Katniss Everdeen - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Something Struck Me As I Was Reading Catching Fire Again...in Spite Of Everything Else Snow Learned Through

Something struck me as I was reading Catching Fire again...in spite of everything else Snow learned through his experiences in Ballad, I do feel that one positive lesson he learned was that the people in the districts were not actually inferior to him or the rest of the Capitol. Reading this scene, I appreciate how polite he is towards Katniss and her mother.

Of course, he's a charmer by nature (and he was playing it up in this scene, I'm sure) and very much has an "us vs. them" mentality, but Gaul's lesson equalized everyone in his mind. They were all players in the game he considered life to be. He changed the entire way the people of the districts were treated. He humanized them to the Capitol.

Now, in Catching Fire, I'm sure one reason he's being so gracious towards Katniss and her mother is because he wants to stay on good terms and avoid a rebellion, but I also liked how he didn't seem to be flaunting any superiority with them, ruthless though he is.

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4 years ago

If someone just don't like such a pure soul , it's their loss .

If Someone Just Don't Like Such A Pure Soul , It's Their Loss .

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10 months ago

I think something that truly shows Katniss’s character growth is her reaction to death

She says in THG that she used to double over in pain, wondering where her father has gone. In mockingjay, she collapses with Buttercup because she knows where Prim is.

Her father’s death gave her the ability to kill - it gives her the strength to hunt, both animals and people. Prim’s death gives her empathy for life as she cares for the cat she once tried to drown.

I think Prim’s death also shows what she is at her core - a caregiver. Prim kept her going after her father died since she had someone to look after - she only starts to properly process her feelings once she has Buttercup (named after another small yellow flower) to care for.

And that is Katniss’s problem. All throughout the series, she never lives for herself, only to care for others. And if that keeps her going, it’s enough. But I like to imagine that perhaps she learns to care and live for herself after the war.

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10 months ago

It’s interesting to me that Katniss and Peeta were the only two victors to come out of the mission to the Capitol alive. It’s the 76th Hunger Games and once again they beat the odds and came out together.

It really shows that they could not win without the other - they would be dead if not together.

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10 months ago

One of the biggest pointers to the idea that Snow still cared for Lucy Gray (in some way, considering that I don’t believe he ever truly loved her - although that’s a conversation for another day) is that he left the Hob alone.

He knew it existed, knew there was a prolific black market in 12, and yet he didn’t try to shut it down until Katniss gave him reason to.

Perhaps he couldn’t bring himself to destroy the play Lucy Gray held so dearly. Perhaps he wondered if she was still there.

Or perhaps he didn’t think it was worth dealing with. As I’ve said before, I believe 12 still existed at that point primarily to be destroyed in the case of an uprising. Maybe he just didn’t want to bother.

And I think that’s what’s so interesting about his character - even after an entire book told from his perspective, it’s still so difficult to decipher what he really thinks and what’s part of his delusion.

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10 months ago

I love Boggs so much because he’s the only character in the revolution who continues to treat Katniss like a child. He sees her for what she is, and he’s willing to sacrifice himself for her - even when he has a young son of his own to care for. He’s so unbelievably caring, even in the middle of a war.

Why do I see no one talk about Boggs?!? I love him sm and he genuinely cared about Katniss. The scene were he wraps a blanket around her when shes cold (and having flashbacks?). Hes seriously underrated.

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9 months ago

TBOSAS really puts the treatment of the tributes into perspective. Because they're not treated like that to make it a thing of glory or as a last meal - at least not primarily. They're treated like that so they can be seen as "Capitol" to the citizens.

During the time of the interviews, they are seen as Capitol, as worthy of respect, able to be related to and vouched for. Once they enter the arena, this is all stripped from them and they are left with District struggle. Not amount of bourgeoise masquerade can remove what is seen as District barbarism.

The sponsors' gifts represent the Capitol as "saviours" of the Districts: even the strongest would die without the Capitol's mercy. Or, at least, that's the idea Snow wants to portray.

Once they make it out of the arena, they have been gifted fully with the mercy of the Capitol. Not to the point at which they are Capitol themselves, but they are worthy of spectacle: stripped of their identity and made to conform with Capitol life.

It's like the colonisation of the Districts, in a way, as their culture was stolen from them - a tactic used repeatedly to control independent nationalities and cultures by colonisers. Of course, it's practically impossible to strip a community of their identity, even if they are forced to forget their culture. And we see this with District 12 - they still have roots of their culture left, with Katniss saying that they dance very well and her family having extensive knowledge of plants, supporting the idea that Katniss has Indigenous heritage. And they have other customs, such as the toasting ceremony.

So, the victors are torn from their identity, which has already previously been stolen by the Capitol, and made to conform to Capitol life. But even that is not genuine. Rather, they exist as a laughing stock as it is clear that they are only parading as something they are not. They are entertainment for the Capitol citizens, nothing more.

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9 months ago

I’ve seen people talk about the tesserae system and how exploitative it is, how it strengthens class divide, how it targets the lower class, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone discuss that it’s actively a reward for having children.

Same as how women were given a small amount of money and rewards for each child they had in fascist Germany, the tesserae system works to exploit people’s desperation to have more children. Again, it enforces the hope in the hunger games; especially in the larger districts, it can be seen as a reward for very little risk.

It makes participation in Hunger Games (and thus the act having children itself) become an active job - a responsibility for which families are rewarded. This is especially interesting because we do not know much about the treatment of women, but it definitely shows how Panem was at least built on a misogynistic society, if it isn’t actively Patriarchal itself, because it implies that women are treated as little more than mothers when having children is a viable source of food for a while.

And that then exacerbates class warfare. It turns the lower classes on the middle classes, as they are not so desperate as to risk losing a child just to survive.

It’s implied in Mockingjay that the human race was on the brink of extinction in Panem, so rewarding people for having kids was very likely a way to combat humanity’s dwindling numbers.

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9 months ago

hi tumblr pookies! are you sick of BORING "which hunger games character are you" quizzes? are you tired of being asked the same questions over and over again?

well, i've devised a fool proof quiz with unique, nay, astonishing questions and answers that are 100% accurate, i promise

take the quiz. do it. do it now. take it. now.

only includes characters from the original trilogy

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8 months ago


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8 months ago

I'm interested in the demographic of the THG fandom and how that affects people's thoughts on the series. If you could fill out this form, that'd be great!

It's for purely personal reasons and your answers won't be used anywhere except maybe a Tumblr post. All questions are optional, so you don't need to give any information you don't want to :)

Hunger Games Fandom Survey
Google Docs
I'm very interested in the demographic of the Hunger Games fandom, so feel free to fill this out in as much/little detail as you want! All q

If you could rb for reach, that'd be great :D

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8 months ago

I haven't seen enough people talk about the fact that we might get Mr and Mrs Everdeens' real names in the new book??? I'M GOING FERAL HELLO????

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8 months ago

Worst Adapted Scene in The Hunger Games goes to...

Here we are, another worst of poll. This time we're looking at scenes that are in both the book and the movie and voting for which one was adapted the worst.

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8 months ago

People talk about District 12’s meadow being a graveyard after the war, but if you think about it, the entire district is a graveyard.

Many of my ancestors do not have graves because they died in coal mining accidents and no one bothered to take their bodies out because it was too expensive. My dad can even point out where they are. There are warehouses built on top of essentially a graveyard, but that apparently doesn’t matter because they didn’t have enough money to be important.

Think about how many people are underneath District 12 because they were never gotten out of the mines. It was a district built on top of death from well before the war.

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7 months ago

Headcanon that Peeta would be insanely good at Just Dance. Katniss is tryharding to keep up, but he near effortlessly gets a perfect score on every dance, despite only ever playing it when she does.

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