I Heard We Rocking With Shameless Self Inserts Now - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Say howdy folks! Introducing officially, my shamelessly self-insert inspired Gravity Falls OC, Raymonte!

Say Howdy Folks! Introducing Officially, My Shamelessly Self-insert Inspired Gravity Falls OC, Raymonte!

Text + bonus content under the cut

Text Desc:

RAYMONTE (22 He/Him)

-Wendy’s (Burnout) Cousin! (Uncle? Cousnkle?)

Moved to town recently for a “fresh start” in GF

- New Janitor 4 the Mystery Shack (/handyman /parttime cashier)

( - Soos was sus of Ray at first worried he’d be a bad influence on the kids, then remembers, Stan, (can’t be worse than Stan,))

-Simp -Stoner - Hick (Dastardly Combo)

-Dreams of becoming an Illistrator one day (if AI doesn’t make that impossible)

( - Tried redrawing some things for dipper from the journals before he learnt they’re ford’s)

-Bi / FtM T-BOY

( - Gen Z but never got caught up with modern tech, doesn’t use social media)

( - Opposite to Wendy, appears like an anxiety ridden drowned rat but is actually p chill)

( - Currently lives out the back of his car/ camps outside)

( - Came to town post - weirdmaggedon so he doesn’t rlly get why people don’t like his favorite Pink Floyd shirt.)

Without text + linart

Say Howdy Folks! Introducing Officially, My Shamelessly Self-insert Inspired Gravity Falls OC, Raymonte!
Say Howdy Folks! Introducing Officially, My Shamelessly Self-insert Inspired Gravity Falls OC, Raymonte!

+Bonus original full sketch page

Say Howdy Folks! Introducing Officially, My Shamelessly Self-insert Inspired Gravity Falls OC, Raymonte!

Blanchin’ yeah we blanchin’ I live up in a mansion

thnx ILY buy gold

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