I Just Wanna Write The Fluffy Parts But Im Trying To Create A Full Story Here So I Cant Just Skip - Tumblr Posts

Do any other writers out there not know where to start when they have created full lives for their characters? I make a starting place, write a little, figure out my characters, and then second-guess where I’m supposed to start. Like do I want to give flashbacks for the needed information or do I start nearer to childhood. Do I start right before the one scene I’ve been dreaming about writing, or do I lead up to it? Do I start where they meet as kids, and then skip to where they’re older? Do I make a prologue. As an indecisive person writing is hard because of all the choices I have to make. (Who to traumatize, who to baby, ect.,).

it’s like I’m making a complicated movie for my characters. and I have to choose a good opening shot but the problem is that there are too many options.

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