Sacher Masoch - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

I found this short story by Sacher-Masoch. This is the ukranian translation, but I read it by translating it again with google translate. It's one of the silly goofy ones
«ВСЕСВІТ» - український журнал іноземної літератури

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11 months ago

the talk section of the Leopold von Sacher-Masoch on wikipedia is so fucking funny out of context like:

The Talk Section Of The Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch On Wikipedia Is So Fucking Funny Out Of Context Like:
The Talk Section Of The Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch On Wikipedia Is So Fucking Funny Out Of Context Like:
The Talk Section Of The Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch On Wikipedia Is So Fucking Funny Out Of Context Like:
The Talk Section Of The Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch On Wikipedia Is So Fucking Funny Out Of Context Like:
The Talk Section Of The Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch On Wikipedia Is So Fucking Funny Out Of Context Like:

go see for yourself:

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11 months ago

The Fool of Firleiouwka kind of destroyed me

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10 months ago

I still have no idea what Masoch died of

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10 months ago
Leopold And Hulda Von Sacher-Masoch (bottom Right) With Amateur Actors At The "witch Tower" In Their

Leopold and Hulda von Sacher-Masoch (bottom right) with amateur actors at the "witch tower" in their garden

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9 months ago

The sheer amount of femboys in Sacher-Masoch's work is astonishing

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9 months ago

"«Ich habe alles längst bedacht», erwiderte ich, wie im Fieber glühend, «Ich kann nicht sein, nicht leben ohne dich; ich sterbe, wenn du mir die Freiheit gibst, laß mich dein Sklave sein, töte mich, aber stoße mich nicht von dir.»"

Venus im Pelz von Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

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9 months ago

A lot of patients of the psychiatrist referenced Sacher-Masoch when telling him about their kinks. They would be like "I like women who hit me and wear fur coats, just like the one in Sacher-Masoch's Venus in furs". During his time Masoch was also famous so his work must have been a lot of people's "awakening" too. He did not write under pseudonyms when he probably should have for his own sake so the poor guy stood no chance.

The term "sadism" as it comes from the Marquis de Sade was already being used in France so Krafft-Ebing only borrowed it, he only really made up "masochism". He also corresponded with a different psychiatrist who independently of him started using "passivism" to describe masochistic urges and Krafft-Ebing was like interesting however I will keep using masochism and now here we are.

learned today (after googling it upon seeing the "Sadomasochism Brothers" post) that masochism was named by a psychiatrist who had read Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's erotic writing and was like "I feel safe in concluding that this man had Fucked-Up Freak Sex Disorder, which now until forever will bear his name", while von Sacher-Masoch was still alive. there are accounts of von Sacher-Masoch being like "bro what the fuck" about this

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8 months ago

“But that wasn’t really speech, that was an eloquent moaning, a weeping of a sick mortally sick soul.”

— Venus in Furs, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, 1870

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8 months ago

please guys stream Kassya prelude and Kassya trepak by Leo Delibes cause I need some orchestra to perform the whole opera and put it online.

context: it's based on a short story by Sacher-Masoch. Delibes died before the opera could be arranged and it was arranged by someone else (I don't remember who rn) so it technically could be performed. There was also an exhibition that was recorded for an article for Le Figaro but that's it and I can't even download that for some reason.

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8 months ago

Can I complain about something? The Masoch café in Lviv and it's stupid statue makes me so mad. It is the sensationalization and dehumanization of his person materialised into a physical object. They are so thirsty for tourist money they made a statue of a dead person where you can feel it's genitals. He would have fucking HATED this, why are they so selfish. Imagine if they did this with any other person, I don't think that would be recieved quite well. He is not a person in the eyes of society, just a freak show to gawk at. Before I discovered Masoch there was still this false hope in me that believed in humanity but learning stuff about him was the final nail in the coffin for it. How he was trying to better this world but society who on one hand judged him for his fetish also didn't want to hear about ANYTHING else. How he naively believed that hatred comes from a lack of education, how he supported rural education and worked against antisemitism and all that stuff and nobody gave a f. He probably couldn't even have imagined the atrocities that happened only a few decades after his death. What he could not prevent despite his efforts. Because people are by nature rotten. I witness the future he didn't live to see and think, what unimaginable horrors are in the future from now? Humanity cannot be saved if it doesn't want to save itself. All I feel is disgust and misanthropy.

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8 months ago
Fresh Memes Just Taken Out Of The Oven (PicsArt)
Fresh Memes Just Taken Out Of The Oven (PicsArt)

fresh memes just taken out of the oven (PicsArt)

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7 months ago

If I could go back in time I would give Sacher-Masoch all my savings so that instead of that blurry cheap photo with Fanny he could have an oil painting made instead. I think such a painting would be so iconic.

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7 months ago
Is This Really His Full Name?

Is this really his full name?

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7 months ago

Sacher-Masoch's last words before death were: "Aimez moi" (love me).

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6 months ago

Masoch took the phrase "ashes to ashes and dust to dust" a bit too literally

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6 months ago

every time I read Venus in Furs again and I come to the part where they arrive in Florence I take it so personally. Leopold what do you mean "Suddenly the door is pulled open and the waiter with a theatrical Italian gesture calls [...]"???? Brother he's opening a door. Also "The people are less serious than we; perhaps, they think less, but they all look as though they were happy." please stop Leopold please I am begging you.

long ahh tangent under the cut

and then we could talk here for hours about how Sacher-Masoch fetishezes (pun intended) different cultures and people. He has done it in these examples with Italy but he does something comparable to it in many of his works about Jewish people. Yes, still he was an advocate against antisemism and we should not take that away from him but we need to address how his works do have some pretty blatant antisemitic tropes, here is a good essay about it ( link and JSTOR link idk which one you prefer). And then obviously the racism in "Venus in Furs" of having black enslaved women as almost "accessories" to the fantasy and the remarks that are written about them which mix racism and misogyny.

sorry rant over y'all can go on with your lives

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