4 years ago
Brain Was Empty And Had No Ideas So I Just Sketched Out Whatever I Could Think Of Hhhhhhh--

Brain was empty and had no ideas so I just sketched out whatever I could think of hhhhhhh--

Fuyu in a sailor fuku was always something that had been in mind for a long time no purely for the fact I thought it would look cute on her aksdhjasdsd (chose the Fall/Winter version because it suits her more imo)

A glimpse of Ran’s “true” (spidery) form; he actually has 8 eyes but because they’d look too freaky he only lets loose a little around a very few select of people he trusts, with Ophiou being one of them (oh and he can’t be assed to take a bath on his own and will neglect doing so, thus he’s often nagged by Ophi to actually take one)

Raetel’s actually a studious and hard-working boy (yes, I hereby confirm the adopted honey badger as Hoku’s SON) despite his appearance and mannerisms kind of like a delinquent; he takes his studies seriously and HATES slackers (which is why he was LIVID when Grim, Ace, and Deuce all took up Azul’s contract to boost their studies)

Genderbent Quin and Sei. That’s all. asdsadhasd I literally have no other reason besides “cute girls go BRRRRR” uwu;;;;

Chibi Orchis nomming on a (poisonous) leaf is just a small bonus ehehehe wwwww

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