I Hope This Was Okay And I Wasn't Metagaming Too Much - Tumblr Posts
“Look into my eyes”
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See!

“So the Godfather of Gotham himself deigns to see me...”
I see:
Absolute Conviction | Aggression | Ambition | Anger | Anxiety | Apathy | Arrogance | Bloodthirst | Bravery | Compassion | Confidence | Conflict | Courage | Darkness | Defeat | Denial | Desire | Despair | Determination | Devotion | Disappointment | Distrust | Dominance | Emptiness | an Enemy | Enlightenment | Envy | Excitement | Exhaustion | Elitism | Experience | Fear | a Friend | a Future | Gentleness | Greed | Grief | Guilt | Honesty | Honor | Hope | Hostility | Ignorance | an Illness | Insecurity | Integrity | Intoxication | Kindness | Lies | Loneliness | Longing | Loss | a Lover | Loyalty | Malicious Intent | Mania | Melancholy | Misery | Negativity | Overcompensation | Pain | Paranoia | Passion | Perseverance | Pettiness | Pity | Positivity | Pressure | Pride | a Purpose | Racism | Regret | Resentment | Resignation | Resolve | Sadness | Self-Hatred | Sexism | Shattered Remains | a Shining Light | Something Familiar | Spite | Stress | Stupidity | Submission | Tranquility | Trauma | Trust | Vengeance | Warmth | Wisdom | Wrath | a Cry for Help | Something Eating Your Mind | the Years have Changed You
Animalistic | Approachable | Broken | Closed-Off | Cold | Crafty | Crazy | Defensive | Devious | Difficult | Disheartened | Emotionally Detached | Frightened | Frightening | Genuine | Guarded | Headstrong | Heartless | Human | Immature | Impatient | Inhuman | Insane | Intuitive | Lost | Mature | Noble | Patient | Pitiful | Primitive | Pure | Reliable | Remorseless | Reserved | Resourceful | Short-Tempered | Simplistic | Sly | Soft-Hearted | Struggling | a Threat | Trapped | a Troublemaker | Trusting | Understanding | Unique | Unpredictable | Unwavering | a Victim | Wicked | Feeling Vindictive | Guilty of Something | Hiding Something | Lost in Thought | Planning Something | Scared of Me | Scaring Me | Someone I can Trust | Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore | Someone to Fear | Someone Worthy of Respect | Weak to Manipulation | Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself | Belittle Yourself | Don’t Want to Hurt Me | Don’t Want to Leave Me | Drown Yourself in Something | Feel Alone | Feel Empowered | Have a Plan that Involves Me | Have No One Else to Turn to | Have Nowhere Else to Go | Have Seen Some Things | Haven’t Been Sleeping | Lie to Yourself | Lost Faith/Trust in Me | Lost Something/Someone Important | Need Me/my Help | No Longer Believe Me | See Me as a Thing | See Me as Someone Else | Seek to Hurt/Harm | Seek to Manipulate | Think Highly of Yourself | Think I’m Hiding Something | Think Little of Yourself | Think You Know Best | Want to Hurt Me | Want to Protect Me | Want to Sleep with Me | Want to Use Me