I Miss Those Times - Tumblr Posts
Soon enough you’ll be thirty and wondering how the hell you got from here to there. You’ll look back at old pictures and swear that was just yesterday and then realize that yesterday was ten years ago.
And your heart will both rise and fall at the thought of those Friday night parties you used to get too drunk at, the times you screamed High School Musical songs at the top of your lungs while riding shotgun in your friend’s car with the windows down on the highway.
You’ll think of the time you and Jordan danced alone in her bedroom to some throw-back R&B or the time you and Hailey and Abi laughed until you cried while sitting “cross-cross applesauce” on her white carpets at four in the morning.
You’ll think of all the boys you carelessly kissed and all the late nights spent sitting by a fire playing Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare.
And then reality will drag you back and demand you pay the bills, do the laundry, wash the dog. Pick up the kids from school, cook dinner, and somehow find enough time to hold your husband before you fall into bed.
And though you love this busy life and beautiful family you’ve built for yourself, there will always be a piece of you that misses being nineteen and young with no responsibilities and the entire world at your fingertips.
- ‘Nineteen’ by Makenzie Campbell
💐🤖here you go

I drew this because I saw a clip of Cab Calloway sitting on the bar...
I miss when the creepypasta fandom was wacky and cringe and stupid. Nowadays it's all the realistic portrayals with them as twisted abusive psychos. I know that realistically that's what they'd be like but damn! BACK IN MY DAY we had the Cweepypasta series, the double rainbow jeff video, low fps mmd dance videos with like 6 pixels in total and the clothes and hair kept clipping through the body, amvs where it'd just be emo songs playing over a slideshow of fanart of the characters as hot anime boys with too much airbrush shading, the not like other girls memes, the abusive family y/n gets saved by the guy who murders her entire household fanfics, I MISS IT.