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Team Trials- Chapter 6: Wind
Here it is! (Warnings: Blood, suggested torture)
Legend and Wind were tasked with finding the missing heroes. They had managed to stay together through the progressively narrower and darker hallways, but they had considered splitting up multiple times. The corridors seemed endless, and they had been in the cavern for hours before even getting a hint at the location of their brothers.
Wind was following a faint blood trail, which he had followed up until that point. It grew more and more indistinct, unlike the shrill scream which pierced through the air, paralyzing Legend and Wind.
Wind started hyperventilating. He tried to break out of his frozen poze but only shivered weakly. Legend snapped out of it first. He grabbed Wind’s wrist and ran, dragging Wind along. He could hear shuffling at the end of the hallway, but he refused to look back.
They ran into the first dead-end of their entire search. Legend pulled out his lantern, and…
There was no one there. But if the source of the scream wasn’t a ReDead, then what was it?
They made their way back towards where the scream came from. Wind could hear his own racing heartbeat. He didn’t want to know what made the sound. As they took a turn, they began to be able to hear faint whispers.
“Twi, it’ll be alright… just hang on… please!”
Their slow pace picked up to a sprint, and they began to hear the sorrow and raw rage pick up in Sky’s tone. They knew he would never give up on Twilight, not even if it cost him his life. Legend grew pale as he listened to it, trembling at the thought of what he might find.
They passed a dim lantern and found Sky and Twilight. Sky was hunched over Twilight protectively, blood pooled around where they were sitting. They were barely recognizable. Sky heard their approach, and murmured,
“Take me this time. Question me. Leave him… please…”
Legend stared, horrified for a moment, then gained his composure to the best of his ability. Despite his attempt the hushed anger in his voice projected when he soothed,
“Sky, it’s us, Legend and Wind. We’re here to get you out. Who had the key?”
“They never let me see who had it… the only one who did was Twi.”
Sky turned his head and the duo saw the blood running down his forehead.
“All I know is that they have steel-tipped boots for kicking and a ball and chain as a weapon.”
Legend glared. “Don’t worry. I’ll find them. Wind will stay with you.”
After Legend vanished down one of the corridors, Sky said, “Wind, you’re hyperventilating.”
“I’ll be fine, just a little scare while we were searching. This place kind of reminds me of a dungeon… it’s nothing.”
Sky reached out his hand, which looked terrible. His thumb was hanging loose and it was swollen. Wind hesitantly took it.
“Just breathe. Legend will find the key. We will get out.”
Twilight shuddered, and Sky removed his bloodied sailcloth from his shoulders and wrapped it around Twilight. Wind, who was over his trauma, pulled a tiny little stone attached to a necklace from under his tunic.
“Time,” he spoke into the stone, “We found them. We need the others.”
Unless Legend came back soon, the resume mission would rely entirely upon the timely arrival of the rest of the Chain.
All Wind could do was pray that they had that much time.