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Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?

Ohh!! What a good question!
For the most part, yes. In the Marvel fandom, my favorites are Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, both men who have been portrayed in several different ways depending on who wrote them and what arc they were in. I appreciate a character with a complicated background that didn't have that picturesque upbringing or the perfect life - especially in say, Tony's case whereby all rights it looks like he should have had. Does that mean that I love every *adaptation* we've had? nah. I will say I thought RDJ was the only possible Tony Stark and if they make Doom just an alternate Tony I'll be upset. I think casting Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner has been a good choice, but I don't like how they addressed Prof. Hulk (integrated system) or introduced Skaar. We should have had a standalone movie (and there is still time!) of World War Hulk when Hulk was on the planet Sakaar. We obviously didn't get to see so much more.
For personal reasons, I resonate with both Astarion and Halsin's stories in BG3.
I am still learning, and still uncovering new facets to these two but the fact that they're shown actively on different parts of their recovery brings me so much hope and joy. It's a weird place to be in, because I am just now actively trying to address residual trauma from 30 years ago, and I see Astarion's fear, and his hurt, and the way that he is actively choosing to open up and to let his friends in even though he is terrified and has only been shown hurt before it's just....*ah* so good.
And yeah, I think it was a huge misfire that you don't know about Halsin's trauma until **after** you have him sleep with the Drow twins with you, and then he's so damn casual about it? like my guy. Sir, you are **burying** those feels. Like I am so well versed in just putting a lid on my feelings and it's like Yzma's plan.

He's gonna put those feelings into a box, and put that box inside of another box, and then he'll mail it to himself and when it arrives he'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER.
I just thought it was a slip up for Halsin to tell you **after** when he is the King of Consent and having everyone be informed so it's just......not the best way to have brought that trauma up with your partner.
i’ll never forgive you for hurting me this much i cried way too hard when reading ghosting my heart hurts so much why?? i just wanted them to be happy ☹️
I just had to say your username is hilarious!
Thank you my friend! I suppose I had a spark of creativity.(the jokes keep getting worse and worse)
“Look into my eyes”
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See!

“So the Godfather of Gotham himself deigns to see me...”
I see:
Absolute Conviction | Aggression | Ambition | Anger | Anxiety | Apathy | Arrogance | Bloodthirst | Bravery | Compassion | Confidence | Conflict | Courage | Darkness | Defeat | Denial | Desire | Despair | Determination | Devotion | Disappointment | Distrust | Dominance | Emptiness | an Enemy | Enlightenment | Envy | Excitement | Exhaustion | Elitism | Experience | Fear | a Friend | a Future | Gentleness | Greed | Grief | Guilt | Honesty | Honor | Hope | Hostility | Ignorance | an Illness | Insecurity | Integrity | Intoxication | Kindness | Lies | Loneliness | Longing | Loss | a Lover | Loyalty | Malicious Intent | Mania | Melancholy | Misery | Negativity | Overcompensation | Pain | Paranoia | Passion | Perseverance | Pettiness | Pity | Positivity | Pressure | Pride | a Purpose | Racism | Regret | Resentment | Resignation | Resolve | Sadness | Self-Hatred | Sexism | Shattered Remains | a Shining Light | Something Familiar | Spite | Stress | Stupidity | Submission | Tranquility | Trauma | Trust | Vengeance | Warmth | Wisdom | Wrath | a Cry for Help | Something Eating Your Mind | the Years have Changed You
Animalistic | Approachable | Broken | Closed-Off | Cold | Crafty | Crazy | Defensive | Devious | Difficult | Disheartened | Emotionally Detached | Frightened | Frightening | Genuine | Guarded | Headstrong | Heartless | Human | Immature | Impatient | Inhuman | Insane | Intuitive | Lost | Mature | Noble | Patient | Pitiful | Primitive | Pure | Reliable | Remorseless | Reserved | Resourceful | Short-Tempered | Simplistic | Sly | Soft-Hearted | Struggling | a Threat | Trapped | a Troublemaker | Trusting | Understanding | Unique | Unpredictable | Unwavering | a Victim | Wicked | Feeling Vindictive | Guilty of Something | Hiding Something | Lost in Thought | Planning Something | Scared of Me | Scaring Me | Someone I can Trust | Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore | Someone to Fear | Someone Worthy of Respect | Weak to Manipulation | Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself | Belittle Yourself | Don’t Want to Hurt Me | Don’t Want to Leave Me | Drown Yourself in Something | Feel Alone | Feel Empowered | Have a Plan that Involves Me | Have No One Else to Turn to | Have Nowhere Else to Go | Have Seen Some Things | Haven’t Been Sleeping | Lie to Yourself | Lost Faith/Trust in Me | Lost Something/Someone Important | Need Me/my Help | No Longer Believe Me | See Me as a Thing | See Me as Someone Else | Seek to Hurt/Harm | Seek to Manipulate | Think Highly of Yourself | Think I’m Hiding Something | Think Little of Yourself | Think You Know Best | Want to Hurt Me | Want to Protect Me | Want to Sleep with Me | Want to Use Me
★ //tfw gunfire is an occupational hazard
★ - drag my muse by the arm

"Damnit, Li! I wasn’t done killing that moron just yet!” Roman snarled, though his combative tone was at odds with how little of a fight he was putting up against his assistant. Li no doubt had her hands full managing his dead weight regardless, her boss ignoring the crimson stain currently blooming across his white shirt as he paused to glare at the culprit responsible right before he was yanked out of the room. Turns out one of men wasn’t as loyal as he’d thought, instead being a plant sent by one of his rivals to infiltrate the group. He’d almost accomplished what he’d set out to do too, crisis adverted only by Li’s timely intervention when she’d noticed the stiffness in his would-be killer’s body language and again in pulling his ass out of the crossfire before a second bullet could be fired at him. The first had hit him squarely in the shoulder, missing his vitals by a good margin but damn if it didn’t ache like a bitch right now. ”Shit. The boys had better not rough him too badly, I wanna make sure I find out who sent that sorry ass to do me in...” Roman hissed as Li dragged him over to a nearby medical room, hand clamped over the bleeding hole in his shoulder as per her orders. Wasn’t good for morale seeing their boss pouring with blood, he’d thought, not for the first time grateful for her level-headed mind and ability to stay calm even in situations like this. He bit down on his cigar as he shucked off his shirt, allowing Li to staunch the wound. The guy who did this was going to be a very, very dead man, he was going to make sure of it but first he had to let Li make sure he didn’t end up dead right alongside him.
Blood Play or Breath Play? (Hewo here’s a little sinday ask)
Let’s Play A Game of This Or That? (NSFW Edition)

“I know what everyone’s thinking. I’m the guy who obviously enjoys blood play, right? Well I do, but I’ve spilled plenty of blood over the years so it doesn’t hold that same thrill for me anymore. It’s entertaining during knife play, sure - I mean, who doesn’t enjoy working their partner up and seeing their skin flush? Lemme tell you that doesn’t even begin to compare to the thrill of wrapping your fingers around someone’s pretty little throat, deciding when they’re allowed to breathe....” Roman sighed, flexing the strong digits of his hand as he inspected each finger. He’d used countless blades over the years and enjoyed doing so but choking the life out of somebody was something he did far less often than he liked. He had to admit there was a unique intimacy of sorts to it, feeling another’s pulse hammer relentlessly beneath his touch. In the bedroom, he’d be a lot more careful to avoid any serious damage from occuring but the excitement was still the same, his hands now craving to feel somebody’s neck or maybe even another’s hands around his own. “I’ve tried it myself and I gotta admit, it makes getting off a hell of a lot more intense. Wouldn’t trust many others doing it to me though, but somebody who can do it right? There’s no better high.”
OOC// what is Roman’s opinion, if he has any, on things like Pride and activism?

Pride and activism is in a very strange place when it comes to Roman. As far as he’s concerned, he couldn’t give a flying fuck about the whole movement™ and rolls his eyes whenever companies make a great deal about showing off how ‘progressive’ and ‘virtuous’ they are when truthfully, they’re just chasing dollar signs like any other greedy corporation out there. It doesn’t feel genuine to him and he won’t participate in any of it, feeling that actions speak louder than empty platitudes and false support. That being said, he is very accepting of people that don’t conform to society’s expectations and norms. You’re in love with another man? Fantastic, now wear your fucking mask and get to work. You don’t want to wear feminine attire as his secretary? That’s cool, just wear trousers or whatever makes you feel comfortable so long as you don’t end up looking like a total slob. It’s their lives, not his; he’s happy the way he is now and Roman would feel rather hypocrital denying somebody their identity when his own was such a struggle to obtain. He can relate even if it’s something he’s not very open about. When it comes to people he cares about, really cares about or are important to him such as his and his partner’s hypothetical children, Roman would immediately be one of the most supportive people you can count on. You sure that’s the way you feel about somebody who’s the same sex? Cool, now go get you the person of your dreams. You’re a girl but like rockets and typical ‘boy’ things? Great! Enjoy those hobbies you thought you weren’t entitled to before just because you’re the ‘wrong’ gender! He’s been there, he knows exactly how it feels being sad and confused about how fucked up society is and it’s shit so it isn’t something he’s ever going to put his kids through, not after the bullshit his parents pulled all throughout his childhood.
[💭 + cars.]
𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic.

Roman adores cars. It’s not as obvious as his love for suits but they’re right up there on his list of favourite things and he’ll happily spend a free moment sifting through catalogues just to look at the models within. His father owned several very expensive vehicles what with being CEO of Janus Cosmetics and Roman loved seeing them for as long as he could remember, relishing the clean scent of leather interiors and how comfortable the seats were to ride on. It’s probably one of the few happy memories he has as a child, Mr. Sionis proud to show off his vehicles even to his son while the mechanics they hired enjoyed explaining their work and showing Roman exactly how cars functioned. As an adult, Roman’s now the proud owner of several cars, typically keeping well-known models such as Ferrari for show and pleasure while other, more expendable vehicles are used for work. He won’t blow stupid amounts of money on a machine, even if the urge to splurge is occasionally very tempting but Gotham is dangerous enough on the law-abiding side let alone other criminals, Roman being quite unwilling to shell out hundreds of thousands on a car that’s just going to end up getting riddled with bullets unless he has somewhere to keep it safe - and what’s the fun in having a car you can’t use? Despite his love of cars, ironically he’s not a very good driver and leaves the getaways to a trusted member in his gang.
i forgot to reblog this but GAAAAH!!!
thank you so muuuch 😭🎉 i’m so glad you like my keralis!!!!!!!!!! he’s so special to me. i really gotta draw more mcyt again (sorry im on my hlvrai grind)
@locksox has the coolest keralis design ever!!!!!!!! i've been low-key obsessed with it for a bit now i need him injected straight into my veins kbvyctgvjhbk - welcome-back-to-hoimycraf
@locksox !!!