I Gave All The Angst To Kalmia So They Can Be A Fluffy Cute Couple - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Literally. This Post By @natsukishinomiyaswife Sent Me Into A Doodle Spiral. Jackiyuu My Beloved I Have

Literally. this post by @natsukishinomiyaswife sent me into a doodle spiral. Jackiyuu my beloved i have THOUGHTS about them.

Okay!! So we all know Mr. Jack Howl is that person who goes to sleep straight at 10 PM. Kiyuu the type of person who rarely like. sleep sleeps. She just takes naps everywhere and calls it good because she can’t feel fatigue like others. Therefore!!! The chance for them to actually sleep together is extremely rare!! But when they do, I feel like it’d look something like this.

They probably started with their individual pillows and blankets, but after Kiyuu gets knocked out tm, she starts moving around a lot and Jack would get caught up in it. Ending with this weird cuddling thing where Jack uses Kiyuu as a pillow and Kiyuu uses Jack as a blanket. Kiyuu must be happy!!! Her weighted blanket plan is coming true!!!!

And then I drew some other doodles of Kiyuu knocked out tm (nap version), and this lil comic thing that I drew in my sketchbook that never saw the light of day until now.

anyway. in honor of loungewear coming up. jack howl i love you i miss you i hope u have the best night’s sleep ily.

anyway, thanks Sheepy. everyone should say thank you Sheepy all the time in fact. TY FOR FUELING MY INSANITY <33333 i am NOT normal about oc x canons or yumes.

ah crap i forgot to mention earlier. I GOT MY IPAD BACK!!!! WE ARE BACK ON SCHEDULE CHAT YIPPEE!!!!!

Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops @lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter

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