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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 12

Disclaimer: probably most of this chapter doesn't add anything to the storyline for it is my energy-drink-powered-3am-rambling and at this point I'm not even sure what I wrote here, but oh well. Enjoy I guess

Summary: portals go zoom

next masterlist

Tw: murder attempt mention, panic attack (I guess), parental death mention, death threats via a notebook, arson mention, eye gore (?) mention, child kidnapping mention,


Jesse was sitting in her bedroom, investigating a notebook she had found the day before, exploring The Forest. She knew she shouldn't've gone there. The Forest was dangerous, with the radio station, the government facility and the stories.

Something lived in The Forest, and it was dangerous. Children were always told not to go there, because evil lives in The Forest.

Well, Jesse had just broke the rule #1, and she hadn't seen anything suspicious, which either meant that she hadn't paid much attention to her surroundings, or the stories were absolute bullshit.

Because according to them, Jesse was not supposed to get back home. The Forest was inhabited by something dark, something that had either escaped the government facility or had been here since World War II times.

Nevertheless, there she was, eating choco chip cookies and waiting for both Meredith and Norah to get there.

She didn't have to wait for a long time, the doorbell soon ringing.

She slowly walked downstairs, and after checking the peephole, opened the door to see both of them.

"Hi" Norah said, getting inside and taking off her shoes

"You look like shit" Meredith said instead of a greeting. Jesse closed the door after her.

She was right, she did in fact look like shit. It's been almost a week since the Cynthia incident, and she still felt like whatever looked like her was out to get her. Living alone hadn't helped it at all, only adding to her uneasiness.

When she got home that day, her siblings were by her side in an instant, freaking out. Well, they surely had a reason.

She brought herself back to the present "Okay, so," she stammered "you want anything to drink? I have juice and tea. Oh, and water, of course"

"Tea's fine" both Meredith and Norah choruses


After making the tea, Jesse led them to her bedroom, where they sat on the floor (because there was only one chair).

Jesse never really liked her room. The walls were light gray, and oh so boring. She'd tried to fill this emptiness many times, hanging her sketches, plants and even fairy lights. It didn't change anything.

As soon as night fell, and the darkness embraced her little safe place,—which was on the east side of the house—the plants looked like hands, trying to grab her, and the sketches just stared at her with their empty eyes.

That's why she never slept without the lights. Especially now, when her mom is gone. Not that she'd help.

Meredith took the notebook, and slid her finger across the uneven surface of the first—or rather, last—page. Everything except this sheet of paper has been torn out, making it a one page notebook.

She grabbed a pencil and started coloring the page.

Slowly, text started appearing.

Jesse glanced at the others. Meredith paled visibly, while Norah was staring at the page with concern.

She took a look at it herself.

The page was filled with text.

They took my baby. It's been so long since I've last held him. I'm closing in on them. They won't survive the night. Fire seems to be the easiest way to get rid of them. They'll pay for what they did to him, to me. Taking their eyes seems like a good idea too. If I don't get out of this alive, I want you to know, dear reader, that I was innocent, that I hadn't done anything wrong. And yet, here I am, pushed to do what I'm going to do. Tell them that it's not over. My descendants will bathe in their blood. They. Will. Pay

As soon as Jesse finished reading, loud banging started coming from the main door. She jumped, her heart skipping a beat. What if it's Cynthia?

Meredith glanced at Norah with a bit of fear. Without saying anything, the latter took something out of her backpack. It was a leather case, inscribed with some of the scribbles the Hunters had on their outfits. She took out a dagger.

The blade had little spikes on the upper part and was slightly bent upwards. The hilt was golden with a black handle.

"Why are carrying knives in your backpack—" asked Jesse in a hushed tone, glancing at the dagger. She was shaking, desperately trying to calm herself down

"It's a dagger" interrupted Meredith, still lying on the floor, the notebook in her hands

"I'm sorry, I forgot my knife-o-logy book—" the red-head hugged her knees

Norah left the room, sneaking down the creaking stairs, while Meredith was apparently studying whoever-that-notebook-belonged-to's handwriting.

"Shouldn't we hide or something?" whispered Jesse. Her tongue felt numb, and she was curled up in the corner.

"Nah" said Meredith "Let's wait for the sweet embrace of death"

After that, she left the room, leaving Jesse to subdue to her half-panicked state.


When she finally managed to calm herself down, she became aware of the voices coming from downstairs. She slowly got up, feeling like she was about to collapse.

She slowly walked downstairs, leaning against the banter. In the middle of her kitchen stood a door.

She noticed Meredith and Norah staring at her. She probably looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

"What is this?" she asked, cringing at the way her words slurred a bit. She pointed at the door

Norah shot Meredith a warning glance, but the latter didn't care "Oh, that's just an interdimensional gateway"

"Why is it here?"

"Dunno" Meredith replied

"And that" Norah interrupted, leaning against the wall across the room "is why we're not going inside"

"Suit yourself, peasant"

Norah glared at her, while Jesse was trying not to start laughing.

"Do you even remember what happened The Last Time you did something like that?" the former asked

"Yeah, I got kidnapped and killed by this bitch." Meredith still seemed unfazed by Norah's anger "It was pretty fun, to be honest"

"You're insane"

"I know"

They stood in silence, no one daring to say a word.

"Alright" Meredith finally said, grabbing Jesse's hand "C'ya in the demon realms!"

And with that, she pulled her through the door, the last thing they heard being Norah cursing loudly


Anyway, some time ago I realized that I sometimes use Polish writing rules (I guess) and It's not really grammatically correct.

Will I stop? No.

Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here

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