I Made This Myself - Tumblr Posts
Watch "Ophelia W - Nocturne" on YouTube
i made this little melody, give a like if you like it, and comment if u don't. i wanna know why, come on roast me. thank u🫶🩵🪽
My first meme on this blog

Took a little adventure in bird park yesterday and took some pictures in my snufkin cosplay for halloween!

Every second that I'm looking at him I lose 50 points of my sanity.

"... , a new rock band formed in Inkopolis' suburbs by various poisonous sea creatures. Recently they picked up a new mysterious member and their popularity rose up. They make melancholic music without any musical education.
Tsuretsu - sea urchin with sharp tongue. Plays drums with his spikes, a new trend that arose within the spiky community. Rumors say that a year gap between recent albums was because of his alcoholism. His catchy voice will be as hard to get out of your head as getting his spikes from your skin.
Ayunna - read lionfish with a talent for guitar. She used to live in the chaos city, Splastvile. Her charming rhymes will leave you as breathless as her poison. The most beautiful of the band.
Connie - a shy cone snail from the southern region. They don't talk much and their vocals are never heard in any song, but their synth carries melodies from their homeland. No one knows how their face looks like. Their kiss would kill instantly.
Mizu - an inkling with a past unknown to us. She recently joined to the band and it improved significantly since that. We don't know about them much but looks like they either have a skin disease or they are somehow related to a recently returned DJ, Deadfish."
A piece from an article about indie bands in Inkadia.
Remember my post about a character with not-so-bland-now backstory? Yeah, I wrote a thing about his nightmare.
He's on a concert, with his friends, his favorite singers are performing. He has never been so happy, really. He can hear one of his favorite songs starts playing, his hands up, cheering. Lights switch to a navy blue with white light patches in some places. People around him are happy and some are even crying from joy. But somewhere in the distance, in the furthest corner of a concert hall, he sees a stalker standing on its back legs. Its sharp teeth poking out its mouth, pristine white fur is covered in dark stains, and its eyes are looking right into him. They stare at each other. Sounds drown out. It drops on all four and slowly starts walking at him. He stumbles, looking at it in shock, absolutely terrified. People haven’t noticed it somehow, he wants to warn them but fear chokes him.
Then it starts speeding up. Snow is falling on the concert hall's floor, its surprisingly empty here now. His legs are moving as fast as possible. Lights flash brightly and its already right behind him. It's snowing even harder, Dorzo is trying to push himself away from it, but when he opens his eyes he is on his homeplanet, snow, small bushes and occasional hills are the same. The sky is cloudy and the sun is setting. He's getting colder and colder every second and minute. He know he can’t run from hit forever, he has to think of something, of a way to save himself from the beast.
There is a tall figure in the distance looking for something. His eyes grow wider once he recognizes that person. The same red hat, white pelt and jacket with the smallest violet embroidery. Dorzo's legs are getting weaker, his lungs are burning hot. He tries to scream, to warn his father about the stalker, but nothing comes out of his mouth except frantic coughing and irregular breathing. The ginormous beast behind him is getting faster and when they're running next to each other he wants to scream in terror, but he only stumbles slightly, trying to get away from it. He has to stop it, he has to save him, he has to prevent it all from happening again.
The stalker is outrunning him, Dorzo looks at it in horror. His father seemingly cant see the danger and is just waving to him, happy to see his son after a long day of work. Words cant escape his mouth, he wants to grab his father and protect him from the beast but he seemingly isn't getting any closer. Ground under his feet is moving but nothing else changes. Maybe if he tries harder, if he runs faster, if he screams louder he would be alive.
His cheeks are getting wetter and colder and he painfully falls face first into snow. His right leg hurts so much, he cries ugly tears, he tries to reach out...
But he's simply to late...
"PLEASE, GO AWAY! IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!! DON'T DIE AGAIN, I BEGGING YOU!!! " he screams in his language.
But he can do nothing to save him and he cant even save himself from looking at it all happening.
The stalker lunges at his father, its claws already in his stomach and head and its giant sharp maws are biting into his father's flesh. His stretched out arm lies on the snow, his eyes wide open and tears streaming down his face.
The next moment he opens his eyes and sees his working tablet turned off and the table at his room. He fell asleep while filling out documents, again. He sits up straight and tries to wipe off his tears, but he looks down and sees his foot stuck under the wheel of his chair. Ah, so that's why it hurt so much in his dream. He stands up and stretches out, his nightmares are getting more vivid each time, Chi'ir would not be happy to know that. He also would not be happy to hear that Dorzo was filling out damn documents till 2 a.m. The catman is almost ten years younger than him and he's one of the best psychologists he ever met. That explains how he got there, honestly. He checks if the wheels haven't ran his tail fins over and, yeah, everything the same, nothing hurts, nothing swells up.
He turns off his desk lamp, takes off his shoes and gets his pajamas on. He will have to get his healthy 8 hour sleep in just 4 hours that are left.
Its the first time I publish my fic (???) in English somewhere else cus' its not my native language. I have a few more of approximately the same size and if you want I can upload them here too. So some info about the characters :
Dorzo, 34 y.o. , works as a doctor on a spaceship, doesn't have father (as you could have guessed), sleeps poorly.
Chi'ir, he's around 25 (I don't remember), is a psychologist on a said spaceship, catboy (literally), likes Gen from dr. Stone.
I want to simply put it here.
Kondrat smugly slides a piece of paper to the other side of a a table in the dining hall. Big part of the science crew stands behind him, whispering about his choice. Its not an every day that something grant like this is happening. His opponent takes the paper and examines it. Another part of a crew is behind her, whispering and hushing each other. Its her time to make a step, she had to choose wisely, so much depended on the outcome of this. Every second she was planning and strategizing, but time was limited and it was running short. She had to do it. Breath in... Breath out...
She writes it on a paper and slides it to her opponent and taps the timer to her right. Whispers behind her grow louder.
" Mm, up left corner. Good choice…”
Kondrat muses aloud. She can’t stop but fidget with her pen. He complimented her move. His face doesn’t show if he’s stressed like her or not, but knowing him Kondrat is just coldly strategizing without anything else plaguing his mind. He quickly draws a circle seemingly not hearing gasps and loud whisper behind him. The timer is tapped by them. The paper is slid right in front of her. She looks at it in horror but there is nothing monstrous on a paper. She looks at it, then at Kondrat, again at the paper, then at Kondrat. 
Their smug face almost instantly vanishes as they realize what mistake they’ve made. He hides his face behind his hands and scratches his horns, muterring something. She looks at him and blindly draws her finishing X. The paper is in front of him again, he takes it and looks at it tiredly. His eye are getting wider each time he looks up from the paper to her.
Why- Why is he so confused?
She did the finishing stroke! He was supposed to look defeated, not confused! Then he puts the paper on the table, sighs and draws his circle. She now can see their tic-tac-toe board and everything is like last time but when it’s in front of her again -
She hides behind her hands much like her opponent and lets out a sheaky breath. It’s repeating again! It’s the 20th time in a row when both of them get distracted and do a wrong move! Noooooo…
She fills up the last free space and slides the paper in a middle of table. Both, she and her opponent sigh defeated, covering their eyes in embarrassment. Someone comes up and adds the paper to the stack of draw results.
“ How you do that? It’s been going for hours!“
People behind them moan tired, she can even hear a certain wheelchair user taking his bets. She probably should later ask the spaceship computer to delete a part of their tic-tac-toe tournament, because no-one would want to watch them struggle with that child's game for so long. She looks up and sees tired Kondrat stretching out his arm to her.
“Draw?” He asks quietly.
She takes his arm and shakes it slightly.
“Draw.” People behind them cheer.
I wrote it after being inspired by some post on tumblr, sadly I don't remember what that post was about. And I wrote that a month ago or smt.
Funny thing I know absolutely nothing about Kondrats' opponent, because at first Dorzo was supposed to fight in the tic-tac-toe tournament, but I decided that he would lose much earlier. So I made her (noname for now I think), but she probably works as an engineer on the spaceship.
Kondrat is the security leader on the spaceship. He is kinda of a hothead, but that somehow doesn't prevent him from doing his job excellently. He had to swallow his pride for his last line L.
About the tic-tac-toe tournament. Its just a silly little event so scientists and workers wouldn't go insane from doing nothing but work with the same people for like half a year. Its like a mental safety practice (idk how to name it).
I think I will try to upload notes about From the future with hello, because I have no idea what im supposed to show you all (a.k.a 1,5 people who probably read this). So I'll just give you a thing I wrote in past 5 minutes about taste perception across different races ig
Friendly - bland food, no spices in the snow desert really. Can't physically comprehend spicy food, will cry and get red after eating a tiny pepper. Mostly soups and fried over fire meat, maybe berries but rarely.
Fish - good at tasting, but have very little variety in their food. Eat different eggs (bird, sea things, shrimp), mostly raw but can be cooked over hot bubbles in places with high volcanic activity. Seagrass and small sea creatures.
Demon - their food is pretty, has big variety, but its mostly made out of corn like veggie and greens/fruits. Are very weak to spicy food, a normal sized pepper can cause a lot of harm. Pretty bland taste vise. Can fry and bake but its not popular.
Sand demons - taste perception is the same as their more coastal siblings. Have more fried things and juicy fruits. Dried meat is very popular. Less greens though, and no corn.
Birds - they eat nuts, bugs and small lizards. Can eat egg of said lizards. Have no way of cooking things (very flammable feathers), but they like what they have.
Catmen - Are okay with spices, mostly fried or baked things. Meat mostly imported from mountains dried out. A lot of berries. Have cones that are used to make bread like things and pastry. Dishes are kinda spicy?
Lizzard - have poor perception of sweet and sour. Mostly just meat with some insects. Don't care for taste that much, but mostly salty.
Northy lizzards - pretty much the same but more tasty leaves and insects. Insects can be fried over the fire and snacked on.
Names for these race are mostly place holder for some time before I can came up with better names, they'll probably be in Latin. Dorzo is a friendly, tall violet-skinned people with shark tails (yeah it sounds awful ik), Kondrat is a demon, short black people with horns and twisty tails (it sound even worse), Chi'ir is a catman, very gender cat-neko-kinda-furry-people?
It sounds really weird and bad now that I've texted it all here, sorry ig.