Prestonplayz - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
From @MCChampionship_

From @MCChampionship_

đź‘‘ Announcing team Pink Parrots đź‘‘

@.Bajan_Canadian @.JeromeASF @.Preston @.Vikkstar123

Watch them in MCC on Saturday 16th September at 8pm BST!

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7 months ago

some Shady Oaks SMP charts because I can

Take this while I work on more of the Cookie Run Kingdom x MCYT AU

Some Shady Oaks SMP Charts Because I Can
Some Shady Oaks SMP Charts Because I Can
Some Shady Oaks SMP Charts Because I Can
Some Shady Oaks SMP Charts Because I Can
Some Shady Oaks SMP Charts Because I Can


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Let Me Cheek The Last Time I Worked On It: 27 OfJune 2014 Oh Yeah.huhwell Then

Let me cheek the last time I worked on It: “27 of June 2014” Oh yeah….huh…well then… 

Yeah when I just cheeked my sai works and I found this … It was for some “Kings” Story [Not even a story just pics] or something. I tried Digital Painting that use most of Game Character Development Artist. The technique I tries was the paint in one cape, and do It in black and white then later when you done add the colour job. But It stuck there. 

For this point I think you guessed who the model is. Vikk, and the story was for, like I said a kings au I guess, but Vikk was a knight, with his own army whose king was Rob [More pics below]

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6 years ago

Leston Fart FanFiction

"Hey, Preston you almost done yet?" I asked him. "No, sorry man," He replied back. Preston was working very hard to get videos out today, since we needed to catch a flight in a few days. He also had to edit them since his editors are unable to get the raw footage. So, ever since he woke up and had breakfast, he had been making videos non-stop. All he has been eating are snacks like chips, candy, and even popcorn. He told me he wanted popcorn even though we both know that it destroys his digestive system.

"Are you done now?" I sounded like an impatient toddler. "Lachlan ask me that one more time. I dare you," Preston responded with. "Are you done yeeeeeeet?" I groaned the entire sentence while hitting the side of the doorway. "Know something Lachlan get over here!" Preston said that we if he was Scorpion. He offered the chair and I sat on it, with him sitting on me. Preston's ass felt great, with it being so round and muscular, yet soft. "Woah, dude this is a PG channel," I said to him. He shushed me, and said to be quiet. When all of a sudden, Preston released a powerful fifteen second right onto my dick. The smell was bad, but I wanted more. Unannounced to Preston I had a fart fetish, and out of all the pack, I wanted him the most. His farts were loud and powerful and sounded bass-like. Not to mention he had the best ass in the world to deliver said farts. I quickly got up and ran to the doorway, trying to hide my growing erection. Preston laughed and said, "Those chips are evil."

I still stood at the doorway looking at Preston and his huge ass. I wanted to eat, sniff, and fuck it all at once. But I was so busy staring at Preston's ass that I didn't realize he was doing the outro to his last video before his dinner break. I quickly ran down the hall and into the bathroom to hide that I was staring at him all this time. I soon heard footsteps, come closer, and the door knob shake and rattle. "Lachlan, you in there?" He asked. "Uh yeah, Preston. Just fixing up my... face," I awkardly responded with. "Well, hurry up! I'm about to nuke that bathroom," He yelled at me. I wanted to see what I would be missing so I set up my phone to record behind the toilet. I then opened the door, and Preston came bursting through, cropdusting, and stripped down and sat down on the toilet. PPPPPPPRRRRPLOPLPLOPPLP!!! A huge wet fart came out Preston's ass and shook the toilet and filled the entire room. His ass was so big that it covered the whole toilet and kept most of the smell from escaping, but it still smelled awful. I ran out, with a boner and with proper air still in my lungs.

After that near-death experience I went and got some Chipotlè. Yes, I was basically asking for death at this point, but I so badly wanted to smell Preston's farts. When I got back Preston went back to recording one more video, and said he'll be done soon. With no time waste I went into the bathroom and smelled the toilet. It smelled bad even though Preston could have left a while ago. I then reached behind the toilet to find that Preston was only on the toilet for three minutes. Sure I had gotten some nasty farts, but I wanted more. I also locked the bathroom door and masturbated to the smell and video. His farts were loud and sloppy on the toilet, with loud plops that sounded like bombs just in between the large farts. Preston's loud grunting leading up to the earthquake-like farts was also a huge turn on if mine.

After I had climaxed, I cleaned it up and went back to Preston's office, staring at his ass. It was really sweaty since he was in such an intense game and then... "Just gotta get these emeralds and..." He released a monster of a fart that went on for around thirty seconds. "Not going to be able to edit that one out, and Oh My Gosh that smell!!! Someone crack open a window or something." He said while coughing. "Don't worry I got you mate," I said to him as I walked over to his office window. The smell was rancid, way worse than the toilet's. I began to get an erection and I opened the window, where the fart ran out of. "Well, there goes the ozone layer," I said trying to get a reaction from Preston. But nothing.

I kept staring at his sweaty crack all the way until the last outro. We then went and ate dinner with Preston having some of my share. After I had gotten up to throw my garbage away, Preston released a one second fart that sounded like an explosion. Its smell was the worse one yet with it making me throw up. But it still turned me on and I had a boner by the time I was done vomitting. Preston was also over at the couch laying down and I cleaned up the trash he left behind trying to hide my boner.

When I sat down on the couch I had grabbed a pillow to hide my boner. But while we were watching the movie Preston kept in glancing over to me. He was up to something as he crawled over to me slowly. He was basically on top of me when he threw away my pillow, and asked seductively, "Is there something in your pocket of are you just happy to smell me?" I couldn't answer out of pure shock. "You really think you're good at hiding things? I saw you staring at my ass all day, and you trying to record me on the toilet. If you wanted me you could've just asked," he finished. "But you're... m-m-married and I didn't... uh... want to ruin that..." Preston cut me off by kissing me and said, "This may be wrong, but a little wrong never hurt anyone." When he finished he leaned in for another kiss and I accepted it. Closed eyes and all. "Keep your eyes closed," he whispered to me and that I did. But I soon opened my eyes when I felt him moving and I opened them to a faceful of Preston's underwear. It was wet and stained with sweat and farts that had sputtered. "I can feel the popcorn kicking in," Preston said to me and as he sat on my face. It was a short fart, but it was juicy and smelled awful. Mixed in with the sweat and his musk, it smelled worse than the ones before. My boner got harder and he started to play with it. "It's nice and thick, just the way I like them," he said. Now, not to toot my own horn, but I do have a very girthy dick that would stretch anyone's hole. "And just the way I like you," I said in between sniffing his ass. "Shut up, Lachy," and Preston sat down with all his force and pushed out a large fart. It filled me up fully and was really wet and rank.

"More!" I began to beg him. "Don't worry, more is on its way," he reassured me as he ripped a bassy fart into my nose. But it still wasn't enough and so I began to rip open his underwear. *RIIIIIIP* I tore the backside of his underwear, making it into a jockstrap. His ass was even bigger out of his underwear and was perfectly smooth. Not to mention it was as hairy as any hole could be with it looking like a complete forest of hair and shit. "How dare you! These were mildly expensive," Preston said, "Now you're gonna have to pay," he finished with a sinister voice. He grabbed me and pulled me to the bathroom where he stood over the toilet with his ass stretched out. I knew what he wanted me to do, so I went under him as he sat down onto my mouth and nose and he let out the worst smelling fart that night. "That's just my baby one, get ready for my big daddies," This made me cum all over the floor as he ripped a deep sounding fart. He kept letting them out without any hesitation with some even coming out as a turd or with sputter. "I still have more, time for your dick to get in on some of the action," Preston said. With that he got up and sat next to my dick stroking it with his ass cheeks still farting on my dick as we made out. I was covered in shit and he still kissed me. I then stuck my dick up his ass without him realizing it and Preston ended up moaning loudly while still farting. I was now the dominant one fucking him up in the ass, breaking it. "Faster! *moan* Faster! *Moan* Faster Daddy!" He pleaded me. It was a dream come true that he called me "daddy". It felt as if I was growing inside of him, and I pounded him faster with stretching out his hole to the limit. "UUUHUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!! Harder!!! UUUUUUHHHUUUUHHHHHH" Preston moaning at the top of his lung is what really made me cum. His jockstrap was soaked in his own cum as I was still going strong and Preston farted all my cum back onto my dick as I put it back in his hole. Him farting out my cum onto my dick and me putting it back in, went on for a while, with him moaning each time. It felt like forever we were doing this, but that's because we just wanted more and more of each other. Tired, my dick became too sore and his ass became too tired from being stretched out. He still had loads of cum in him and it took him a while to shoot it all out. Preston let it all out into my pubes and said, "Good luck cleaning that," he kept bouncing the cum in. He then let out an SBD and it reeked. "Please don't make me cum anymore." He glared at me and then PPPPRRRHHHHHHHTTT!!!! He ripped another large fart and I stuck my new erection back into his ass and he said he'll stop after one more fart on my face. I agreed to this and Preston moved onto my face and let a rip. FFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH! A ten minute long fart shot out of his ass into my face. I didn't have the energy to fight it and I soon passed out.

When I awoke, it was dark, humid, rancid, and shit was everywhere. I couldn't move my head at all. "Help!" I screamed, "Help!". "No one can hear you Lachlan," It was Preston. I knew I was in his ass. "You have been out for two months, and you missed a lot," He began. "My wife found me asleep with you and she divorced me. The court ruled a half and half split, with me keeping the house. However, I live here alone now with everyone thinking I'm a dirty scumbag. Also, no one knows you are alive. Everyone thought that my nuclear fart killed you, but it didn't. I paid the hospital to pronounce that you died from an unfixable ruptured lung and lack of oxygen. But that means you live here with me alone. I still make YouTube videos but people now barely watch them, because of my controversy. Everything in my life changed, because you couldn't take a simple fart. And because of that I thought I should help you build up a resistance to them. So, you are going to be stuck in my ass whenever I'm in this house, and you are going to like it!" PPPPPPRRRRRRRRHHHHH!!!!!!! He ripped a ginormous, bassy fart directly into my face. I sniffed it all up. It smelled bad, but I knew it could be worse. "Hey get used to that, because whether you like it or not you are stuck with it. Oh by the way I don't need use the toilet anymore for shits, cause I have you for that too." He finished with. "But do I still get to break your ass?" I asked him. "Yeah but you are gonna need a bigger dick to make up for what you did, so be expecting pills and toys that will help you with that." Preston responded with. PPPPPPPRRRRRRHHHHHTTTTT!!!! He ripped another large bassy fart that left some skidmarks. It felt as if I could feel his whole ass shake and rumble from it. "Also I have started a new diet that makes me gives more gas and gas relief pills. So, be prepared for hell," PPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!!!! He interrupted himself with a large thunder sounding fart. "Okay nice warm up now time for the big boys," He said when his fart finished. PPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTSSSSSS!!!!!!!! A turd came out with that one and he bounced on my face. I began to gulp it down while Preston kept farting. BBBBBRRRRRFRRFRFFRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHTTTT!!!! Another bassy fart that sounded a jet engine made me and his ass shake. "Oh, hell yeah!!! I can smell that from here," Preston said to me while laughing and grinding his ass against my face. "Aww yes!!! I'm gonna ride your face forever!" BRRRRRRT! "And it feels so fucking good!" Preston screamed. PPPPRESLSPSLSPSLSPSLSPSPSLRRRRRRRRRRTTTTSSSSSSSSS!!!!! It was so hot and steamy inside his ass, it really began to suffocate me and deprive me of oxygen. "Your new air is now whatever I give you!!!!!" BBRRRRRRRRT!!! "Good night, Lachlan," He laughed and PPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRLIPLOOOPLPLLPLOPLOOLOPLO LOPPOPSSSLSLSPLOSPSLSOLSLSOSSPSLOSPSPSOSLSLOSP!!!!!!!

This was all I could ask for. No responsibilities, only smelling Preston's ass and pounding him with my larger dick?! And best of all I didn't do anything, he did everything. This was truly a dream come true.

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