I Love This I Want More - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Untitled: Cowboy

Refer to THIS POST if you want to know why this is an unpolished, unfinished mess that I’m posting anyway. I’m including a bullet-point summary of the set-up I couldn’t be bothered writing, hopefully that provides enough context to make this enjoyable.

Untitled: Cowboy

- Anne is in the desert. Why? How? Who’s to say. That’s a problem for past-sweet-pea who came up with a vague premise and ran with it without developing it any further. It’s safe to assume that something unintentional and indian-in-the-cupboard-y was involved (I vaguely remember something from the later books where the magic key got turned into a car key and sent people back when they tried to start the car? Something like that I bet.

- It is hot and dry and there is exactly one object providing shade within walking distance, so she walks to it.

- It is not, as first assumed, some bizarre rock formation, but a knapsack. The size of a rock formation. This does her a concern.

- Another shadow appears, which does her a new, more concerning concern, and rather than stick around to see what that’s about, she begins to run in the direction of NOT THAT THING

- Unfortunately, THAT THING evidently has other plans, and Anne is trapped under something in stuffy darkness

- Until she isn’t anymore, because whatever is on top of her begins to be lifted up…

A sliver of light appeared at the ground and like the sun rising, it grew and spread across the dirt toward her. She shaded her eyes just in time to spare them the sudden brightness. The rising darkness took form; a smooth brown wall that curved around her with a dry creased texture. 


There was a square of white cloth stuck to the wall. In the dim light, she could just barely make out the words ‘Jenkins Haberdashery’ inked into it

A hat. This is a giant hat.

And it was the hat’s brim that was slowly rising, revealing a growing swath of the yellow dirt beyond. And, pressed into that dirt, another leathery shape.  Another perfectly ordinary thing made heart-stopping by its baffling scale. 

A hand. 

She didn’t want to look, but the receding hat was revealing an entity that filled her entire field of vision. The hand was attached to a tree-like arm, partway covered with the sleeve of a checkered shirt rolled up to the elbow. And the arm was attached to a shoulder and the shoulder to a torso of a man, a giant, kneeling in the dirt. He loomed over her tall as a building, blocking out the sun. He was holding the wide-brimmed leather hat in his hand and staring. 

“What the hell?” His voice rang out above her like a clap of thuder.

She wanted to ask the same question. Or scream and run away. Or maybe both. Probably both.

“This don’t make a lick of sense.” He squinted, eyes practically disappearing beneath furrowed brows. His face looked like it had been carved out of the side of a mountain. “I’ve been dry as a creek bed for a week now. Week and a half if you don’t count the swig a’ dirty water Buck Thompson calls moonshine.” The air shook with a deep rumble that might have been a laugh. “I sure as shit didn’t get drunk offa that.” With a movement like the swinging of a construction crane, he lifted the hat to his head.

“Oh well, better you than the flying scorpions.”

His legs shifted; the sound of denim rubbing against denim was as loud as a conversation and the stretching, shifting shadows were dizzying. She shut her eyes and clenched her fists until the upheval stopped. When it did, and she opened her eyes again, he was cross-legged. The toes of his brown boots poked out from under his knees, and there were furrows in the soil where his heels had dragged across the dirt.

“So, what are you supposed to be?”

He’s talking to you.

She couldn’t form words, she could hardly formed coherent thoughts. Her heart was in the vice grip of the most basic, primal kind of fear. Goosebumps rose on her arms, in spite of the baking heat. She wished she could throw up the awful sick lump in her stomach.

“A spirit? One of them ‘demons of vice and iniquity’ Sister Jo’s always frettin over?“ 


His brows shot up; his eyes were pale blue, almost grey. “Seein' and hearin’ things? That’s new.” Something about the implication that she was a figment of his imagination irked her enough to eek out a sentence.

“I-I’m not a demon!”

The giant smiled wide, teeth shining against his sun-baked skin. “Well, ain’t that just what a demon would say?” He rested his elbow on his knee and leaned his head on a balled fist. “You’re a bit plain for a hallucination though. No wings? No funny colors?”

Anne took a wobbly step toward him. “I’m…real! I don’t know why I’m so small, or-or everything’s so big, but I-I’m not imaginary.” Shouting made her head hurt. Or maybe it was the heat. “If anything, you’re imaginary.” She nodded. “That’s got to be it,” she said more quietly, to herself. “I-I’m dehydrated, I’ve got heatstroke from walking around in this desert.“ 

She wiped the sweat from her forehead. It mingled with the sweat on her face and dripped down her chin. How many pints of water had she lost already? It was no wonder she was seeing giant hats and bags and cowboys.

“If you’re real, how come you ain’t got any substance?”

Anne didn’t see him reach out; she was busy staring off into the distance, trying to set eyes on some reasonably-sized landmark. By the time she turned around, it was hardly a few feet from her.

His hand.

A human hand the size of a four-door sedan, coming toward her palm first. A scream lodged in her throat, she couldn’t voice it. Warm fingers thick as her thighs wrapped around her and just like that she was off the ground; carried ten, fifteen, twenty feet in the air, as if by a rogue amusement park ride.

This isn’t happening.

But incredibly, it was. Neither hand nor girl had passed through the other, both were equally, improbably, corporeal. Anne slid down a few inches in his half-committed grip; It seemed he hadn’t expected her to be quite so solid. Her feet kicked uselessly in the open air as she scrambled for a foothold.

“What the…” The giant’s voice coming from some ambiguous direction, maybe all of the directions at once.

She tumbled head over heels in the air and then she was free-falling. Before she had a chance to scream, she hit the ground. But not the ground. Brown leather. She was in the hat again. It was upside down this time, and beyond its walls was nothing but dazzling blue sky, and the head and shoulders of the giant. The bemused smile was gone from the his face; his eyes were wide, his mouth hung open, he was shaking his head slowly.

“Well, don’t that beat all…”

The head eclipsed half of the circle of blue above her, and it was getting bigger. The hat was rising; slower than the gut wrenching grab of the hand, but it still made her queasy.

“A little lady.”

Warm breath washed over her face and the sound of his voice vibrated the air around her. It was all just too close, too loud, too much. She pushed away from the face until her back was pressed up against the curved leather wall, but the hat was still rising up, the face was still getting closer.

“Howdja get so small?”

She hugged her legs tight to her chest and tucked her chin against her knees. It didn’t help her feel any safer. He was smiling again. His face hung in the air twenty feet above her, like a hot air balloon with teeth.

“S’matter, cat got your tongue? You were awful talkative before.”

“I, I-” Anne couldn’t take her eyes off the enormous face, but staring at it was only making things worse. The huge staring eyes, creases in his forehead long and deep as furrows in the dirt, the whole bulk of him like some cowboy-Mount Rushmore. It was all too much. “Please…” She couldn’t finish the sentence becuase there wasn’t an end to it. There was just the wordless, overwhelming fear swirling in her head. And tears in her eyes

“Hey, it’s alright, I was only teasin!”

She laughed, and cried, and tried to take a deep breath but it came in hiccupping bursts. Something moved in the corner of her eye. She turned her head and the source of the movement became clear as the glaring desert sun disappeared behind the silhouette of a giant hand.

“N-no!” She pushed her back against the wall of brown cloth, as if she could disappear into it.

The shadowy hand held still in the sky above her. “Easy, easy.” The giant spoke quieter, almost a whisper. “I ain’t gonna grab you. Honest.”

The hand didn’t come toward her, it moved to the pocket of the giant’s shirt, and pulled out what looked like a red and white spotted bedsheet (but was no doubt a handkerchief). Then the hand, holding the handkerchief, did come toward her. Down from the sky and into the hat, closer and closer, pinched between a massive finger and thumb, until it was only a foot away from her. The cloth looked surprisingly clean, given that there was a fine layer of dirt settled into the creases and wrinkles around his thumbnail.

“How about you dry those eyes?”

She reached for the corner of cloth, her arm was trembling. Pull yourself together. There was a warm breeze coming from above her. She didn’t want to look up; she knew what it was. But she couldn’t help herself. She looked up and immediately back down. His face is so close. Her hand was shaking even more now, she couldn’t even bring herself to reach the extra few inches to the cloth.

“Go ahead.”

“I-I’m trying,” her voice cracked pathetically. “You’re just…really big!” Her eyes stung hot, and suddenly the tears were flowing again. He’s not though, you’re small. Tiny, and totally helpless. She tried to take a breath to calm herself but the air came in sniffs and catches, she couldn’t manage a lungful.

The hand and handkerchief receded. “Aw, now you’ve got me goin.” She looked up, managing shuddering, but full, breath. There were tears welling giant’s eyes and his cheeks were flushed.“I don’t mean to frighten you, darlin,” he wiped the tears from his eyes; leaving shining trails across his dry skin. “Honest, I wouldn’t lay a hand on ya, even if you was a demon!”

She hiccuped, a puzzled smile on her face. “Why are you crying?” She pressed her sleeve against her eyes.

“I got a-” he blew a thunderous blast into the hanky. “Soft heart. Cain’t stand to see a lady in distress.” He wadded up the soiled cloth and tucked it back in his shirt pocket. “Cry so much, the boys even got a nickname for me, back in town.” He chuckled. “Boo-hoo Boone.”

“Is that your name?” She sniffed and wiped her nose. “Boone?”

“Sure is.” The giant inclined his head. “Would you be so kind as to give me yours? Unless you prefer darlin’.” His lip curled in a sort of half-smile, and she couldn’t help smiling back.

“It’s Anne.”

“Well, it’s mighty nice to meet you miss Anne. I’m awfully sorry I gave you such a fright.”

“I-it’s okay.” She nodded. “You didn’t mean to.”

“I sure didn’t.” He looked up and squinted, and wiped something from his forehead instead of his eyes. “Miss Anne, I don’t suppose I could ask a favor of you, could I?”


“Well, I’m gonna burn red as a cherry if I ain’t careful.” He looked down sheepishly, and then slowly, the baking sun was once again eclipsed by a shadow hand. “May I, uh, escort you…um…outta my hat so I can put it on again?”

“O-Oh! Yeah, I didn’t mean to monopolize it.”

“Well, I reckon it’s my fault for dropping you in there in the first place; I’m awfully sorry about that by the way.” His eyes went wide and earnest. “I won’t do somethin as damn foolish as that again, I promise you that.”

Anne just nodded. The hand was coming closer, and she didn’t feel confident in her ability to talk without squeaking. Slowly, tentatively, rough thick fingers reached out to her. They just brushed against her first; a few fingers against one side, the thumb against the other. She didn’t scream, or squirm, or try to get away, so the warm digits gently pressed against her, and then she was lifting up into the air.

Her heart was racing, maybe Boone felt it, because he whispered, “It’s alright, I ain’t about to drop you.” She looked down in time to see the brown oval of the hat slip away beneath her, and looked up in time to see it placed firmly on the top of his head.

“That’s better.” She hadn’t thought there was anything missing about him, but seeing the hat on his head, Anne got the sense of the last piece of a puzzle being put in place. His face certainly had that satisfied look about it.

“Now then…” Anne was lowered slowly, and her feet touched something warm and soft. The fingers loosened their grip and Anne fell to her hands and knees on the skin of a giant palm. Warm and living and utterly incomprehensibly enormous. “Lemme get a proper look at you.”

Anne stood up, and fought to stay standing as the hand shifted beneath her. Boone shook his head slowly, blowing a long stream of air through pursed lips that washed over her like a cool breeze. “You sure are something, you know that?” He’d lifted her high enough that they were almost eye level with each other, and his were wide with wonder. “You, you ain’t even knee-high to a strawberry.” His low chuckled filled the air around her, but it was too pleasant to be thunder.

Ps @a-black-pegasus , this is that cowboy thing I mentioned that one time. Also, what up @questionable-breads . @wolfie180g @mostgarlicofbread Please enjoy.

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