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Let Me Cheek The Last Time I Worked On It: 27 OfJune 2014 Oh Yeah.huhwell Then

Let me cheek the last time I worked on It: “27 of June 2014” Oh yeah….huh…well then… 

Yeah when I just cheeked my sai works and I found this … It was for some “Kings” Story [Not even a story just pics] or something. I tried Digital Painting that use most of Game Character Development Artist. The technique I tries was the paint in one cape, and do It in black and white then later when you done add the colour job. But It stuck there. 

For this point I think you guessed who the model is. Vikk, and the story was for, like I said a kings au I guess, but Vikk was a knight, with his own army whose king was Rob [More pics below]

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