Jack Howl X Oc - Tumblr Posts

half of my ap tests are done so i can finally draw a quick art of Jack and Kiyuu BECAUSE THEY MEAN SM TO ME OKAY LIKE WAIT LIKE. THEY ARE THE BFFS EVER. the relationship ever they're just guys. do you. do you get me like listen. wait. like.
i wanna talk ab them more but like. idk. um lets see main points *checks notes* Kiyuu admires Jack’s hard-working personality and his passion for his goals because Kiyuu’s the type of person who’s very out of touch with any strong emotions and has a hard time being intense about anything ever. He’s also very down-to-earth (at least more than like most the guys in nrc) and since Kiyuu’s never been good at reading people’s true intentions (because she has the innocent until proven guilty mindset to the max), even if Jack pretends not to care, he’s still easy to read, which Kiyuu likes.
and also his independent personality sparked a desire in Kiyuu to befriend him so hard that he won’t know what hit him.

JacKiyuu relationship dynamic thing i saw someone do on tumblr(i forgor) WAIT NVM i think it was ryllen
ITS MY QPR!! and! fun fact: my first actual oc x canon. that’s crazy. i had some in the past but i was never rlly feeling it. BUT THIS TIME I GET BRAINROT OF THEM which may be bad but it’s summer break so it’s better. maybe.
genuinely struggled w Jack’s color because like. What is it. His hair lighting in chibi form is like. a teal. but within first years it’s yellow-orange. but like. his shirt. is dark pale green. idk man.
anyways headcanon of aroace-spec jack because i love aroace-beaming my favs SORRY. KINDA. IM PRETTY COMFORTABLE W IT BUT LIKE. IDK. SORRY. gender wise i got nothin tbh but also jackiyuu yuri’s kinda cute i think. IDK LIKE AU?? WHO KNOWS. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. I WILL BE POSTING MORE OF THEM. HOPEFULLY.
tag list (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01

if u didn’t know btw kiyuu’s first thought about jack was “woah… intimidating;;” and “he can bring me comfort (by laying on top of me)”
It’s time for ur timely, random fun Kiyuu fact!: She has sleepwalking habits that are caused by stress and fatigue, which was in the earlier books when she first arrived and didn’t have anything to call her own. She gets better with it when she starts becoming more integrated into nrc, but it does arise occasionally (espc after overblots). She is aware of her sleepwalking habits (only because Ryoko and Grim found out)! She thinks having a weighted blanket would help with it.
it’s projection bc i think heavy stuff on top of me is rlly comfortable aha;;
DO NOT TAKE THIS DRAWING WEIRDLY BTW. idk i felt some need to say that. just in case.
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops

chat. chat. if i ever say i want to draw muscles again. just take me in the back and shoot me (show me this drawing. all the pain will come flowing back). could NOT get the anatomy right but it’s first try so fuck it we ball⁉️‼️
Jack had so many lines about surfing that i just. decided on this. yeah. also self-indulgent JacKiyuu for funsies <3 she wants to learn how too surf well but keeps getting distracted by how cool Jack looks. perchance.
And!! Another self-indulgent JackRyoKiyuu now that @kathxrat-01 FINALLY dropped Ryoko beach ref (/j she drew allat in one sitting)
Overheater and Miss Ghost tm goes straight to Ryoko (when available) if they don’t feel up to par. THE qpr ever in fact.

Stitch Event Doodles: Part 1 | Part 2 | Outfit Ref
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
From Someone Who Wishes to Become Love:

“… would he ever accept that type of love…?”
A/N: TEEHEE HI YALL!!!!!!! sorry this is less twst angst and more kiyuu’s aromanticism angst (OOPSIE). I have a whole 2nd part confession scene dialogue written down but I dunno if I’ll be able to get enough motivation to finish it tbh. I WROTE THIS DURING PRIDE MONTH ACTUALLY!!! FOR AROMANTICS!!!! I’m not an aroace who has ever felt that my lack of attraction was a problem (bc i’m non-partnering either way), but I thought Kiyuu would panic in that regards because…. like, that’s what she does regarding the people she cares about.
Anyways, something something, Kiyuu and Jack talk about it, it’s aight, they get into a healthy, communicative QPR!! Is the gist of the 2nd part. I may post it one day. Perchance. Anyways yeah JacKiyuu wins again!!

How did she not have this issue w Ryoko? That’s because she was already comfortable with her current relationship w Ryoko and knew about her orientation, so she could wholeheartedly just accept any feelings as natural.
Anyway, to all aromantics who may potentially read this post: YOU ARE VALID!! no matter what gender you may be or if you’re favorable or repulsed. Loveless aros!!! Aroaces!!! Aros who aren’t ace at all!!!! You are all valid!!!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @ven4t1c4l @jewelulu

Although like Kalim looks so swag in those clothes JACKKK I MISS YOU 😭😭😭😭

Thank god for other artists though i’ve seen a couple of Jack fanarts in that outfit I LOVE ARTISTS THANKS ARTISTS 🫶🫶

More Jackiyuu!! I don’t think I’ve posted this drawing yet so yeah. Little bit of an older art!!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter

i. i know that fic wasn’t for me specifically. but like. i doodled it and liked the panels so much that i just. drew it. HOPE U DONT MIND @natsukishinomiyaswife Link to fic. LITERALLY IF U DONT KNOW AB HER WORKS it’s ok BUT GO READ IT!!! it’s super fluffy literally giggling kicking my feet waving at air etc etc. u get it.
i just love. shielding each other from the rain stuff. and I finished my raffle art!! (FINALLY took me long enough) so i can do stuff for myself now!!!
I still need to work of kiyuu’s groovy art and kalmia’s card since i started them for both, but i just got motivation for jackiyuu bc it feels like i haven’t drawn them in a while. YEAH!!! JACKIYUU MY BELOVEDS!!!!
More under cut!! Not much.
they run!!

yeah that’s it teehee.
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter

Jack Howl has joined the Golden Frost Festival!!! No lines because I already struggle with that for my own ocs, i don’t think i want to go through that for a character that’s NOT my own. Once again respect for any fan fiction writers out there.
WAS UNSURE IF HE’S MEANT TO BE AN SSR OR NOT SO I MADE HIM AN SR BECAUSE I DID NOT WANT TO DRAW AN ILLUSTRATION. AHA. but ykw i do wanna see pretty art of him so perhaps a groovy??? idk i don’t think i’ll have the motivation for it :(
Event by @the-rini-rush!!
Design inspired by Mr. Badwolf!!! But the plaid on the waist corset is inspired by Ramona, his daughter. And I decided to keep the coat on his shoulders for right now, just because I feel like he’d get hot before the main event actually started, aha.
Okay but designing this was lowkey hard asf. Men’s clothes smh. I struggle with designing men’s clothes.
Anyway! More self-indulgent and oc x canon-y stuff below. btw. disclaimer.
Comic below is based on Ryoko’s lines, which I assume went something like this. lol.

Kiyuu’s on the verge of collapsing but by the sevens will she help make her bf the prettiest boy at the party /ref
jackryo date finally!!! without kiyuu yappin on the side for once!!!! Kiyuu hopes they had a great bonding time!!!!
Anyway, yeah that’s it. TY!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter
Smth based off @natsukishinomiyaswife’s fic here! READ IT!! not just for context but bc its sooo good?? Still shocked with how many people she fit in there.

I was SO happy Kiyuu appeared in there!!! But more than that, Jackiyuu friendship in every universe is smth i strive. Although there is only room for one specific Jack in her heart!!!
Time to talk more about Kiyuu!!
She actually has a lot of doubts abt her relationship with Jack, but in a really really weird way??? She got the aromantic doubts out of her system when she confessed to him, so it’s not about that.
Like if Jack liked someone else, she’d happily give him up so he can be happy, but in a relationship herself, she keeps wondering if she truly is the best fit for him?? Like she wants him to be the happiest he can be, so she treats him with care and love (and is extremely clingy, but she’s always like that), but she keeps wondering if he could be happier. And if so, then with whom?
And then she ends of saying stupid stuff she didn’t think of the deeper implications of. She’s too awkwardly honest!!!! But she just wants him to be happy, that’s it!!!!! 😭😭
I cannot wait for the next part!!! I LOVE THIS GATHERING OF OCS AND YUUS TOO MUCH now that i got jackiyuu out of my system, i’d love to draw kiyuu interacting w the other characters!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter

Literally. this post by @natsukishinomiyaswife sent me into a doodle spiral. Jackiyuu my beloved i have THOUGHTS about them.
Okay!! So we all know Mr. Jack Howl is that person who goes to sleep straight at 10 PM. Kiyuu the type of person who rarely like. sleep sleeps. She just takes naps everywhere and calls it good because she can’t feel fatigue like others. Therefore!!! The chance for them to actually sleep together is extremely rare!! But when they do, I feel like it’d look something like this.
They probably started with their individual pillows and blankets, but after Kiyuu gets knocked out tm, she starts moving around a lot and Jack would get caught up in it. Ending with this weird cuddling thing where Jack uses Kiyuu as a pillow and Kiyuu uses Jack as a blanket. Kiyuu must be happy!!! Her weighted blanket plan is coming true!!!!
And then I drew some other doodles of Kiyuu knocked out tm (nap version), and this lil comic thing that I drew in my sketchbook that never saw the light of day until now.
anyway. in honor of loungewear coming up. jack howl i love you i miss you i hope u have the best night’s sleep ily.
anyway, thanks Sheepy. everyone should say thank you Sheepy all the time in fact. TY FOR FUELING MY INSANITY <33333 i am NOT normal about oc x canons or yumes.
ah crap i forgot to mention earlier. I GOT MY IPAD BACK!!!! WE ARE BACK ON SCHEDULE CHAT YIPPEE!!!!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops @lumdays @venaue @jewelulu @thehollowwriter