Eris Writes - Tumblr Posts
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 8
Tw: graphic description of murder aftermatch, blood, some swearing, freaky shit (ghosts) killing (but not actually killing) people, blood from eyes, sleep deprivation (kInDa)
Summary: murder
Next Masterlist
A/N: I'll format it tomorrow since now I'm practically falling aslesp
"What the hell?" said Jesse, shooting upward from the position she was crouched in. It was dark around her, she couldn't even see her own hands. She turned around, and thinking she had her eyes still closed, blinked rapidly.
This however, didn't seem to be the issue, the room—or whatever she was in—being still completely invisible.
"Kat?" she called out. No reply.
Jesse started to blindly walk forward, trying not to collide with anything. She turned abruptly, seeing a glimpse of something in her peripheral vision. It disappeared as fast as it showed, and for a second, she could've sworn that it looked human-like.
"Where the hell am I?" she asked herself
She kept on walking, almost tripping a few times and once actually tripping.
Something moved, in what she assumed was the corner of the room, and she heard creaking. She hadn't noticed it at first, but the floor was made of old, dirty wood. Her eyes were starting to hurt from the darkness, or maybe the dust? She didn't know anymore.
Jesse closed her eyes, and slowly wandered in another direction. At this point, everything was eerily quiet, making her feel even more uncomfortable. The dust was getting thicker, and it was harder to breathe with every second.
When the amount of whatever-was-in-the-air was getting unbearable, Jesse's hands touched something solid, which after further investigation turned out to be a door. She slid her fingers across it, and feeling the cold metal of a handle, opened the door.
------------gore tw-------------
-Seriously, consider yourself warned-
The smell that hit her was…well, disgusting to say at least. She opened her eyes, and immediately wished she hadn't. The room, which supposedly was once Cindy's bedroom, now had its walls freshly painted. In red.
The floor looked even worse, littered with parts of something as bloody as the walls. The sensations combined made her gag, so she clenched her fists, and tried to block out the smell.
She kept walking forward, careful not to touch any of the remains. She wanted to scream. What the hell had happened, she kept asking herself.
Strange thing was, the room no longer even looked like a room. It was endless, like a flat world in minecraft.
Jesse heard something scraping behind her, so she abruptly turned around. There was someone standing at the end of the room. Oh, so it had an end after all. The person turned around, and she could see who it was.
"Oh for hell's sake" squeaked Jesse "Kat, why did you have to do this?!"
But Kat didn't answer, she was just standing there, staring at her creepily.
She felt there was something wrong. Well, maybe besides the corpses around her "Kat?"she asked
Something dark was slowly dripping on Kat's face, just under her eyes, making it look like she wore smeared make-up. Strange kid, she was. About ten, though she mostly acted like an adult. In some things, she was way smarter than her older sister.
Now however, she looked like the woman from The Ring. Her white onesie's hood was down, making her raven black hair contrast with it, and with her face, which was super pale.
Jesse mentally slapped herself on her face and reached into her pocket to take out her phone. She turned on the flashlight, and wished she hadn't.
Behind Kat, there was a dark, shadowy thing. And it wasn't the nice kind of thing. It kinda looked like a silhouette, but translucent.
The kid looked even worse. Frozen in place, with blood pouring from her eyes, and another dark stain on stomach. It was dark red, and looked dried. Which meant that it was made when they were still outside the house.
---Safe to read for the sensitive---
This was all Jesse needed to know
"Oh fuck" she screamed and started blindly running across the room. She didn't see the kid, nor the shadow, but sensing their presence made her skin crawl enough. She kept glancing behind her, so the other side of the room surprised her. She slammed on the door, making it open and after getting herself up, kept sprinting across the lawn.
She didn't see the shadow of a girl in a window behind her, or how the house looked untouched. Her feet led her to the place where she left her siblings, though now, the lamp was on. It was unusual, the lamps were never on. She was almost there, when she accidently stepped on the edge of her nightgown, tripping.
Her knees flared up in pain and for a second, she closed her eyes.
When Jesse opened her eyes, she was still standing with her siblings under the lamp. They were discussing something, and it took her a second to focus enough to understand what they were talking about.
"…Jesse?" Will finally asked "What do you think?"
"About what" she said, careful not to let her voice betray how shaken she actually felt "Sorry, I wasn't listening"
"Are you okay?" Allie tried, taking a close look at her sister's pale face
"Yeah, why?"
"What did you do?"
"You never apologize."
Jesse stared at them in confusion. The suddenly-working-lamp didn't give enough light for her to actually see their faces clearly, but she was sure they were unfazed by the whole ordeal. How in the hell did they not panic. Their whole friend group was just murdered and they're like 'ok'.
"How are you so calm?" she asked instead
Will and Allie shot each other a knowing glance "How long did you sleep today?"
Jesse glanced at the house. It looked just like it had before the fire. Strange. "Uhh, I didn't" she quickly dropped the previous topic. She'll find answers later.
After a slow walk back to their house, Jesse threw herself on her bed. She didn't want to sleep, but after not even five minutes she was dead asleep
*Crawls out from the fiery pits of hell*
Yo guys, I did the murder.
It has nothing to do with it but my dog's currently rolling on my carpet and making hella weird noises
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
Children Of The Prophecy - pt 9
Tw: Mention of Hell (as in a place), a cult & cultists
Summary: Jesse and Vi go where they shouldn't; attempt #2 at summoning the demon
Next masterlist
Soooo" said Vi over the phone "You want to summon your father?"
"Exactly" was Jesse's reply and the sound of a pen scribing "I have to ask him something"
Vi was quiet for a second. "Maybe I know the answer?" she suggested
"Believe me, you don't. You wouldn't even believe me. Will and Allie didn't"
"'Kay. Ya have the candles?"
Jesse nodded, but of course her friend couldn't see her now. "They're probably under the couch"
"What about something that belonged to him?"
"A scroll from his altar will suffice?"
"Yeah. You sure that's his, tho?"
"Then I hope you're not wrong"
They met up in an abandoned factory nearby. The entry should've been restricted—the building was standing only 'cause it didn't know on which side to collapse. It was big, made of bricks and its roof collapsed a long time ago.
They had snuck there through a hole in the metal fence, following the path paved by many who went there before. The factory had a reputation for being an attractor to anything paranormal and cultists.
Basically, according to the legend, there's a portal to Hell in here, and that's where all those creepy things come from.
Vi and Jesse were both wearing dark hoodies, with the hoods on 'not to draw attention'. (Because people wearing all black and sneaking to cultists' place with backpacks filled with candles weren't suspicious at all)
Jesse walked up to the factory's rusty door and grabbed the handle. It won't just open, will it? She thought. That only happens in movies
And—as usually when it came to those kinds of things—she was right. The door was rusted shut.
"Dammit!" she said, returning to her friend "Now what?"
Vi pointed at a fire escape "Here"
They climbed up the metal ladder, at some point almost dropping their things, and found another door. Or rather an empty door frame.
The door laid inside, half eaten by the rust and looked as if it was kicked in.
"Is that where the cultists enter?" whispered Jesse
They snuck inside, and standing on some sort of a platform, glanced down. There was no-one there, or at least they weren't visible.
"It's clear" murmured Vi, getting up from her crouched down position and quietly heading in the direction of a staircase.
"Don't leave me here!" hissed Jesse, following her friend
They slowly got down, paying attention not to step on any of the weaker, rusty steps.
Once they stood in the center of the room, Vi unceremoniously dropped her things on the ground. Jesse was more careful.
"Why are we here?" she asked
"The 'Portal To Hell'" the other girl replied
"What about it?"
"It's an actual portal to Hell." Vi started sketching something on the ground with a chalk "Or rather to Cræyan, but it's basically the same thing— place. Whatever"
They both went silent, the only thing making noise being the chalk
"What about the Otherworld?" Jesse finally said
"A minor dimension, I think. Not sure tho, since one of the six Greater Demons practically owns it"
Vi finished the drawing, which turned out to be a five-arm star in a circle. A pentacle.
"Wait, so you really use those for summonings?"
"No, you dumbass" Vi took out the candles "It's for protection"
"And the candles?"
After placing the candles around them, in random places, Vi stood in the center and murmured something.
Nothing happened
"And?" whispered Jesse, after a while
"You could've just called, you know?" A'graeth said, walking up to them from a dark corner
"Oh shit" murmured Vi, slowly backing away. The protective circle was gone
"I know I don't look like it, but I do own a goddamn phone" he took out a small device out of his pocket "Anyway, what's up, kid?"
"Are there any demons that can Uhhh, change time, I guess?" Jesse said quickly
If A'graeth was surprised by the question, he didn't show it "Llixovins. The time changers. There are also Malleas,—they move between realities—and Gravese—the tricksters of the demon aristocracy. Basically a combination of the two former. Though there are very little of those"
"Hey, Jesse?" Vi asked
"Who are you talking to?"
Jesse glanced at her father "Why can't she see you?"
"She's just a mortal and I'm cloaking myself." he replied "I technically could let her see me, but why would I?" he glanced at the scroll lying where the protection circle was "I believe this belongs to me"
Vi glanced at her, confused. Then, as if understanding what's going on she climbed up the stairs to guard the entrance.
"You can read that?" Jesse asked, pointing at the scroll
"'Course I can. It's in Imüni, a demonic dialect.
" Since you wanted me to teach you, here's the first lesson" he said, putting his hand into a pocket of his black trenchcoat
A'graeth took something from his pocket. It was hidden in a dark red silk, yet he didn't unfold the cloth.
"Take off your necklace"
She gripped the little pendant on a silver chain she always wore. She got it from Élaine, when she was ten. It was in the shape of a propeller— A triquetra, she corrected herself, remembering what her mom told her. She took it off, careful not to rip the fragile chain and put it in the pocket of her hoodie.
"Put your hand on it" he reached out with the thing he was holding
She did so. Nothing happened.
"I doesn't wor—" she started "Ohhh shit—" she glanced around, surprised "Why are there shadows everywhere?"
"Ghosts" her father put the thing back in his pocket "Don't act so surprised—you've seen them plenty. You just don't remember"
She stood frozen in place, watching the shadows appear at the south wall and wander in every direction, only to disappear when they got too close to them.
"Why can't they reach us?" Jesse asked
"I'm currently shielding us, since the lost souls are usually pretty violent" he grabbed the scroll "Try now"
She glanced at it. The previously unreadable scribbles were now words.
"'Shadowland Cemetery'" she read "What does it even mean?"
A'graeth just shrugged "It's the first riddle. Find Shadowland Cemetery and find Glenn"
And with that, he disappeared.
Jesse stood there, dumbfounded. Who in the hell is Glenn?
She heard quick footsteps, a loud crash and saw Vi grab her by her arm.
"What's going on?" the former asked
"Come on, no time to explain"
They ducked behind the staircase, and soon enough, there were people climbing down.
They were wearing black cloaks, with pentacles drawn on them in something red.
They stood in a circle, chanting quietly, while one of them drew a giant pentacle on the floor using a brush and whatever was in the bucket next to them.
They didn't have their hood up, like others did. Their head was completely bald, with scars littering it. They were light pink, cutting through the shining skin. The person had some sort of a sigil on their forehead, drawn in blood.
Goddammit bodily fluids again, Jesse thought. That surely is going to be an interesting evening.
Look, guys, I'm productive. I'm actually writing a second chapter this week. And it's long.
"Yeah, but why is she frozen?" she grabbed Vi's hand
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 10
Summary: Jesse goes out to find her mother, but finds someone else instead
Next Masterlist
Tw: captivity (vague), death threats
"Glenn," Jesse murmured to herself, barely keeping herself from collapsing on her desk in a heap "Who in the hell is Glenn?" She was exhausted, having not slept even a bit the previous night
She reached for her phone and opened Google. She typed the first two letters, but stopped. Searching someone's first name would do no good. Instead she typed 'Shadowland Cemetery'
Much to her surprise, it was an actual place and it wasn't even that far. Up till now she was convinced it'd be harder to find.
She grabbed the handle, almost tripping on her siblings, who were leaning on her door, and collapsed backwards as soon as she opened it.
She stared at them, dumbfounded.
"We were worried, okay?" Allie said, as if she was reading her mind
"She was worried" Will corrected his twin sister
Not waiting for their explanation, she sneaked past them and to the entrance.
She quickly put on her boots (the sage green ones) and her trench coat. She finished the look with a scarf and opened the front door.
When Jesse finally arrived at the cemetery, it was already getting dark.
The place was small, something like ten rows and five columns of graves, with a path in the center.
The tombs were old, some broken, some chiseled, the epitaphs incomprehensible or entirely missing.
Few were covered by vines, wounding around them like a boa suffocating its target.
The gravelly path led to a small crypt, with 'Glenn' inscribed on it. The mystery is solved.
She looked around, as if to avoid suspicion, and strolled to the entrance.
It was a metal door, covered by a gate of steel bars, both in varying shades of silvery gray.
The walls were simple; just some white plaster with ionic columns near the door, one broken window and a dirty, tent-shaped roof in the color of white.
She shot a quick glance at the bars, noticing how there was no lock. Well, guess the door's boarded shut, then.
She opened the grating and placed her hand on the door handle. It was cold to touch, probably made of brass.
She pressed the handle, the door opening, and carefully entered the crypt.
It was dark inside, the only light being what managed to get through the small window. Despite being sure she wouldn't trip, she turned on her flashlight, making sure that no one could sneak on her.
"Who's there?" she heard a whisper. It was a woman's voice, filled with distrust, and fear?
"A'graeth, if it's you, I swear I'll end you" the voice continued
There was something familiar to it, something Jesse couldn't place.
"It's not A'graeth" she said quietly, inching closer to the source of the voice
"Who are you, then?" there was a person chained to the wall. She wore a linen shirt, and a pair of frayed shorts. She had long, dark red hair, that was messy, and had sticks sticking out of it. She had dust and dried mud smeared on her face, that didn't manage to hide the shadows under her eyes. To summarize, she looked like shit.
Her eyes were open, but she seemed not to notice Jesse, as she stood five feet away from her.
"What's your name?" asked Jesse
"Lynette Mary Shadewalker" the woman said, a wave of recognition showing on her face "Jess Lynn?"
"Mom?" Jesse didn't notice the tears that welled up in her eyes when she heard the name "is that you?"
"My baby," the woman— Lynn said, her eyes still unfocused. Tears were making their way down her face "it's been so long"
As much as Jesse wanted to hug her here and then, she had to free her first.
"Mom, where's the key?" she asked
"I don't— Don—" she coughed "I—"
Jesse was by her side in an instant. "What's wrong?" she asked
Lynn's eyes were clouded, black smoke slowly filling them. She was struggling to breathe, the air coming out in short, wheezing gasps.
Then, it all stopped.
"Mom?" Jesse asked, dreading the answer
She looked at her mother's face. Her eyes were fully black, her lips parted slightly in a silent scream.
Jesse reached out, and placed her hand on Lynn's shoulder. She jerked back, gasping. Her eyes were normal, or at least like before. She still didn't seem to see Jesse.
Lynn coughed one last time, and her eyes focused for a second. "The key lies on the window frame" she said, her voice raspy, but flat. Robotic, almost
Jesse sprinted to get it, not knowing what just happened, nor wanting to re-experience it. She grabbed the key and quickly unlocked the cuffs. Her mother slumped even further, and turned into dust, which then flew out of the crypt.
Jesse stared at the key in her hand in disbelief.
As Jesse slowly walked down the street, a figure dressed in black stopped her.
It was a boy, a few years older than her. His outfit was decorated in some red scribbles that seemed to glow.
"Witaj, Wiedząca" He said, sounding suspicious "Widziałaś może ostatnio jakieś dziwne rzeczy? Ludzi z czarnymi oczami lub krwią? Czarny dym? Pentakle?"
"A ty co, sekta?" she replied sarcastically
Another person joined the boy. They wore a similar outfit. "We're demon hunters" they said, with a heavy, unidentified accent "And you, Wiedząca, are demon scum, therefore prepare for your end"
"Not so fast" she heard a girl's ringing voice
They all turned around, and seeing the person who said that, the demon hunters cringed.
"Lilith, what in hell are you doing" said the first one
"I wanna talk to her" the girl explained, approaching them "Besides, we're in the middle of a busy street. No murder this time, Rin"
She was dressed in the same black clothes the Hunters wore, and had her long, black hair braided. Her eyes were light green, covered by thin, black lashes. She was also wearing a white headband, a contrast to her clothing. She didn't hide her face, nor her hair. Without a closer look she'd look like a random teenager, but if you were bothered enough to really see, you'd notice the daggers and knives she had. She looked familiar, but Jesse just couldn't place it
"Sari's given us an order, we can't just disobey!" the boy argued
"Oh, shut up, James!" Lilith murmured "once I'm done she's all yours. You'll get her to Sari"
Lilith grabbed Jesse by her hand "Do you trust me?" she asked in a hushed tone, leading her away
"Of course not, I don't even know you" Jesse whispered back
The girl sprinted, dragging Jesse behind her. The Demon Hunters—Rin and James—just stared at them dumbfounded.
"That bitch!" yelled James, running after them, Rin following closely behind. They were no match against the girl, who also had like a ten seconds advantage.
Lilith jumped onto a dumpster, no longer holding Jesse's arm, trusting her not to run away. She jumped again, grabbing the railing of a balcony and climbing up. Once she was done, she reached out to pull Jesse. The other girl gratefully grabbed her hand and pushed herself onto the balcony.
She ducked, hiding herself behind the shitty straw mat and glancing down. The floor of the balcony was chipped, so she could easily spy on the Hunters as they wandered the alley below them. She waited until she couldn't see them, and entered the flat through a half open balcony door.
"Okay, so," Lilith started "my Name is Norah Greenley, and I'm exactly what you are"
"Okay, so to summarize" Jesse started "You're The Fifth Imuesse, and for the past two years you've been working with Demon Hunters to find others like you?" she glanced at the girl sitting next to her
"Exactly" Norah shifted in her position "Sari wouldn't like any of us alive, thanks to A'graeth"
"Wait, you mean, my father? What does he have to do with this?" Jesse sipped the tea Norah gave her, wincing. She hated fruit tea.
"Well, for starters, since he became a demon, half the Realms collapsed. Also, he's annoying. He's name is literally an archaic word for 'demonic' in Imüni"
"Oh for hell's sake" Jesse took another sip of the grossly sweet liquid "But what about the Realms? Why did they collapse?"
"He needed power, and drawing that much destroys them. Basically, he's getting ready for something, and I don't know if I want to find out"
Jesse glanced at the clock. "I have to go now"
And with that, she ran outside, determined to find some answers. And maybe behead her father.
I Have Come Back
(Yay, I guess)
Nothing to say, I just had a shit ton of time to write this weekend so yes I'm uploading another chapter.
"Witaj, Wiedząca" He said, sounding suspicious "Widziałaś może ostatnio jakieś dziwne rzeczy? Ludzi z czarnymi oczami lub krwią? Czarny dym? Pentakle?"
"A ty co, sekta?" she replied sarcastically
"Hello, Knowing" […] "Have you seen any weird things recently? People with black eyes or blood? Pentacles?"
"What are you, a sect?" […]
Taglist: (ask to be added/removed)
@heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 11
Summary: Jesse visits Cynthia again and everything goes to shit
Next Masterlist
Tw: murder attempt (kInDa), knife attack, passing out, blood, magic healing & magic exhaustion, kinda implied past sh
Jesse glared at her laptop, displaying the mail she wanted to send.
>I need your help
Sending it wasn't the problem. It was to whom she wanted it sent.
A'graeth, her father, hadn't exactly shown his displeasure towards her contacting him, but then again, knowing he was planning something big was an unsettling thought.
Finally, she decided to press 'send'. She didn't have anything to do anyway, Vi being in the US with a visit to her little brother and father, and the twins being somewhere in Podlasie, on a one week long school trip. Not that they wanted to leave her alone, considering the recent events, but she just brushed their concern off, telling them to go enjoy themselves. She'd be fine.
Her phone beeped. She got an email.
She refreshed Gmail and read the message.
>What can I help you with
She typed in 'where is Lynn?' and pressed send
The message came immediately
It was an address. Krzywe Koło st., Warsaw.
Two thoughts crossed her mind.
Wasn't it where the Basilisk was?
Isn't it where Cynthia Crawford lives?
Actually, lived, since she's been dead for at least a few months.
Wait, did the psychic live where the Basilisk did? Seems like it…
She stuffed some things in her bag and left the house, locking the door behind her.
The Krzywe Koło st. was a one lane street with old tenement houses on both sides. It was L shaped, and was a part of the Old Town. It was quite impressive, the buildings towering over it, a la skyscrapers.
Jesse entered the street, and walked to the tenement with the number 3. She entered it, and walked to the now familiar last floor. She knocked on the door with the number Thirteen and waited.
Much to her surprise, in the doorway stood Cynthia Crawford.
They sat at the table in the psychic's flat.
"So, what brings you here?" Cynthia asked, sipping her Tymbark juice from a red mug
Jesse was quiet, staring at her mug. It was filled to the brim with the same juice as Cynthia's.
"I'm, uh, looking for my mother" she said quietly "my birth mother"
"Ah, yes" Cynthia smiled "Lynn Shadewalker. The witch from the crypt"
Jesse felt uneasy "yeah…" something was wrong
Cynthia got up from the table, her chair making a loud scraping noise, and—after putting her mug down—went to a room, its entrance covered by a bead curtain.
She came back soon after, with a glass vial, a knife, and a bowl with some black liquid.
Jesse was staring.
"Okay, I'll show her where she is" the woman said "but I still need your blood"
Jesse reached out with her arm, at the same time rolling up her sleeve. She put it above the bowl, not touching it.
Cynthia took the knife, and with a creepy, sinister grin sliced her wrist open. Dark, black-ish blood started pouring out, and Jesse jumped back, frightened. She didn't have the time to wonder why the hell her blood wasn't the color it should.
She was buzzing with adrenaline, suddenly remembering her EDB classes. Stop the bleeding and raise the hand above your heart.
She ran into the door, having no doubt Cynthia tried to kill her. After fumbling with the keys for a few seconds, she pressed the handle and sprinted outside. Shitshitshitshit—
Once outside, she ripped off the sleeve of her shirt and tied it tightly around the wound. The bleeding was slowing down, but still was dangerous.
Her whole arm was stained with the dark liquid, as well as her side. The makeshift bandage was already soaked, so she slowly untied it, just to see that instead of the wound, there was a pale, thin scar. She stared at it in disbelief, sliding her fingers across it. It was smooth, except where the blood was already drying.
She felt exhausted, her eyelids growing heavy with every step she took.
She stumbled into an alley, and curled up in the corner behind some boxes.
Closing my eyes surely wouldn't be a problem?
When Jesse awoke, she was in the same empty alley. Thank whatever God there is, she thought.
Now, her decision to just fall asleep in an alley seemed reckless and stupid. She jerked upwards, glancing around. There was a girl about her age, staring at her with her vibrant violet eyes.
"What—" Jesse started, shifting uncomfortably. Her head hurt, and her nose felt stuffed
"Well, I saw you here, curled up against the box" the girl said "Thought I'd check on you, since you seem to have blood all over your clothes"
Jesse glanced at her wrist in panic, but found it the same as last time. Just a thin, light pink line, another one in her collection. They were old, some dating a few years back, and some a bit newer. They were criss-crossing her skin like tiny serpents wounding around her arm. She didn't pay them much attention.
"Who are you?" she asked, taking in the girl's appearance
She was wearing a brown, dirty hoodie with a white crop top underneath. She also had paper bag shorts, which was a weird thing, considering that it was still winter. Her violet eyes were bright, partially hidden by clear-rimmed glasses and strands of her loose, cherry hair.
The girl got up, and reached out with her hand for Jesse to grab. She did so, and the girl pulled her up.
"My name's Meredith. Or, alternatively, The First" she smiled
Jesse coughed, partly because her throat felt dry, and partly because she felt awkward "Jesse" she glanced around "Wait, how did you—?"
"Not many people walk around covered in black blood without raising the attention of anyone" she chuckled "you were cloaking yourself"
"Yeah, yeah, you don't know how you did it, I figured, since you looked freaked out" she slowly led Jesse out of the alley "What were you doing here anyway?"
"I went to the psychic to find my mother" Jesse replied
Meredith paled, but didn't say anything
"Cynthia Crawford's been dead for over three months"
Jesse just stared at her "What about Lynette Mary Shadewalker?"
Meredith glanced at her with compassion "They didn't tell you?" she waited for some sort of reply, and seeing Jesse look at her in confusion, added "Lynn Shadewalker died in a mysterious fire at your manor exactly one year after you've been born…"
Jesse paled. She felt lightheaded.
Oh shit
Oh shit
If Lynn has been dead for sixteen years…
Then who was inside the crypt?
EDB - Edukacja Dla Bezpieczeństwa (Education For Safety), a school subject lmao. It basically teaches you about first aid and how to help yourself in dangerous situations
A little cliffhanger,
More characters
And whole lotta new ways to screw their life up >:)
@heathenwhump @lavmars
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 12
Disclaimer: probably most of this chapter doesn't add anything to the storyline for it is my energy-drink-powered-3am-rambling and at this point I'm not even sure what I wrote here, but oh well. Enjoy I guess
Summary: portals go zoom
next masterlist
Tw: murder attempt mention, panic attack (I guess), parental death mention, death threats via a notebook, arson mention, eye gore (?) mention, child kidnapping mention,
Jesse was sitting in her bedroom, investigating a notebook she had found the day before, exploring The Forest. She knew she shouldn't've gone there. The Forest was dangerous, with the radio station, the government facility and the stories.
Something lived in The Forest, and it was dangerous. Children were always told not to go there, because evil lives in The Forest.
Well, Jesse had just broke the rule #1, and she hadn't seen anything suspicious, which either meant that she hadn't paid much attention to her surroundings, or the stories were absolute bullshit.
Because according to them, Jesse was not supposed to get back home. The Forest was inhabited by something dark, something that had either escaped the government facility or had been here since World War II times.
Nevertheless, there she was, eating choco chip cookies and waiting for both Meredith and Norah to get there.
She didn't have to wait for a long time, the doorbell soon ringing.
She slowly walked downstairs, and after checking the peephole, opened the door to see both of them.
"Hi" Norah said, getting inside and taking off her shoes
"You look like shit" Meredith said instead of a greeting. Jesse closed the door after her.
She was right, she did in fact look like shit. It's been almost a week since the Cynthia incident, and she still felt like whatever looked like her was out to get her. Living alone hadn't helped it at all, only adding to her uneasiness.
When she got home that day, her siblings were by her side in an instant, freaking out. Well, they surely had a reason.
She brought herself back to the present "Okay, so," she stammered "you want anything to drink? I have juice and tea. Oh, and water, of course"
"Tea's fine" both Meredith and Norah choruses
After making the tea, Jesse led them to her bedroom, where they sat on the floor (because there was only one chair).
Jesse never really liked her room. The walls were light gray, and oh so boring. She'd tried to fill this emptiness many times, hanging her sketches, plants and even fairy lights. It didn't change anything.
As soon as night fell, and the darkness embraced her little safe place,—which was on the east side of the house—the plants looked like hands, trying to grab her, and the sketches just stared at her with their empty eyes.
That's why she never slept without the lights. Especially now, when her mom is gone. Not that she'd help.
Meredith took the notebook, and slid her finger across the uneven surface of the first—or rather, last—page. Everything except this sheet of paper has been torn out, making it a one page notebook.
She grabbed a pencil and started coloring the page.
Slowly, text started appearing.
Jesse glanced at the others. Meredith paled visibly, while Norah was staring at the page with concern.
She took a look at it herself.
The page was filled with text.
They took my baby. It's been so long since I've last held him. I'm closing in on them. They won't survive the night. Fire seems to be the easiest way to get rid of them. They'll pay for what they did to him, to me. Taking their eyes seems like a good idea too. If I don't get out of this alive, I want you to know, dear reader, that I was innocent, that I hadn't done anything wrong. And yet, here I am, pushed to do what I'm going to do. Tell them that it's not over. My descendants will bathe in their blood. They. Will. Pay
As soon as Jesse finished reading, loud banging started coming from the main door. She jumped, her heart skipping a beat. What if it's Cynthia?
Meredith glanced at Norah with a bit of fear. Without saying anything, the latter took something out of her backpack. It was a leather case, inscribed with some of the scribbles the Hunters had on their outfits. She took out a dagger.
The blade had little spikes on the upper part and was slightly bent upwards. The hilt was golden with a black handle.
"Why are carrying knives in your backpack—" asked Jesse in a hushed tone, glancing at the dagger. She was shaking, desperately trying to calm herself down
"It's a dagger" interrupted Meredith, still lying on the floor, the notebook in her hands
"I'm sorry, I forgot my knife-o-logy book—" the red-head hugged her knees
Norah left the room, sneaking down the creaking stairs, while Meredith was apparently studying whoever-that-notebook-belonged-to's handwriting.
"Shouldn't we hide or something?" whispered Jesse. Her tongue felt numb, and she was curled up in the corner.
"Nah" said Meredith "Let's wait for the sweet embrace of death"
After that, she left the room, leaving Jesse to subdue to her half-panicked state.
When she finally managed to calm herself down, she became aware of the voices coming from downstairs. She slowly got up, feeling like she was about to collapse.
She slowly walked downstairs, leaning against the banter. In the middle of her kitchen stood a door.
She noticed Meredith and Norah staring at her. She probably looked like she'd just seen a ghost.
"What is this?" she asked, cringing at the way her words slurred a bit. She pointed at the door
Norah shot Meredith a warning glance, but the latter didn't care "Oh, that's just an interdimensional gateway"
"Why is it here?"
"Dunno" Meredith replied
"And that" Norah interrupted, leaning against the wall across the room "is why we're not going inside"
"Suit yourself, peasant"
Norah glared at her, while Jesse was trying not to start laughing.
"Do you even remember what happened The Last Time you did something like that?" the former asked
"Yeah, I got kidnapped and killed by this bitch." Meredith still seemed unfazed by Norah's anger "It was pretty fun, to be honest"
"You're insane"
"I know"
They stood in silence, no one daring to say a word.
"Alright" Meredith finally said, grabbing Jesse's hand "C'ya in the demon realms!"
And with that, she pulled her through the door, the last thing they heard being Norah cursing loudly
Anyway, some time ago I realized that I sometimes use Polish writing rules (I guess) and It's not really grammatically correct.
Will I stop? No.
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 13
Summary: you shouldn't enter random portals
Next Masterlist
Tw: injuries, being trapped in the middle of nowhere, vague death mention
The sun was dead.
That was the first thing Jesse noticed. The second was Meredith staring into the empty space in front of them. She was sitting about six feet away from her.
They were thrown in the middle of a grassland, except without the grass, which was burned a long time ago.
They were surrounded by some trees, in a weird, circle-like formation. Almost like Blair Witch. The trees were withered, some branches barely attached to the trunk and hanging loosely.
Sometimes, when the wind was strong enough, they were moving, as if trying to grab you. It was accompanied by the sound of eerie rustling, which made chills run down one's spine.
"Meri?" Jesse asked, shifting in Meredith's direction in discomfort. Every move was filled with agony, but there was no source she could pinpoint it to. It felt as if she had just run a marathon without any preparation.
The other girl was still staring into space, quivering slightly.
Jesse gently placed her hand on her shoulder, getting her out of the trance-like state.
Meredith shook her head, as if to clear it, and glanced around. She looked scared, but her face changed as soon as her eyes focused on Jesse.
"Are you okay?" the latter asked, helping Meredith to her feet
"Weird" she murmured, still seemingly far away
She looked strange, her hair messy and way shorter than before. There were sticks sticking out of it, covering her wide eyes, that were weirdly pale. She had smeared ash and little cuts covering her dirty face.
To make it brief, she looked like she had just tumbled down a hill.
"Ziemia do Meredith" Jesse said, waving a hand in front of her face
"Right!" the other said "Yeah, we better get going"
As they kept wandering through the grass-less grassland, Jesse started to notice her companion starting to limp.
It was very subtle, and at first she hadn't paid much attention to it. But with every minute, every step, Meredith was struggling more and more.
"Hey, uh," she started after a few more minutes "I think— I have to stop"
She limped to the tree closest to her, and slid down its trunk.
She pulled her pant leg and winced.
"Dammit!" she swore, glancing at her painful looking, bruised ankle. "I think it's sprained"
"You okay to walk?" asked Jesse
She mumbled something incomprehensible and looked back at the bruise. It was purple, an ordinary color, really. Well, 'ordinary' if you were fully human.
"Wait, why—"
"It's not black, I know" Meredith said, as if reading her mind. She pushed herself up, grunting.
She stumbled a bit, but managed to steady herself quickly.
She glanced at Jesse in silent celebration and took a few shaky steps. Her brows were furrowed, both in concentration and pain.
Jesse followed after her, letting her lean on her when needed. They had a long way to go.
Jesse groaned, propping herself on a big rock. They've been walking for what felt like ages, and they still hadn't found any civilization, or at least a source of food.
No matter how much she assured her friend, Meredith was definitely not fine. Sweat beaded her forehead, and she was pale and shaking.
Jesse helped her sit down.
It wasn't hot, and yet they felt as if the air was suffocating them, which meant a storm was on its way to make their situation far more worse.
They've been wandering for the past five hours, with occasional stops to rest, but since they had no water—nor food, for that matter—they were thirsty, hungry and absolutely exhausted.
That's why they decided to stop there, propped against that rock.
"Where exactly are we going?" asked Jesse, glancing at her companion who looked to be half-asleep.
Meredith didn't reply, so she gently shook her by the shoulder.
"I'm not asleep! " she jumped, startled
Jesse took her hand back, as if she had just placed it on a hot stove "Calm down" she reached out again, slowly. The former didn't protest.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" she asked
"I asked what's our plan"
"Oh, yeah, about that—"
Jesse sighed "Lemme guess; you have no plan"
"Well, I thought we'd just walk to the civilization, but this" Meredith pointed at her leg "surely complicates things
"It's not that bad. It coulda been raining" She put her hand up, palm upwards, as if to signal it was not raining. Except it was.
She glanced upwards "Well, it could've been worse. It could've been stormy—"
And as if to completely contradict what she just said, lightning lit up their quickly darkening surroundings. She jumped back, surprised.
"Don't you dare say another word"
After twenty minutes filled with cursing and trying to find shelter from the sudden cloudburst, they finally managed to get themselves into a cave.
The entrance was small, but the inside served a perfect hideout from both the sinister weather and creatures that could've been lurking in this realm (which was apparently called The Land Of Dead Sun).
Jesse was curled up in the tiny entrance, her hands folded into a boat-like shape. She waited for the rainwater to fill it, and took a sip.
The liquid was cold and tasteless, but with a note of something weird.
"Hey, Meri" Jesse started "want something to drink?"
The other girl didn't reply, just kept staring off into space. Just like when they first entered the realm.
Jesse sat by her side "What's wrong?" she asked, this time knowing better than to touch her
"Hey" she repeated, making Meredith jump
"Sorry, I was just thinking" she said, shifting uncomfortably in her place "I'm pretty sure once we entered this dimension we were put in the bodies of us from here"
"What do you mean?"
"That you're technically dead"
"Ziemia do Meredith" - "Earth to Meredith"
Hey, guess who's bored & writing again (Me)
Anyway, sorry for the long break after the previous post. I either post few times a week or once in a month, there's no in-between.
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 14
Next Masterlist
Jesse opened her eyes, woken by the silence.
It was barely morning, the sun rays coming through the entrance to the cave, and making a small patch of sunlight, perfect to sit in. That was exactly where she lied.
She turned around glancing at the small, curled up form that was Meredith. She wasn't moving, and if not for the slow, steady rise of her chest, Jesse'd have thought she was dead.
She glanced back through the hole, looking at the endless terrain around them. There's no way we're gonna make it
"Jeez, you could've woken me up" she heard Meredith's voice, and turned her head yet again
The other girl had a weird expression, the one when you try to get rid of the rest of sleep, if you know what I mean.
"What?" she asked "You're staring"
"I'm waiting for you to figure out how in hell are we supposed to get outta there"
Meredith sat up, stretching her legs "Well, for starters" she said "we could ask the person who just came out of a portal"
Jesse glanced in the direction she was pointing. There was a person in a green rain coat, which was fairly strange because of the lack of precipitation.
They had their hood up and seemed to be searching for something.
Jesse quietly crawled out of the opening and slid down the stone surface. A few loose pebbles fell down and the person in the rain coat turned to look at her.
As she now could see their face, she noticed their dark brown, long hair, which strands were coming out from below the hood. The person's skin was tawny and they had ocean-colored eyes.
Seeing her, their eyes widened with recognition, which was pretty weird, considering Jesse had no idea who this person was, albeit they seemed somewhat similar.
They ran in her direction, as she backed away into the cave. They wrapped their arms around her in a sort of hug.
She stiffened, and the person seemed to realize something was wrong. They let go, studying Jesse's face.
"I thought you were dead" they whispered
"I'm not sure I'm not," she laughed. Where have I seen them?
The person gave her a tiny smile, and stared at her in curiosity "Do you know who I am?"
"I know your face" Jesse started "Are you like an actor or something?"
They laughed, but she could see how their face fell. "No, not at all"
"Come with me" they said after a few seconds of silence
"My friend is hurt" Jesse pointed at Meredith who was sitting propped up against the wall "she can't walk"
"Can you stop talking like I'm not here?" the 'friend' in question interjected "I can speak for myself very well, thank you"
"Rude" Jesse whispered
"How are we supposed to trust you?" Meredith pretty much ignored her remark "We don't even know your name"
"You're not supposed to, that's a first." they grinned "The main rule of survival in this cursed place is to never trust anybody"
Jesse scanned the cave, looking for something sharp. Sure, this person seemed familiar, but what if it was the bad kind of familiarity?
"Oh, don't worry," the person said, noticing her behavior "I'm not gonna hurt you"
"Who are you?" Meredith asked, keeping her gaze fixed on the person
"My name is Claire Avery" they introduced themself "Welcome to Operation 'Put out'"
This is a Very Short Chapter™ but I just had to fill the void between their arrival and things that happen next
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt 15
Summary: Overthrowing the government is totally and absolutely a great idea
Next Masterlist
Tw: Corrupted government (does it need a warning?), awaiting one's death, natural disaster in progress, very vague mention of injuries, mentions of arson/arsonists
The bunker was pretty small. It consisted of a square room, which was split into two smaller rooms, one being two times bigger than the other.
The smaller room was a kitchen, with a cabinet taking up half of it and a cupboard.
The bigger room had a round table with chairs around it in the middle, kinda blocking the entrance to the other smaller room. On the right, there was a half-eaten sofa in a greenish shade of yellow. The fabric was ripped, with coils and the mattress sticking out. On the left, in the corner were shelves with old books and melted candles.
A corridor wound up around the square room. It was about ten feet wide and half-dark, the dirty light bulbs doing an awful job in lighting the place up.
Seven doorways appeared in the hallway, three of them leading to the room in the center, and the rest to rooms around it.
The entrance to the bunker was also in the hallway, a ladder leading to a hatch in the ceiling. From there, on the right, there were two dark, wooden doors leading to the bedrooms. (Which were completely empty, except for three bunk beds each).
If you continued going down the hallway you'd see another door, leading to the dingy bathroom.
As much as the bunker looked habitable, the bathroom was the exact opposite.
It looked like it was straight from a horror movie, with the dark, ruined walls and the shitty light bulb.
There was a giant mirror in the front, taking up the whole wall. It was dirty, with some red unidentified spots and broken edges.
Under the mirror, there was a muddy sink with rusty faucets.
On the right there was a bath, standing on four golden feet. It used to be white, now discolored, in a weird beige-ish shade.
On the other side, there was The Toilet. Absolute monstrosity. Broken, dirty, the walls around it completely destroyed, with the tiles long gone and the paint peeling off like the foil from sausages. If you've ever been in a portable potty, this was worse tenfold.
There was a single candle standing on the flush, acting as the only source of light since the shitty light bulb was broken.
The fourth door was locked, whatever was inside being left unknown.
And in that exact place Meredith and Jesse found themselves led into by the raincoat-wearing-stranger, Claire Avery.
"Ah, home, sweet home" they said, sarcastically, jumping down from the ladder. Their green raincoat flopped down.
Jesse followed closely behind, while Meredith carefully lowered herself down.
They entered the square room through one of the doorways, and Meredith immediately threw herself on the sofa, stretching her injured leg out, and folding her hands behind her head, as if she was sunbathing, which was almost impossible considering the lack of light, let alone sunlight.
Jesse sat down next to her, while Claire Avery took a chair from the round table and sat on it backwards, so they were facing them.
"So," they started, encouraging them to talk
"So," Jesse repeated after them "what is this place?"
"Well this, my friend" Meredith said, opening her eyes, which the former hadn't noticed she closed "is called a parallel dimension"
Claire Avery looked amused "You're right about that. As you can see, this dimension is destroyed" they stated the obvious
"Yeah, but by what?"
"By the corrupted government, the Organizations, the freely roaming criminals who got out after everything went to shit." a look of nostalgia showed on their face, as if they were remembering something a long time ago "Oh and let's not forget that the sun is fucking dying and our whole world is gonna go down with it"
"That doesn't sound promising" Jesse agreed
"When the public first found out that the government was gonna fix the sun, they were ecstatic. Y'know how they say the sun is gonna explode one day?" they paused "This was not the case. Hell, I wish it was, our death would've been quicker. Here, the sun just started to slowly lose its light. Every year gets colder and colder until we finally freeze to death"
"That sucks"
"The govt operation turned out to be complete BS. They said they were gonna fix it, but they actually screwed it up more.
"When the public realized what was going on, it was too late. Things got worse. The riots started. AN overthrew the govt guys and believe me when I say—"
"What's AN?" Meredith perked up "I think I've heard it before"
"'Arsonists of the North' they started the riots, and we're the northernmost corrupted region"
"Can't you just get out of here?" Jesse crossed her legs
Claire Avery sighed "That's the whole problem" they said, leaning back and quickly catching themself, having forgotten the back of the chair is in front of them "The borders are guarded, and it's not like the rest of the world is safe, y'know" there was longing with something neither Jesse nor Meredith could identify in their eyes "There's no way out of here"
It is almost midnight. Should I be asleep? Yes. Do I have school tomorrow? Yes. Do I have to do 50 pages of chemistry and a fake final thingy till tuesday which I hadn't even started? Also yes.
@heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 15½
Summary: I wanted to make someone suffer, ok?
Next Masterlist
Tw: injuries, hallucinations and more not-children being creepy
"What's the pl—" Meredith started
"—What are you doing here, then?" Jesse cut her off, earning a death glare and dismissing it "Like, do you just go to work?"
Claire Avery chuckled. "No, not really." they swung their feet off the chair and swiftly got up "I mean, it depends what you consider a job"
They approached a small, wooden bookshelf and grabbed something from one of the shelves.
It was a scroll, similar to the one Jesse stole from her father.
They returned to their chair and after unrolling the 'scroll' studied it with an expression of interest.
"What's this?" Jesse asked them, pulling the corner in her direction in order to see it. She noticed a few lines, some of them dotted, some not. There were some X's and circles, but other than that the piece of paper looked like a child's scribble.
"It's a map" Claire Avery said, still focused on the thing "It's usually used to mark down a location, y'know"
Jesse shot a glance at Meredith, who was slumped on the half-eaten sofa, eyes closed and breathing evenly. Asleep.
"Okay, and?" she asked, toning it down in order not to wake up her friend. "What do you need it for?"
This time, Claire Avery looked at her "I'm assuming you don't wanna stay here, in this godforsaken world" a slight smile formed on their face "I'm looking for the closest Gate"
Jesse decided not to continue this weird interrogation and just got up, wandering off into the corridor.
She entered the bathroom and washed her hands. It was more of an unconscious movement, and she paid it no attention. What really concerned her, was a child staring at her in the mirror with two, black as coal, empty eyes.
She stumbled back, surprised. The child stared at her with an unreadable expression.
"What the hell…" she whispered
"Zostawiłaś mnie," the child whispered. It was quiet, barely audible, yet filled with anger "Jak mogłaś?" their voice was getting unbearable "Jak mogłaś?!"
Jesse closed her eyes and slowly slid down the wall. The voice was getting louder and louder "Przepraszam…" she whispered, tears dripping down her face. She was shaking.
"To wszystko twoja wina!" they screamed, making Jesse cover her ears
"I'm sorry, okay?!" she raised her voice a bit, looking up at the child in the mirror "I'm sorry"
They were staring at her with such intensity she felt as if she was suffocating. She couldn't breathe.
"Stop it" she wheezed
The child glared
"Stop it!" she repeated, louder. Black spots were slowly creeping from the sides, clouding her vision
"Jayka?" she heard Meredith's voice "You okay in there?"
The pressure lifted and upon glancing at the mirror, she found it empty.
She coughed, ignoring the nickname.
"Yeah, just give me…" she took a deep breath "…a second"
She shakily got up, heavily leaning on the dirty wall behind her.
She splashed some cold water on her face and glanced at the mirror one more time.
The previously random red-ish patches wrr now arranged to form words.
See you soon
Jesse sank to her knees again.
"You left me"
"How could you" ×2
"I'm sorry"
"It's all your fault"
Okay so this was supposed to still be chapter 15 but I'm an idiot and posted it too soon. Oh well, whatever.
Also there's been some tech difficulties since as you might or might not know my phone took a ≈1.8m dive screen down onto some tiles and the replacement is trash. But hey at least it's not gonna spontaneously combust if I use it for 1h like the replecement #1
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 16
Summary: the Hunters strike again
Next Masterlist
Tw: stabbing, murder, blood, injuries, magic healing & exhaustion
The moment the door to the small, comfy café opened was the moment the pandemonium began.
People dressed in all black, with strange, red symbols decorating their clothes ran inside. They had their faces covered, some with balaclavas and others with plain black masks. A few of them had their hoods up, as if to further hide their identity. They all had one thing in common; each of them was carrying a weapon of some sort.
They surrounded one of the people inside, a boy with curly, salt and pepper hair tied in a ponytail. He had vibrant blue eyes, and was absentmindedly sipping on his coffee. He had a red jumper and black sweatpants on, and generally looked as if he had just woken up. His hands were covered by black fingerless gloves.
The other customers paid no mind to the whole ordeal, as if armed people barging in at random were a completely normal thing.
One of them pointed a dagger at the boy “Khors Alastair Laurealle, by the order of Sari” they started, their voice emotionless “you are under arrest”
The boy took another long sip of his coffee and slowly shifted his gaze to the stranger. “First of all, It's 'Alastair Khors'" the hunter stared at him "second, No, I don’t think I am”
He got up, making some of the people in black back away but stopped, seeing the glare the one with the dagger shot at them.
The boy nonchalantly threw the paper coffee cup at the trashcan and sat back at his table.
"Waiter!" he called out, and upon arrival of said person added: "One latte macchiato with salted caramel and whipped cream, please" he smiled "Oh and don't forget to add extra salty salted caramel"
The person with the dagger followed the waiter with their gaze, as he (the waiter) went back to the kitchen.
"You see, dear demon hunter, your first mistake was trying to catch me." the boy said after a while "The second; doing it here"
He closed his eyes, focusing on the people around him, on their fragile lives, their souls.
One by one the Hunters started screaming, holding their heads, as blood leaked from their eyes, only to fall to the ground moments later. He felt something warm trickle from his nose, and down his face.
Someone lunged at him, and he felt a sharp stab of pain in his side. He paid it no mind and sprinted to the Employee Only door, locking it behind him.
He shot a quick glance as his now stained-dark-red jumper and swore under his breath. There was banging coming from the other side of the door.
The room was small, filled with cardboard boxes and having only one door; the one he came through.
What most people didn't know, however, was that if you moved the boxes, you'd find a trapdoor with a ladder leading somewhere deep below. To The Underground; a world where shadows ruled.
That was exactly where he wanted to go. The tunnels were a deadly labyrinth to an inexperienced person, however the boy, fortunately—or not—for him, had spent a half of his childhood in said tunnels.
He jumped down the ladder, wincing at the piercing pain radiating from his side. He’d have to deal with it later.
The sound of a door getting broken down was enough to keep him running. Being in The Underground didn’t guarantee safety. It was the complete opposite, actually, but it gave him the advantage of knowing the terrain.
He ignored the first five side tunnels and entered the sixth, narrow, round pipe. He had to crouch down in order to fit in.
The boy kept moving, ignoring the small side tunnels, the hunters right on his heels. He was getting tired, either from blood loss or the fact that he stayed up late the previous night.
He jumped down another hole, finding himself in a giant room with just a little ledge protecting him from falling to his death. He walked on it and walked to the other side of the room, where some slightly discolored bricks were. He kicked them, uncovering another narrow tunnel.
He crawled into it and found himself in a painfully small space. He pushed down the claustrophobic feeling; it was no time to panic.
Then, he saw what he was looking for. Light.
He opened the bars and crawled out of the pipe and into a pond.
The light made his eyes hurt, and the water was ice cold.
It wasn’t likely that the hunters would follow that far, but he learned not to underestimate them a long time ago.
He stumbled, and glanced at the red mark on his left wrist. It was glowing faintly.
The boy held back a scream as he collapsed to the ground, feeling his flesh knit itself back together, accompanied with the pounding of his head.
He had never been good with healing, it being super taxing and painful.
He laid there for a while, too dazed to get up. He swore he could hear his mother telling him how weak he is and how his father's death was all his fault.
He closed his eyes, trying to remember his dad. There was nothing. When he thought of him, all he saw was a way younger version of himself at his father's funeral.
The pond he found himself in was surrounded by various tall trees and bushes.
And then he noticed what was scraped on the tree closest to him.
See you soon
~an old friend
Fucking delightful, he thought.
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 17
Summary: some backstory
Next Masterlist
Tw: mentions of wanting to commit infantcide/fillicide, accidental murder, parents hating & kicking out their child, passing out, emotional whump, suicidal ideation??
Five years ago
The black haired boy peeked from the corridor, glancing at his parents, who were arguing in the living room. He briefly wondered what was it about this time; money? The house? His existence?
He took a few quiet steps in the direction of their raised voices and listened in.
"You did what?!" His father yelled at the boy's mother "How could you?!"
The woman sounded like she was crying "I didn't know!" She sobbed "If I knew I would've killed myself before it happened"
He didn't understand what was going on, but his mother's cries made him quietly enter the living room.
"Mama?" He whispered, approaching the sobbing woman with his hands outstretched.
His mother scrambled away from him in fear. "Don't you come closer, you freak" she sobbed
The boy felt tears falling down his face. He turned around to look at his father, who in turn looked betrayed.
"Papa?" The boy said, confused
His father didn't meet his eyes "You're not my son" he replied, face blank
He finally looked at the child, his expression full of anger. "Get out," he said, his jaw clenched "get out and don't you dare come back"
The boy was sobbing now, not understanding what was going on. "Mama?" He turned to his mother again, seeking the comfort of her embrace with his hands outstretched.
"I-I'm so sorry," his mother cried, hugging herself "I'm so s-sorry I couldn't k-kill you"
He took a few steps forward, causing a terrified scream to erupt from his mother's throat "Don't touch me"
His father grabbed him by his hand and abruptly pulled him from the room, from the house.
He opened the front door and pushed the boy out, causing him to trip and fall. He instinctively grabbed his father's arm, trying not to meet the floor with his face.
His father screamed and fell to the floor, convulsing weakly.
The boy let go of his hand and slowly backed away, hugging his knees.
His father wasn't moving anymore.
The rest was a blur to him.
Footsteps, then a scream, then police sirens and feeling himself fall down some sort of a hole.
One single thought filled his head as darkness enveloped him.
He'll never be able to get his mother's desperate wailing from his head.
What's up fuckers it's me, ya boy.
I am back bc I've finally figured out what I can write and how can I write it lol.
And also I've changed schools (yet again) so here I am spending like 2hrs on transit everyday (plenty time to write!)
Taglist: @laves-here @heathenwhump