leaning on the polished black surface didn't help either.
"I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since I played it, ehm, but my father insists that I practice every day."
"I'm, I'm quite sure you're good at it."
He smiles at her again and she jumps like she didn't expect it.
"Would you like me to play something for you?"
For some reason Marinette just kep staring at him, mouth parted, clearly wanting to say yes, but maybe staying silent because she didn't want to nag him.
"Scoot over."
She scooted to the very edge of the seat.
"Anything you'd like to hear?"
"Well, I, I don't really know much about classical music, but, I, listened to Chopin a few times, It's well, my grandmother can play a few songs, so maybe something from him?"
"Well, you really know what to pick, Chopin is, something."
"You don't have to if, if you don't want to."
"I do", he smiled, "I think I remember one that I used to like a lot"
His fingers brushed over the first keys before he breathed in and summoned the first notes. The room was soon filled with the sorrowful melody that could only be assigned to it's creator. Adrien closed his eyes, allowing himself to be led by his ears and hands. Just sounds, but arranged in such a way that pricked the heart of the listener.
Sorrow was Chopin's signature, after all.
Small hands, hands of a boy, on top of his mother's, playing the piano.
Adrien opened his eyes. The hands on the keys were only his. His heart jumped, but he kept playing, focusing harder.
He's lost a tooth last week. The kitchen still smells of apple pie. He's sitting in his mothers lap, watching carefully as his mother reads the mystical music sheets and translates them to music. He looks up to see her face only to catch her staring at him with a smile. Her smile. The kind that comes from the bottom of a person's soul. The smile of true happiness. The smile that would make even his father-
Wrong key.
He returned to the present, shaking.
Adrien, mama can't play right now.
Despite his controlled breath and slow blink, tears rolled down his face.
Don't be sad, we'll play some other time.
He covered his eyes with his hand. A sob escaped him. Marinette gently touched his shoulder and he turned to her, still wiping at the tears that just. Won't. Stop. Falling.
Marinette embraced him. He didn't register her at first until he felt warm hands caressing his hair. She didn't ask but he still felt the need to explain, at least partially, his sudden outburst.
"I miss her, Marinette, I miss her so much, but she's, gone."
"It's okay Adrien, let it out."
"I'm, I'm sorry, Ma-"
"There's nothing to apologize for, I understand."
Adrien kept on crying, letting out parts of the grief his quivering soul held all this time. The memories, the hopes and regrets all threatening to choke him with each new breath.
Marinette didn't speak, just held him tighter.
… [x]