Commander Fox - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

How did Rex get his name?

5 year old CT-7567, running excitedly towards Cody the moment he sees him entering the CC cadet barracks: Cody! Cody! Fox gave me a name!!! Cody, surprised since Fox had initially opposed taking in '67: Really? That's great vod'ika! CT-7567, practically bouncing on the tips of his toes: Yeah! He said it means 'King' in a really old language used by ancient Jetii! He said it fit me because of two reason! Cody, curious: Those being? CT-7567, pausing to think: Well… He only said the one, not the second... But he said I had the makings of a great leader! Cody, a little suspicious: That's awfully kind of Fox. What did he name you then? CT-7567: My name is Rex! Cody, well aware that 'Rex' is a popular name for pet massiffs and dogs: Cody, looking towards Fox who has a shit eating grin: Cody, unwilling to shatter Rex's innocence well before time: … That's a great name Rex… Wear it with pride vod'ika… Rex, grinning from ear to ear: I will! -runs off happily to go tell his batchers- Cody, watching his little brother go: … Cody, looking back at Fox once Rex is gone: You motherfucker... Fox, cackling: I wasn't lying. He's got the makings of a great leader… Fox: It just so happens that he's also a little bitch that bites. Cody: Start running.

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7 months ago

People I think would be a part of Master Windu's book club:

● Ponds - whether he likes it or not he's there for the soom (space zoom) calls and he gets the interesting parts read aloud to him (he's the biker bf to Mace's booktok girly gf)

● Cody - joined bc he was bored during his brief stint in the 91st, but has since become invested. has his own secondary club amongst the 212th command staff

○ Obi-Wan - reads over Cody's shoulder, inputs his opinions when stealing Cody's soom call snacks

● Fox - his vibes for a book club are immaculate. was offered a spot soon after posting, has the hottest takes

● Bly - joined after reading over Cody and Fox' shoulders while on leave, begged to join, has some of the most indepth takes on the books, also a hopeless romantic

○ Aalya - simular to Obi-Wan, reads over Bly's shoulder, adds thoughts when relevant

● Master Ti - strong willed booktok girly, is the reason they read "Where the Crawdads Sing" and "The Woman in Cabin 10"

● Master Che - joined for the book recommendations, stayed for the gossip

● Madame Nu - founding member

● Kit - has the same book vibes as Mace but more high energy, brings the best snacks for in person meetings

People banned from Mace Windu's Bookclub:

● Yoda - grandmaster crimes + troll + old = banned

● Anakin - this club is Mace's restbute from that lineage's insanity, he barely tolerates Obi-Wan joining over Cody's shoulder

● Depa - Mace does not want to know what his child thought of "A walk to Remember" or "The Girl with the Pearl Earring"

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1 year ago

he's off to kill the Chancellor or get caf or both

Felt Cute, Might Kick Someones Ass LaterReblogs Are Much Appreciated

“Felt cute, might kick someones ass later” Reblogs are much appreciated <3

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1 year ago

I'll join you

the hill I will die on is that the most tragic story in star wars is the clones' story

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6 months ago

The fanon concept of Fox killing Palpatine in almost every fic, art or text post is hillarious because it really shows how many of us can empathize with some dude who wants to kill his boss. Only Fox’s boss is the incarnate of all things evil and not just some dude who needs to get his life together

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6 months ago
Pov Its 4AM And Your Marshal Commander Refuses To Sleep
Pov Its 4AM And Your Marshal Commander Refuses To Sleep

pov its 4AM and your marshal commander refuses to sleep

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1 year ago

I got bored- So naturally I decided to draw fox, But an actual fox


) )Z

/ |

I Got Bored- So Naturally I Decided To Draw Fox, But An Actual Fox

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10 months ago
Longing (The River Of Ash)

Longing (The River of Ash)

This one is for you two @ivvmell @ominouspuff cause you both chose the same palette for Fox. The vibe changed midway through so I ended up taking a lot of liberties with the execution

I probably won't be taking any new requests cause a lot have piled up and I'm not even sure I can finish the ones already there. Just a heads up

Longing (The River Of Ash)

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9 months ago


happy pride y’all, I’ll be doing request all month for characters and ships (if you send one in specify any flags or identities you may want one to have)

right now if you do request it will mainly be clone wars and bad batch but!!! As long as it’s Star Wars I’m perfectly happy with anyone!

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7 months ago
Hello Hello!

💕Hello hello!

🌟 the votes are in and the daily prompts have been selected, the list will be reposted periodically and an “offical” list with be posted closer to CorrieWeek!

Day 1

SFW - Eldritch ♥️ NSFW - Orgy/Group Sex

Day 2

SFW - “There’s Not a Tooka” ♥️ NSFW - Free Use

Day 3

SFW - “You Shouldn’t Be Here” ♥️ NSFW - Inappropriate Use of Binders

Day 4

SFW - Accidental Child Acquisition ♥️ NSFW - Shiny’s First Time

Day 5

SFW - Fix-It ♥️ NSFW - Cockwarming

Day 6

SFW - Force Sensitive Clones ♥️ NSFW - Testing New Equipment

We’re so excited to see what you’ll create for CorrieWeek! If you have any questions please don’t be afraid to send in an ask here or check the introductory post!💕

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5 months ago

Memes that have definitely been sent to the Corries' group chat

Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat
Memes That Have Definitely Been Sent To The Corries' Group Chat

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5 months ago

More memes that have been sent to the corrie group chat pt 3

More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3
More Memes That Have Been Sent To The Corrie Group Chat Pt 3

Pt 1, Pt 2

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5 months ago

Commander Fox gets hit by a speeder because he was avoiding the Chancellor cause he has zero respect for that old man. The medics are pissed bc this was 100% avoidable.

Coincidentally, Fox’s batchmates are on Coruscant so they all come to visit it him. They all ask how he broke both his legs and several ribs but he just says “I don’t remember” cause he’s too embarrassed to admit he was ditching work. So they ask the medics, who just say “it was Palpatine” and mutter darkly. The batch interprets this as Chancellor Palpatine broke Fox’s legs and gave him internal bleeding.

They react to that misunderstanding as one might expect. By the time the casts come off the war is over and clones have rights. Also Fox never skips a check up again due to the medics having blackmail hanging over his head like a guillotine.

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11 months ago

Okay think like - why we never see Fox with his helmet off (excusing the fact the whole time we see him in canon he’s on duty) - is because he wears a compression garment for his face!! I like to think Fox was on the first battle of Geonosis, and suffered heavy injuries that left him well decorated but never to see the front lines again. Now imagine these injuries are burns!!! He’s just like me fr

Okay Think Like - Why We Never See Fox With His Helmet Off (excusing The Fact The Whole Time We See Him

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Longing (The River Of Ash)

Longing (The River of Ash)

This one is for you two @ivvmell @ominouspuff cause you both chose the same palette for Fox. The vibe changed midway through so I ended up taking a lot of liberties with the execution

I probably won't be taking any new requests cause a lot have piled up and I'm not even sure I can finish the ones already there. Just a heads up

Longing (The River Of Ash)

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9 months ago

Pride Month Asepc Headcanons Day 9

Commander Fox - The Clone Wars (2008) - Aromantic

Commander Fox overlays the aromantic flag. He is holding his left blaster up and is angled away from the camera.
Commander Fox overlays the aroallo flag. He is holding his left blaster up and is angled away from the camera.
Commander Fox overlays the aromantic flag. He is holding his left blaster up and speaking into his right vambrace, while also holding a gun in his right hand. He is kneeling.

Since there is so little about Fox and basically every version of him out there is just headcanons, this is one that I frequently enjoy reading about. He gets a front and center view of how alloromantic civilians and senators are and he's probably Very Fed Up with it. Give him a break 2k24

However you headcanon him, go ahead and have fun. I don't really have too much of an explanation for this one like I do for the others. It's mainly the vibes. Some people picked up on them before me, I saw it, and decided to adopt it myself.

But yeah. I just think aro Fox is neat :)

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