I Have NO Idea What The Sound Was Tho - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Drabble 12/30/2021

My four random words:





"You seriously cannot expect the Duke to be okay with our sudden arrival," the woman beside you said as she peaked over to check the paper that you are reading.

"Well, he did say that we can stop by any time-"

"Which usually means sending a notice that we'll be coming at least, not just randomly showing up on his doorstep," she interjected, giving you that knowing look.

"Well, he better learn that what he says can be taken to heart-" you started when someone yells out "CUT!"

Both you and Jisoo look surprised at you face the director, trying to figure out where you had messed up. He waves his hand not to dismiss you two, but to state that it wasn't your fault as he looks around as if seeking the source-

"What is that sound coming from?" Taehyung finally gives in and asks the staff as he keeps moving to see if he can somehow magically make the source appear. "If we keep shooting, this whole scene may be usable. I am pretty sure the mics pick it up even if most of you don't hear it yet."

You sit straighter trying to see if you can hear what he is... and then-

"Oh! That buzzing!"

Taehyung grinned at you and gave you a playful finger gun. "Bingo."

That made Jisoo laugh. "Well, that definitely isn't of the time period."

"Exactly! And you two were on such a roll that I didn't want to waste it on a take we'd probably have to scrap and redo."

A lot of the crew were still looking around, having no idea what the three of you are referring to, but this was one of the reasons why that Taehyung was one of the best directors even at his young age. He could catch a few things that others didn't. Saved time and was honestly less frustrating than having to redo a scene multiple times.

There was another voice coming from behind one of the cameras. "Does that mean I can finally talk Hogwarts Express and express me outta this era for now? Seriously, Ultra Best Camera Woman of the Year needs a BREAK!"

That made everyone there laugh, including Taehyung. "You hear Lisa everyone, take a break as we locate the source of the sound and we'll continue in ten."


".... Fifteen?"

"... Deal," Lisa stated as she nodded, then dashed off towards where the recently replaced food was sitting.

"Don't you dare forge my signature again to get some extra - LISA WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" One of the assistants said, clear panic in his voice as he started chasing her down. "WE HAVE A BUDGET FOR A REASON WOMAN."

"... Poor Eunwoo," Jisoo said, pretending to mourn.

"Yes, poor Eunwoo. May he somehow make it through Lisa's hijinks," you added, both smiling, watching the handsome DA chase down the craziest - though she was correct about being one of the best - camera women.

Taehyung just blinked, then looked at you two. "So, since you guys heard it as well, care to help me look for it?"

Jisoo shook her head. "Nuh uh! I didn't hear it! Y/N did and you can drag her into this." She stood up smiling. "I'm going to go run lines with Jin since we are supposed to be arriving at his place in the scene after this."

This made you laugh. "Alright alright. I'll go. And tell Jungkook to breathe, he has been nervous since they added more lines to his section. It's his fault for gaining so much attention so easily and he just needs to have faith in his talents," you state as you too get up and pick up the bountiful skirts and underskirts and whatever they have you in for this.

Pride and Prejudice era type thing, why did you agree to this again? This costuming is INTENSE.

Taehyung smiled at you. "At least I have ONE good set of ears nearby. Quick! Before the sound drives me nuts or before the break ends and Lisa manages to somehow derail us for another fifteen," he joked as he held out his hand to help you down.

You took it and nodded. "Yes, the sooner we finish our scenes today, the sooner I get out of this, and the less likely I am going to trip again because when I fall in this, I fall hard. Don't let the layers fool you, it does NOT cushion," you state, making the other two laugh.

As you and Taehyung wave to Jisoo, you start working towards figuring out what the sound was. "This direction," you ask, motioning to where you thought the sound came from.

"That direction," Taehyung nodded, confirming his thoughts as well. And so, the two of you went, trying to see if you could figure out what set off the chaos that was break on set.

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