I Listen To A Lot Of Music - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

for the song asks --

11, 12, 35, 36, 25?

11) Good Enough by Atsuover since I relate way too much to the lyrics, and the song makes me feel like my emotions are valid. :’)

12) Your Reality by Dan Salvato, cause the update got me back into DDLC lol

25) I Hear A Symphony by Cody Fry. The lyrics are so sweet and it made me cry the first time I hear it.

35) Almost the entire Friday Night Funkin album, just cause the songs are fire, and they help me when I have a creative stump.

36) Toxic - Cover by Melanie Martinez, my mom watched the episode of The Voice when it came out back in 2012 when I was 5, but the cover still slaps ngl.

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4 years ago

a lot

too many songs do this, i have a playlist dedicated to this

but the first one that comes to mind is Bite by Troye Sivan

Anyway, I think we should all just admit that we have that one song that we feel emotions to, every time it comes on, and we know the song is mediocre at best, but we can't stop the tears, I'll start, mine's Piano Man by Billie Joel, who wants to go next?

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8 months ago

put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers <3 (´^ω^)

Ooo oki!! Been listening to a lot more music now that I’m drawing more (*^^*) 🎶

1. Karma - Taylor Swift

2. Nurse’s Office - Melanie Martinez

3. Goth - Sidewalks and Skeletons

4. The Perfect Girl - Mareux

5. Bumblebee - (the Nightcore version)

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