One really, really devastating thought i had was Fox finding out Ponds was dead from Palpatine.

His batchmates are all of planet and are able to find comfort in one another as they grieve.

But Fox. Fox is in the chancellors office standing to attention despite being bloody and bruised all over. Palpatine is back in his grandfatherly facade and decides this is the perfect time to give his regards to Fox on the death of Commander Ponds, you were particularly close i understand, how tragic.

Fox is so blindsided and in so much pain that for the first time but not the last his composure just shatters. Suddenly he’s on the floor, crying his eyes out, with big heaving gasps and full body shivers, scratching at his own arms, trying to pour all his internal pain into the external.

And then Palpatine is on his knees in front of fox and his arms are stretched out and before Fox can flinch away he’s being hugged by this monster. This makes him cry even harder and although he wants to push him away, he’s so desperate for any sort of comfort that he lets himself be held, lets his head be tucked against this man’s shoulder lets his hair be stroked and his forehead kissed, as though his companion hadn’t had the red guard beat him within an inch of his life moments before, and all he hears is Oh my boy, my dear boy.

Later that night he will find comfort in his fellow guard but in that moment he is alone with his abuser and his manipulations are Fox’s only solace.

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