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I was thinking that the way the government and society was constructed in The Hunger Games was completely perfect for war. Okay, bear with me for a few.

We know there were districts from 1 to 13, with 13 being destroyed after they started challenging the main districts too much because of the Games and the way the system was handled. Why was it so easy to destroy an entire "city" without affecting the "nation" as such? Easy. There was no military power to rise up in arms, they were poor people without any kind of training who could barely manage to get enough to get through the day, there was nowhere to hide or set up a base of operations, there was no one who was the brains behind the necessary hits, there were no resources of any kind. Wheat is one of the most common and easy crops to grow, bread is abundant everywhere and yet in the books it is said that the bread is a privilege in district 12.

In the French uprising against the monarchy, soldiers saw their children, mothers, wives, and friends marching against them and threw all their "loyalty" to the crown to their families, to those who really mattered to them. This was one of the main reasons why the French Revolution worked; a soldier was not going to kill his family for a man he did not know.

In the districts, it is not like that, Peacekeepers are usually from district 2, completely removed from the citizens most likely to rise up against the government who are precisely those from the lower districts. Why should they care about the lives or desires of unknown and "lowly" faces? There would be no way they would stop to help the people, there would be no way they would stop to feel empathy for those people because they shared absolutely nothing with the most vulnerable citizens. They are a force that had been mistreating the weaker districts for years to the point where the question was inhumane.

The existing social imbalance shown in The Hunger Games was not only exposed in the preparation that some tribute from districts had, like the ones from district 4 who were proud to present "Professional Tributes" or the ones from district 7 who had good physical condition thanks to their main task of providing wood. But also the fact that the Peacekeepers feel no remorse for seeing any district suffer while being trained and rewarded in the higher districts.

The best way to win the war is to break the spirit of the fighting factions, the easiest way is to appeal to their most human and animalistic part of protecting their "herd", but when the warriors are not forced to kill their "herd", the question becomes much more complicated.

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8 months ago


the fact that Peeta couldn’t work up the gumption to talk to Katniss for YEARS but as soon is he’s presented an opportunity he immediately starts laying the moves on her in unrelentingly charismatic fashion is insane

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7 months ago

“Remember, we are madly in love so feel free to kiss me whenever you feel like it”

“Here to finish me off sweetheart?”

“I don’t mind you seeing me”


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1 year ago

the hungrrb games

It's really good books and movies tbh love it 😍😍 (also hsdb a big cruch on peeta tbh 🤫🫢🤫) 

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