I Hate Krafft Ebing So Much For This - Tumblr Posts
A lot of patients of the psychiatrist referenced Sacher-Masoch when telling him about their kinks. They would be like "I like women who hit me and wear fur coats, just like the one in Sacher-Masoch's Venus in furs". During his time Masoch was also famous so his work must have been a lot of people's "awakening" too. He did not write under pseudonyms when he probably should have for his own sake so the poor guy stood no chance.
The term "sadism" as it comes from the Marquis de Sade was already being used in France so Krafft-Ebing only borrowed it, he only really made up "masochism". He also corresponded with a different psychiatrist who independently of him started using "passivism" to describe masochistic urges and Krafft-Ebing was like interesting however I will keep using masochism and now here we are.
learned today (after googling it upon seeing the "Sadomasochism Brothers" post) that masochism was named by a psychiatrist who had read Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's erotic writing and was like "I feel safe in concluding that this man had Fucked-Up Freak Sex Disorder, which now until forever will bear his name", while von Sacher-Masoch was still alive. there are accounts of von Sacher-Masoch being like "bro what the fuck" about this