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7 months ago

So. You just unlocked a memory that I had no idea was buried up until now. Yes. This scene existed. I've been searching to find evidence, but I'm thinking I will have to find movie theater pirated formats from overseas in order to get it -- HOWEVER. It wasn't just a small scene towards the end of the movie. It was the first Post/End Credit Scene.

Two reasons why I remember this: 1) I saw this movie in theater 3 times, and when this scene came up every time, I remembered thinking: "Man, why couldn't they have more serious conversations like this in the movie? The pacing is also really good compared to the last half of the film--why couldn't they do this!?" I both enjoyed and hated it, but I'm a slut for heavy story lol Also, Raph was both the decision maker in this conversation -- the decision was finalized because he was the one to finally say that yes, Vern needed to do this. He was the only that could do this. Which was amazing character development because on their way to meet up with Vern and April, Raph was disagreeing on the whole prospect to begin with (I don't remember the whole scene/conversations --what do remember is it being at night, the boys were parkouring on the roofs to an alley, and they were talking about "the plan" and Raph was being difficult on not wanting to agree with it and why they needed to do it in the first place--only to be the final sayer because Vern didn't want it, and if Vern backed out from it, he (Raph) and his brothers will not have a fall guy and they'd be forced to show themselves to the public, something they couldn't afford nor were ready for so he voluntold Vern and actually hyped him up to agree to do it--WHY am I just now remembering all of this!? How and why has this been locked up in my brain for so long!?)

2) This specific end credit scene was so long I forgot that the credits had already started, and I jumped every.single.fucking.time the credits came back on when I went to watch this movie. When I saw it in theaters with my mom, both she and I had a heart attack. Saw with my friends, we all made a surprised/shocked sound 'cause jeezus those credits came back super hard and super fast lol

And bonus reason: 3) The execution of this end credit scene alongside the second end credit scene (mikey and raph parkouring in the daylight) was...a weird combo. Like, separately they are good scenes, but put together with barely a minute or two to spare between was more confusing than anything (at least to me) because the second end credit scene just seemed to be floating there.

Which is weird, because it shows they chose to take out the end credit scene that held substance for building something up verses the one that was put in for chuckles. Again, both scenes are good. But a choice was clearly made, and I am a bit confused now on why a choice was needing to be made to begin with.

Hey! Asking any and all Bayverse TMNT fans for some help!

So, the other night my hubby, myself, and a group of our peeps were having a spirited discussion about how some movies differ between what's shown in theaters and what makes it to DVD. This led to an interesting argument....

While the 2014 TMNT movie was playing in theaters, WAS THERE or WAS THERE NOT a small part towards the end of the film where the turtles, April and Vern were trying to figure out who would come forward as being responsible for Shredder's defeat? And wasn't it Raph who said something along the lines of "we can't but you can" to Vern? Thus directly resulting in "the arrangement" that's repeatedly referred to in the 2016 movie - and how Vern became the celebrity figure "The Falcon."

Hubby and I both remember this but every single one of our peeps insists we are crazy. They all argue this was only ever inferred and we have made it up in our own heads that it was ever shown.

I've searched all over trying to find this short little clip to no avail. It's not on any DVD release I've seen, I can't find it in any bonus features of Blu-ray, nothing comes up on broad Google searches....

Please help me out!!! Does any one else remember this little bit of film when they watched it in theaters???

Hey! Asking Any And All Bayverse TMNT Fans For Some Help!

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