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Secret Voice by UNAP!
Doujinshi: Secret Voice by UNAP!
Translation: Me
Scans: cherry-toxic
Thank you so much to cherry-toxic for allowing me to use her scans and to BangAQUA for allowing me to post another translation*. The owner of the group is super nice. In fact, I'm currently working on a joint-project with them. Watch out for it!!:)
My apologies if the edit is rushed and not as clean as everyone would want it to be OTL Even if I wanted to, it will take me forever to post this if I tried to edit the sound effects as well. Sorry if I need to resort to the use of SFX.
Check out the other doujin I translated: Secret Room (warning:PWP)
*This doujin has been translated by BangAQUA but it's only available for their members. If you haven't had the chance to read it, here's something for you.