I Had Smth To Add In The Tags But I Forgot - Tumblr Posts
I hope you know that when i read that I fucking started stimming so hard I had to take a walk, I'm honored to be called that too?? Holy shit??? (I need to check out more of scarwasright 's content, this reminded me as well! You both can share the title, extra silly.)
And yeah! You got exactly what I was thinking, and I came to the same conclusion by listening to Pale White Horse for an hour straight tbh lol, it's a good song and I'm glad to have shared it!
I listen to a few Lord Huron songs, but I haven't listened to this one tbh. I'm listening to it now.
When the Night is Over reminds me of Scar and Lust too, the tune specifically??
The instruments play in a way that is somber and slow but holds a strong, steady beat throughout it - the (I think it's whistling) also fits it really well; And the music just, idk how to explain it but it makes me think of the more somber aspects of Scar and Lust's dynamic. Despite the tune being steady it can convey a sense of unsure-ness to me, like with the occasional sound of the music adding in instruments and then taking them away again as though deciding "nevermind", only to add it at the more ending part of the song - which FURTHERMORE makes me think of how they both were at the end when it came to their shared paths and how they portrayed it if that makes sense, as after all the instruments are added back in, as it reaches its loudest point in a sense, it then dies down and quiets. It's not abrupt or anything. It's calm, like acceptance to me.
I would be able to truly say this if I listened to it like, over the course of three hours on loop. I'm on listen 6 as we speak, because i keep re-reading this post for anything i should add, so I'm definitely liking this song and I see your vision as well. Very fitting, I love it. I'm gonna obsess over this song for a week now. :) Also I dunno enough about music to say if my words are actually right when it comes to the instruments, this is just the vibes I get from the song on my own.
I'll let you know if I find any other songs, I often am looking for songs to equate to fma 03 characters and whatnot.
Hii! I wanted to ask your opinion on smth since you're like, the Scar acc on here.
I keep listening to Pale White Horse by The Oh Hellos and I keep thinking of Scar and Lust when it comes to the song. If you've listened to the song, do you think similarly?
I dunno, I've been thinking about it for the past hour while I've been working lmao
Hey! I'm honoured to be considered the Scar acc from the Wrath acc 🤝 (tho tbh scarwasright should absolutely wear that crown)
I Gave "Pile White Horse" a listen, and wow! Yeah, I absolutely see what you're picking up here. These lyrics especially fit Scar and Lust beautifully:
Heed the sirens, take shelter, my lover Flee the fire that devours But the sight held me fixed Like a bayonet against my throat Neither plague or famine tempered my courage Nor did raids make me cower
And the final set of lyrics scream "Amestrian genocide of Ishbal" + Scar and Lust being unable to shake the sense of recognition of someone they once knew, their shared past:
It was the raging storm Of a foreign war And a face I'd seen before
The lilting voice of the singer and the deeper thrum of the backing choir lends this track such a tender, sombre presence to the heartbreaking lyrics. Perfect for Scar and Lust!
A song I also feel works for them, imho, is "When the Night is Over" by Lord Huron. Particularly:
Now the trail has gone cold I don't know where else to go And my time, I fear, is nearly over [...] When the night is done, you'll vanish in the sun Will I hold you when the night is over?
And the outro, as the music swells and the vocalist laments:
I hear the river say your name By the stars above, I know we were in love I hear the river say your name I have only 'til the night is over
This song hurts my feelings without fail, every single time.
Thanks for giving me another song to torment my ScarLust brain with (fully positive)! If you, or anyone else, has any other songs that fit these two (or their individual characters), I'm down for suggestions!