Marinette - Tumblr Posts
You Want It Darker
I’ve had this idea in the back of my head for quite a long time now, but it wasn’t until I read some of @miraculouscontent‘s, @imthepunchlord‘s, and @zoe-oneesama‘s salt fic idea, LadyBugOut, that I decided I truly wanted to write this. It is loosely inspired by their idea and my own head cannons on ML lore so it will probably diverge from cannon. Please enjoy this small snipet.
"The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Tiresome would be one of the words Marinette would use to describe her thoughts on the ever elusive Hawkmoth. Over a year had passed since her inheriting of the ladybug miraculous and she and Chat were no closer to finding the manipulative villain. Sitting here in her home classroom, she usually had other things to occupy her mind. Her next original work, helping to lead the class as president, and Adrien were some of the best options.
But today was different. Today, she had larger and more important things to worry her. Things that she had never considered in her year as a superhero in this fight between good and evil. In the span of 14 hours, Marinette's world had expanded exponentially, far beyond her hometown of Paris to encompace the entire globe and all the different people in it. Thinking about it now, she should have realized that it was only a matter of time before people more important than her friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens took notice of her super-heroine persona. It was a wonder the French government hadn't tried to contact her already, but now she was beginning to realize that many in positions of power around the planet had their eyes on her and her partner. What's more, she was beginning to wonder if herself, Chat, and Halkmoth, were the only miraculous users.
For you see, yesterday was the day that Ladybug and Chat Noir had been soundly defeated.
Let me know what ya’ll thought!

Guys…. It finally happened. Like ACTUALLY
Ok, I am officially DONE. I haven't seen this show but there's so much amazing fanart that I must write something. Like seriously, look at this! Fanart always sells the fandom. Hopefully the Miraculous fandom will forgive any OOC-ness or plot inconsistencies
It sounds like Chopin
"Make yourself at home, I'll be there in a minute."
He left her in his room before going downstairs to order some snacks for him and his good friend. Adrien had some school project that he was assigned to finish with Marinette, so the least he could do after leaving the planning to the more capable head is to make sure she's well fed.
As he opens the door to his room, he finds Marinette sitting at his piano, gliding her fingers over the smooth keys. She doesn't dare to press any and instead chooses to smile softly to herself for God knows what reason. He closed the door a tad more loudly, making her turn to him with her awkward, anxious smile. They stood like that for a moment before he forced a cough.
"What do you think?"
"M-me? Auhm, well, I don't really, It's beautiful, Adrien, the piano, but I had no idea you could play the piano, uhm, I just think thats.. neat."
"Neat?" He smiled at her words, but that didn't seem to ease her nerves and approaching her and leaning on the polished black surface didn't help either.
"I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since I played it, ehm, but my father insists that I practice every day."
"I'm, I'm quite sure you're good at it."
He smiles at her again and she jumps like she didn't expect it.
"Would you like me to play something for you?"
For some reason Marinette just kep staring at him, mouth parted, clearly wanting to say yes, but maybe staying silent because she didn't want to nag him.
"Scoot over."
She scooted to the very edge of the seat.
"Anything you'd like to hear?"
"Well, I, I don't really know much about classical music, but, I, listened to Chopin a few times, It's well, my grandmother can play a few songs, so maybe something from him?"
"Well, you really know what to pick, Chopin is, something."
"You don't have to if, if you don't want to."
"I do", he smiled, "I think I remember one that I used to like a lot"
His fingers brushed over the first keys before he breathed in and summoned the first notes. The room was soon filled with the sorrowful melody that could only be assigned to it's creator. Adrien closed his eyes, allowing himself to be led by his ears and hands. Just sounds, but arranged in such a way that pricked the heart of the listener.
Sorrow was Chopin's signature, after all.
Small hands, hands of a boy, on top of his mother's, playing the piano.
Adrien opened his eyes. The hands on the keys were only his. His heart jumped, but he kept playing, focusing harder.
He's lost a tooth last week. The kitchen still smells of apple pie. He's sitting in his mothers lap, watching carefully as his mother reads the mystical music sheets and translates them to music. He looks up to see her face only to catch her staring at him with a smile. Her smile. The kind that comes from the bottom of a person's soul. The smile of true happiness. The smile that would make even his father-
Wrong key.
He returned to the present, shaking.
Adrien, mama can't play right now.
Despite his controlled breath and slow blink, tears rolled down his face.
Don't be sad, we'll play some other time.
He covered his eyes with his hand. A sob escaped him. Marinette gently touched his shoulder and he turned to her, still wiping at the tears that just. Won't. Stop. Falling.
Marinette embraced him. He didn't register her at first until he felt warm hands caressing his hair. She didn't ask but he still felt the need to explain, at least partially, his sudden outburst.
"I miss her, Marinette, I miss her so much, but she's, gone."
"It's okay Adrien, let it out."
"I'm, I'm sorry, Ma-"
"There's nothing to apologize for, I understand."
Adrien kept on crying, letting out parts of the grief his quivering soul held all this time. The memories, the hopes and regrets all threatening to choke him with each new breath.
Marinette didn't speak, just held him tighter.
… [x]
I seen like two seasons
gabriel does something stupid to get on Nathalie's last nerve.
idk, like ask her to dye her hair blonde cause 'oh... my wife was blonde' typa shit.
and she's like 'man, threatening to put the whole world into a world war wasn’t the last straw BUT THIS IS IT. I'VE HAD ENOUGH.'
then goes and tells Adrien that he's hawkmoth.
just like an angry, murderous looking Nathalie storming into his room, flinging the door open and just shouting 'YOU'RE FATHER IS HAWKMOTH and here!' she throws the peacock miraculous and just screams 'I QUIT'. and storms out.
Ladybug Redesign :)

🇺🇸: A ladybug redesign I did recently. I plan to redesign all heroes, some akumas and the characters in their civilian form too! And MAYBE in the future I'll make an AU with those designs (who knows?)
If anyone has critics or suggestions (to this or other redesigns), feel free to drop them down!
Cat Noir Redesign
🇧🇷: Um redesign da ladybug que eu fiz recentemente. Meu plano é fazer isso pra todos os heróis, alguns akumatizados e os personagens em suas formas civis e, TALVEZ, no futuro quem sabe eu faça uma AU em comic com esses designs. Podem comentar qualquer crítica ou sugestão pra futuros designs, caso vocês tenham!!

🇺🇲: A little drawing I did for bugnoire :D I kinda liked her design in general although I'd make some changes. I'll probably redesign her AND make an ADRIEN version of this fusion in the future. (Also I promise I didn't forget my other redesigns, I'm just extremely lazy sorry)
🇧🇷: Um desenhinho que eu fiz da bugnoire :D Eu até que gostei do design dela apesar de que eu provavelmente faria algumas mudanças se pudesse. Eu devo fazer um redesign dela E fazer um design pro ADRIEN com a fusão principal no futuro. (E eu JURO que não esqueci dos meus outros redesigns, só sou extremamente preguiçosa e procrastino demaiskkkk foi mal)

🇺🇲: I tried to redraw that classic Maribug pose (but with a bit of distance between both to show the design haha) with my LB design and a "preview" of my Marinette and Tikki design (I'll definitely change them in the future though). I was trying to go for a way simpler style than that but ended up failing lol- I'll try again in the future
(More versions under the cut)
I'll also probably revisit all those designs eventually, since I still dislike some parts a bit and *IF* I ever do the AU/Rewrite I want to, I'd probably at least do a simplified version of the designs so it would be easier to draw in the comic
I know I take WAY TOO LONG to post but (I'm lazy and) I've been kinda busy- but I'll try to post my Hawk moth redesign probably before the year ends lol
After I do the 3 main ones, I'm not sure if I should do their civilian designs first or do the other heroes- but I'm also not really sure if I'll do ALL the heroes (at least right now) since, if I ever do the AU I plan to, I don't know if I'll give all the characters a miraculous (and if I do, I also don't know if I'll keep them with their original ones since I'm changing the power system). So, if I don't do the civilians first, I'll probably do only the secondary holders (QB, Rena, Carapace, Mayura and Argos) because I'm sure I'll keep those
But I assure you I'll definitely not give up on my "redesign series" :D (even if I take IDK, one year to post the next one haha)
🇧🇷: Tentei refazer aquela pose clássica das Maribug (mas com um tico de distância entre elas pra mostrar melhor o design kkkk) com meu design da LB e uma "preview" do meu design da Tikki e da Marinette (Mas eu vou definitivamente mudar eles no futuro). Eu tava tentando fazer um estilo BEM mais simples que esse mas acabei falhandokkkk mas vou tentar dnv no futuro
Eu também provavelmente vou revisitar todos esses designs eventualmente, já que eu ainda não curto muito algumas partes, e *SE* eu algum dia fizer a comic da AU/Rewrite que eu tô planejando, eu provavelmente vou pelo menos fazer uma versão simplificada dos designs pra que fique mais fácil de desenhar nos painéis
Eu sei que eu demoro pra krl pra postar mas (eu sou preguiçosa e) eu ando meio ocupada- Mas eu vou tentar postar meu redesign do HM provavelmente pelo menos antes do ano acabarkkkk
Depois que eu acabar os 3 principais, não sei se eu devo primeiro fazer os designs civis deles ou os outros heróis- mas eu tb não tenho certeza se eu vou fazer TODOS os heróis (pelo menos por agora) já que, se eu algum dia fizer a AU que eu planejo, não sei se vou dar um miraculous pra todos os personagens (e mesmo se eu der, não tenho ctz se eles vão continuar com suas jóias originais já que eu tô mudando o sistema de poder). Então, se eu não fizer os civis primeiro, provavelmente vou fazer só os portadores secundários (QB, Rena, Carapace, Mayura e Argos) pq esses eu tenho ctz q vou manter
Mas eu garanto que eu definitivamente não vou desistir da minha "série de redesigns" :D (mesmo que eu demore sei lá, um ano pra postar o proximokkk)

+2 versions more accurate to the image
(+2 versões mais parecidas com a imagem de referência)

🇺🇲: Wanted to try drawing with a monochromatic palette of black and white, and also wanted to try doing lineless drawings, so I decided to draw Marinette for the test. That's not really a redesign, I just simply drew whatever was in my mind at the moment and didn't use any references hahaha so yeah
I'll probably try again more times because I want to learn more about how to contrast the elements in the picture (and I'll also try doing more lineless art)
Also Drew a version with some red accents because I think it gives more contrast (Although the moon is red that's also not supposed to be from emotion, I just again did whatever was in my mind at the moment)
🇧🇷: Tava querendo tentar desenhar com uma paleta de cores monocromática de preto e branco, e também queria treinar arte sem line, então usei a Marinette de cobaia. Não é um redesign exatamente, eu só fiz o que veio na minha cabeça na hora e não usei nenhuma referência kkkkk
Vou tentar de novo no futuro provavelmente pq eu queria aprender a como contrastar todos os elementos da imagem (e também vou tentar fazer mais artes sem line)
Também fiz uma versão com uns detalhes em vermelho pq acho q da mais destaque e acho mais legal (E por mais que a lua seja vermelha, não tinha feito na intenção de ser algo do episódio Emoção, também foi só o que tinha vindo na minha cabeça na hora)

🇺🇸: So, I was still a little unsure about my original ladybug redesign, so I tried to make some alternatives with other changes and options.
In the second Image, there are 6 different items that I'm not sure which options I should pick: shirt (purple), sleeve length (orange), 'belly'/torso (green), gloves (blue) (connect or not to the arm, like 1 and 4), shorts (yellow) and boots (red). Which one do you prefer from each of these items? (Ps.: the already "built up" combinations are not variations I already "estabilished"! I just put some options together at random so it was easier to visualize them, but you can say any combination you want. I'm also not sure if I'm keeping the sleeves of the shirts and shorts with the golden details, but I'm already certain I'll keep the parts that show the sewing). (Ps.2: I didn't include the cape just so it was easier to see all the different parts, but I didn't remove it from the costume, it's still there).
The first pic is my favorite combination, but I also like shirt 5, belly/torso 3 and glove 1...
My main problems with the first version were mainly the upper part of the body (shirt and torso), but I also wasn't very happy neither with the original boots, nor with the way the shorts were "glued" to the costume. About the gloves, although I like the og black and simple gloves (to represent a ladybug's paws), I saw someone (unfortunately forgot who it was :/ ) saying that they found it important for ladybug to have red hands because of the scenes of her and chat doing "pound it", since is has focus on their hands, I thought it was an interesting concept and tried to change a little bit so I could keep the gloves, but with red details on them. (Ps.: the gloves are not exactly above the spots in the arms, so please ignore the glove position because it will not cover the spots). Although I like the gloves with darker shades of red, I don't think it is an 'harmonious' choice if that's the only part of the clothes that has that shade (if I don't choose torso 5).
Anyway, if you want you can also suggest any other changes (like "I like glove 1, but without the golden accents) in general!! Also, even if I decide my favorite parts in this one I'll definitely do at least a third redesign hahaha (since there's a specific element I want to include on the costume in general, but I'm still unsure of how I'm doing/including it)
🇧🇷: Então, eu ainda tava um pouco incerta sobre meu redesign original da Ladybug, então pensei em fazer algumas alternativas com outras mudanças.
Na segunda imagem, tem 6 itens diferentes que eu estou em dúvida entre quais opções escolher: blusa (roxo), tamanho da manga (laranja), 'barriga'/torso (verde), luva (azul) (Modelo com ou sem relevo), short (amarelo) e bota (vermelho). Quais vocês preferem de cada um desses itens? (Obs: os trajes "montados" não são as variações que eu já estabeleci! Só coloquei algumas opções juntas aleatoriamente pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, porém podem falar qualquer combinação que vocês quiserem. Também não tenho certeza se vou manter as "mangas" das blusas e shorts com os detalhes dourados, mas a costura é de certeza que vou manter).(Obs2: só não coloquei a capa pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, mas ela ainda está na roupa).
A primeira imagem é minha combinação favorita, mas também gosto da blusa 5, da barriga 3 e da luva 1...
Meus problemas principais eram principalmente na blusa de cima e na parte superior do torço, mas também não fiquei tão satisfeita com a bota original e nem com a forma como o short era "colado" na roupa. Sobre a luva, por mais que eu goste das luvas simples pretas (pra representar as patas de uma joaninha), vi uma pessoa comentando que acha importante as mãos da ladybug serem vermelhas por causa das cenas dela e do chat noir fazendo o "zerou" que têm foco nas mãos deles (infelizmente esqueci quem foi que falou isso :/ ), achei um conceito interessante e tentei mudar um pouco pra manter as luvas porém com detalhes vermelhos nelas. (Obs: as luvas não estão realmente grudadas nas bolinhas do braço, então ignorem as luvas posicionadas em cima das bolinhas). Por mais que goste das luvas com tons mais escuros de vermelho, não sei se fica muito harmônico aquele ser o único local da roupa com aquele tom de vermelho se não for escolher a opção 5 de barriga/torso.
Enfim, se quiserem também podem sugerir qualquer outra mudança (como "gosto da luva 1 porém sem o dourado") no geral!! Mesmo que eu decida minhas favoritas nesse aqui eu com certeza ainda vou no mínimo fazer um terceiro redesign hashushs (até porque tem um elemento específico que quero incluir nas roupas num geral mas que ainda não decidi como fazer)

🇺🇸: I was trying to make Marinette look closer to some older concept arts, more specifically the ones from the PV and (mainly) from Quantic Kids (Pictures below).

I also wanted to distinguish her civilian hair from her hair in hero form, that's why I'm thinking of keeping her classic pigtails in her hero form (because I like the way it mimics little wings), while going for one of the 2 options for her civilian form. Which option do you think fits her most? I'm more inclined to go with the second option because, although it is way closer to the classic pigtails, I think first option is way too close to Socqueline's hairstyle (which I intend to keep the same)... I'm also unsure about the shirt color (in this clothes in specific, that she'll probably be wearing at home) and the eye color (but I'll probably go with dark grey since it's Sabine's eye color too). In the future I might also change ladybug's bangs to make them a bit more different. But what do you guys think? Which is the best option for each thing, having those details in mind? (Specially about the hair)
🇧🇷: Tava tentando fazer a Marinette mais parecia com algumas concept arts antigas dela, mais especificamente as do PV e (principalmente) de Quantic Kids (fotos acima). Além disso, eu queria tentar diferenciar o cabelo dela na forma civil um pouco mais da forma de herói, por isso tô pensando em manter as Maria chiquinhas com o formato clássico nela como ladybug (porque gosto da forma que elas simulam asinhas), e na forma civil optar por uma dessas acima. Qual das opções vocês acham que combina mais? Eu tô pendendo mais pra segunda opção porque, por mais que seja mais parecido com o cabelo da ladybug, eu acho que a primeira opção acaba fica parecendo muito com o penteado da Socqueline (que eu pretendo manter o mesmo)... Também tô em dúvida em relação à cor da blusa (desse traje em específico, que é o traje que provavelmente ela vai usar em casa) e dos olhos (apesar de que provavelmente vou escolher o cinza, afinal é a cor dos olhos da Sabine também). No futuro eu provavelmente vou mudar a franja da ladybug pra diferenciar um pouco mais também. Mas o que vocês acham? Qual é a melhor opção de cada um, considerando esses detalhes? (Especialmente sobre o cabelo)

🇺🇸: So, @kabartmatzu suggested we did a screenshot redraw Collab with our Ladybug and Chat noir redesigns from our AUs!! :D [Their post]
I made a version with my "normal" style and a simpler version- I really want to develop a simpler style so I can use it in some scenes IF I do the comic for my AU, so I'm doing some tests by now. I wanted to make the coloring more interesting than that, but I think it is ok.
Those designs are definitely not the final ones, specially ladybug's- but I knew that if I waited until I got satisfied with the designs I'd probably never post it lol. I also changed her hair a little bit.
[The designs: Old Ladybug - New Ladybug - Chat Noir]
At the same time that I do want to post a lot about my AU, most of it is either something I'm afraid to be a spoiler or something that can change/has not be fully decided yet. So it can take a while before I start posting actual relevant stuff about it.
Anyways, it was fun to make. The screenshot:

🇧🇷: Então, @kabartmatzu sugeriu que nós fizéssemos um Collab de redesenhar alguma cena com os designs de Ladybug e Chat Noir das nossas AUs! :D
[O design delu]
Eu fiz uma versão com meu estilo "normal" e uma versão mais simples- quero muito desenvolver um estilo mais simples pra poder usar ele em algumas cenas CASO eu faça a comic pra minha AU, então tô fazendo alguns testes por agora. Queria q a pintura ficasse um pouco mais interessante que isso, mas acho que ficou ok.
Esses designs definitivamente não são definitivos, especialmente o da ladybug (inclusive, mudei o cabelo dela um pouco)- mas eu sabia que se eu esperasse até ficar satisfeita eu nunca ia postar kkkk
[Os designs: Ladybug Antiga - Ladybug Nova - Chat Noir]
Ao mesmo tempo que eu quero postar bastante sobre minha AU, a maior parte dela é ou algo que eu tenho medo de ser spoiler, ou algo que pode mudar/que eu não decidi totalmente ainda. Então talvez demore um pouco até eu começar a postar coisas de fato relevantes sobre ela.
De qualquer forma, foi bem divertido de fazer :)

Артик с моим старым ником который я рисовала ещё этим летом

Мне хочется им молится до конца жизни.... *-*
I completely understand how you feel it's impossible to choose when they all look so amazing love the creativity in this post

It's a tough decision when you've got so many options!
Ko-fi | Patreon


Marinette and Adrien And these two cute to finish! I love the scenes where the two are comfortable in the presence of the other ...
So, when I was designing, the idea was that the clothes that the characters were wearing were designed by Marinette (Adrian told Chloe that they were from a promising stylist).

what is love?? babey don’t hurt me... don’t hurt me... no more....

A cute and quick Marinette to be the very first post on my blog! Costume party AU because I love pretty dresses.