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pursuit in the labyrinth

a/n: was commissioned to write the darling as some sort of lara croft-esque character and to build more of the popular post-auction maze game my beastfolk au had going on. despite the challenge, i tried my best without interfering too much with the reader’s ability to insert self as is—just that the reader is more capable than they may seem. a quick side note, there are multiple labyrinths scattered throughout my au world, so they all would have slightly different rules. some challenges would differ between each maze for various reasons, ranging from the size of the labyrinth, the numbers of participants, cultures, what kind of beastfolks, etc.

Pursuit In The Labyrinth

→summary: you were determined to win. unfortunately, in the end, it had always been an impossible task.

→pairing: maned wolf beastfolk / fangedfolk hunter x afab reader (no pronouns are used)

→warnings: noncon, dead dove, sexual assault, (nonconsensual) drug uses / drugging (reader gets drugged), stalking, nonconsensual filming, kidnapping, human trafficking, human hunting, injuries, psychological torture, stress hallucinations (visual and some auditory)

→kinks/tags: noncon, afab reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, predator and prey / prey kink, breeding kink, monster dick/cock, inaccurate anatomy, stomach bulge, overstimulation, knotting, implied impregnation, size difference / size kink, rough sex, beastfolk / beastfolks, exophila, tetraphila

→word count: 9.6k, edited by @devilruin→commissioned by: a super sweet and very patient kofi supporter <3

→previous installment/inspiration: link

this is part of my beastfolk universe!

→(early-to-mid) post zoo, the technology is somewhat primitive but still advanced enough to run live shows. think of the quality as similar to the old live football broadcast from twenty to fourty-odd years ago. grainy but entertaining enough.

→link to character refs

minors dni.

photo credit | unknown

Pursuit In The Labyrinth

all rights reserved to @monstrouslyobsessed.

Pursuit In The Labyrinth
Pursuit In The Labyrinth
Pursuit In The Labyrinth

The rough surface of the vines you grappled onto, sawed into your skin with every movement. Even though you had bandaged up your hands with what materials you could salvage from the wilderness in the labyrinth, the hot sting of your wounds was nearly overwhelming. As thick sweat dripped down your battered body, sobs erupted through your ragged breathing at every push forward.

Each time you hauled yourself higher into the air, your bloodied hands grappled against the abrasive surface of the tree, and you could hear your deafening heart pounding in your ears. The ID tag they pierced into one of your earlobes still itched, but the sensation was lost to the constant stinging from the gashes in your hands and the exhaustion weighing deep within your heavy bones.

Blood slicked your fingers making grasping the vine difficult, but you were determined to bypass any obstacles in your path. You refused to give up, not when you knew you were almost home free.

You had to keep going.


The booming voice of the announcer had you wincing. Faintly, you could hear the slight whirring of countless cameras hidden throughout the forest maze merrily documenting your struggles and the leaking shame between your bruised legs. Your muscles shuddered as a fresh wave of that same unwanted heat crashed over your naked body.

Another sob fled through your clenched teeth, and you forgot the maddening urge to surrender to the stalking beasts not far behind. Whatever embarrassment you felt about being naked in front of countless viewers watching you get captured and fucked on TV was gone. It vanished the moment you escaped from your release cage.

You never wanted this—being used as a plaything in a sadistic game to get viewers excited. Not once had you dreamed that you would be trapped in a dangerous pursuit by five predators, all desperate to claim their reward—you.

What had you done to deserve this? You were meant to be at home, safe with your family, and had been diligent with your education. Even though the government had been in shambles since the mass zoo breakout, you and your family were still promised sanctuary. A safe haven while the global authorities worked toward happy compromises for both humans and the beastfolks.

You had no idea how you came into this situation: chained up like a cattle with an ID tag on your earlobe and a heavy collar on your neck. You blinked, dazed and confused, and saw a large audience of different kinds of beastfolk. Everyone wore luxurious attires, glittering under the dim lighting, and their strange faces were lined with eager anticipation.

You remembered feeling confused, thinking you'd been pranked by a friend—or maybe one of your family members. Things had been rather tense since the last political uprising between both races, especially among your friends and family. So, if someone had tried to ease up the tension with a joke, you didn't find this very funny at all.

Yet, that all came crashing down when the host—some female whiskeredfolk with wicked features, cackled and shouted numbers. She spoke so fast your head spun, while waves of white paddles shot up over and over, and when paired with her rapid-firing tongue, it made your blood run cold.

You were at an auction.

And you were its centerpiece to be sold.

A glint of light caught your eyes, and you turned your head—only for more horror to consume you.

The cameramen wove through the guests, their lenses trained on you, while more cameras recorded every angle from discreetly mounted spots above.

The cameras…why were there cameras?

"—a beaut," the auctioneer halted the bidding for a quick breath, her form looming over your trembling figure. Her clawed hands grappled one of your thighs and you barked out a yelp as she roughly wedged your legs apart, to displaying your pussy to the murmuring audience. Shame etched your face, and fear struck your shaking heart cold when the host snapped her large fangs at your ear and breathed your scent deep, "Clean, fertile,"

You whimpered aloud at the way she pinched your bare pussy lips, "ripe for good, hard fucking and seed,"

This wasn't a prank.

You really were the main item for this auction. As the hostess spread your folds obscenely wide, showing off your fleshy pink interior, you sobbed under her low inhale.

"A cute little thing, perfect for breaking and breeding. Pretty features and a healthy bloodline—would make a wonderful addition to a growing family. Perhaps a useful little pet for milking, sucking handsome fat cocks, and licking some pretty pussies...? Mhm, of course, humans can also perform common household chores too! They're wonderfully multi-purposed creatures, aren't they?"

The hostess's thick tail snapped through the air impatiently, a claw pressing into your abdomen to better show you off to her excited audience, "Though, in my personal opinion? It'd be a shame if you don't make a proper little breeding bitch out of this one first. This one really is quite exquisite."

A sharp wail erupted from your throat, as the urge to plead for mercy was strong.

But a low growl and the slight brush of her sharp teeth on your neck from the hostess had you swallowing your voice. Instead, you could only manage short whimpers and noises as she laughed.

"Listen! It even sounds divine, don't you agree?" The hostess grappled one of your breasts, provoking another sob from your lips, and crooned to the keen audience. "Imagine hearing all those sweet noises from this tiny human, crying and begging in your bedsheets...I’m almost wet even thinking about it!"

The horrifying implications had you weeping, your brain short-circuiting with the utter humiliation and defeat you felt. Before you could reach hysteria, the hostess clicked her tongue and closed your legs. Her fingers draped over your quivering form and tapped your ass, purring aloud, "If you are still interested, my lovely bidders, the auction will resume in thirty seconds...!"

The rest of this auction was a whirlwind, washed with a sea of flashing paddles and thunderous echoing voices. You blinked once and you saw large bodies in shambles in the middle of the large room, fighting to take each other down. With flashes of bare teeth and claws, they were just moments away from slashing and ripping each other's throats out.

A distant shriek could be heard—and you slowly realized it was from the hostess.

Guarding protectively over you—her highest-bid good yet, she barked out, "Security!"

But there was no trace of anger or fear in her voice.

Instead, she was gleeful as you cowered before her, a lean form covered in expensive jewelry that she flaunted proudly. She clapped her hands excitedly, baring her pearly white teeth to whoever was still looking her way, "Ah, would you look at this, dearest viewers—this auction ended on a very exciting note! Five distinguished guests wanted this lovely treat so bad they were willing to start a literal war with each other over their claim! Isn't this marvelous!?"

The hostess cackled, petting your head, oblivious to your terrified trembling, as she continued, "If you do not know what this may entail, then allow me, your darling host, to clarify it for you—"

You yelped when the hostess seized your chin and turned your head to countless eyes and she purred, "Whenever we have such a major…bidding war that ended in this such note, that means you, dearest viewers, have a wonderful entertainment in store! The labyrinth game of hunt—!”

“Our competing guests will have a fair chance to win this precious darling in the upcoming future! Within a week, we will announce the game and reveal all the information for our contestants and the viewers to prepare~!”

Her following words had you sucking in a deep, desperate breath, “Tune in to this channel for further updates and wish your favorite beast the best of luck! But remember, as always for this show, what comes ahead is for the entertainment of adults only~”

Entertainment for adults only…?

Are you being…thrown into a game show of brutal sex and having it bebroadcast live?

Before your panic could consume you, something crept over your bare hips and distracted you from your incoming meltdown.

The hostess sunk a thick finger inside your dry pussy, ripping a yelp from your gaping lips and spreading your clit to tease the salivating predators—the very same five that fought over the rights to claim you. Upon the sight of those beasts, she purred into her lapel microphone, “…I wish you five wonderful guests a good hunt for your prize. Now, that’s all, folks! Thanks so much for watching the auction—and stay tuned for the upcoming game—”

Her announcement faded, replaced with statics in your ears and a growing headache. Your world dimmed and all you could see were the tiny flickering red lights from the surrounding cameras archiving your vulnerable state. Although you couldn’t seem to see them through your tear-blurred eyes, you could feel countless hungry gazes violating your exposed body, and eager to devour you whole.

The camera light flicked off, signaling the end of this broadcast—of your doom.

You remembered nothing else, just strange motions of being dragged from place to place with claws gripping each inch of your skin to appraise you. Your health? Your features? Whatever it was, you weren’t paying attention. All you had left was a fragment of hope that it was all but a sick, twisted dream.

A long, sick, twisted as fuck dream.

You closed your eyes so many times, begging someone, anyone to wake you up from this nightmare. Silently hoping that you’d find yourself curled up in your bed and waking up to your worried family. You would tell them it was just a bad dream that you screamed through.

Alas, it wasn’t.

A sharp pinch on your arm and a gasp ripped through your throat. Whatever it was had you jerking upright on the cold steel floor. Another jerk and you realized that a guard, dressed in a black suit, held your boneless arm in a hard grip and pulled it through the gap between two iron bars. Blearily blinking your eyes, you took a moment to realize what exactly he was holding in his other claw.

A syringe.

Once emptied, the scaledfolk guard (a lizard? You were not sure what type of beast he actually was) released you with an indifferent hum, leaving you to nurse your injected bicep in confusion. Barely giving you another glance over, he was brisk with his words, professional and nearly over-formal. “I was instructed to inform you of the basic rules of the game. Each participant will hunt you down. You get to run and hide as long as you can in the labyrinth. Use whatever skills you have to endure. It ends only when you find the exit, get caught, or the time limit runs out.”

“The exit will be at the opposite end of the entrance. If or when you do reach it, you will be guaranteed your freedom and be spared from whatever fate the hunters wish to give you. We who are involved in the auction will never again have any hold over you and your closest relatives, should you manage to reach the destination first. However, should one of the hunters capture you before then, your fate will ultimately be theirs and they will be declared the winner of this game.”

Oblivious to the growing despair coloring your face, the guard kept a monotone expression as he continued to drone on, “You will have a fifteen minutes head-start before the hunters start their pursuit. To better your chances, we will also interfere with their superior senses occasionally. However, they will have the opportunity for more…advisories when the game reaches the first hour—”

You interrupted hastily, nearly recoiling at hearing the defeated crack in your hoarse voice, “Adv…advisories? What…what are those...advisories?”

The guard sighed, showing clear disinterest in his job, and bore his flat reptilian eyes into you. “You’ll find out soon enough. Anyway, you have three hours to escape, so do your best to entertain the masses. Should you manage to reach the end of this time limit without reaching the exit, we will deploy all means for the hunters to capture you within those final minutes, completely unrestricted. To be let loose and run wild, so to speak.”

“Should they still not have captured you by the very last second and you’re still not out,” he shrugged unsympathetically at your trembling form and rolled to his clawed feet, “your fate will be left up to the viewers’ discretion. They may vote for one lucky hunter to claim you—or to grant you your freedom.”

“I—how is any of this fair!?” You shrilled, losing the last remnants of your nerves, and rattled the metal bars of your containment cage in a hysterical panic. Wordlessly, you were begging for him to offer even a shred of comfort—to do anything to spare you from this twisted, sick game of being chased like a mouse from its lunging prey, and froze under his cool gaze.

Flippantly, he dismissed your cry with a roll of his eyes. “We’re not here to play fair—we’re here to entertain.”


There were no further words.

All you could do was to sit there, half-naked and cold, as his words—their rules—sunk in.

Your brain was scrambling itself in an attempt to understand just how cruel the beastfolks truly were. The horror of your reality took roots deep within the marrows of your bones, leaving a numbing static in your mind. Even then, you still wanted to believe it was just a very sick joke, that you only needed to wake up, and you’d be back in your warm bed.

But the metallic screeching from the wheels underneath your prison were painfully real, proving that it was not a dream.

As the cart screeched through what looked like some sort of a massive hallway, harsh fluorescent lights bathed the sterile white walls, searing your eyes. Each inch of the floor and the walls were barren of any notable details, with no windows or doors to be seen. It was as if they were simply using this path to transport goods, rather than a living, breathing being like you.

Each groan that echoed from these squeaky wheels underneath your cage felt like a tick of time, growing louder and louder the closer you got to the end of your freedoms. To be stripped of your rights as a person with thoughts and feelings, thrown into this ring of fire for the sake of pure entertainment.

Your eyes hurt.

It was hard to discern your surroundings. You had no idea where they had taken you after the auction. It had been a blur for you, dissociated from your current reality of becoming a beast’s plaything.

Your cage jerked and the marching of these inhuman guards’ footsteps halted. You blinked rapidly at the sudden burst of warm air caressing your shivering body, and realized that a door slid open upon your arrival.

As sunlight kissed your skin, thawing the week-long chill from your quivering body, you squinted ahead. Past the haze of your initial dissociation, your gaze fixed on the dense thicket of trees in the distance. Among them, the maze’s artificial walls blended within the rustling leaves, barely distinguishable under the morning skies.

Everything about it looked wrong.

The colors were too uniformed and glossy, with no imperfections or irregularities to be seen. You could faintly hear a slight metallic sound whenever the branches swayed against the wind, but that was all. There was no wildlife—no cricketing, no birdcalls, not even a hint of small wings flapping above those unnaturally perfect trees. Only silence and the emptiness existed within.

It’s nothing more than a sadistic illusion, manufactured for some sick entertainment.

It looked like something straight out of some kind of a sci-fi magazine for botanical movie stages rather than thriving natural woodland. No, this is a set designed artificially, meticulously maintained to look perfect for the show.

You gulped, sweats beading down your skin and your heart beating wildly with anxiety.

And there was a slow burn between your thighs. It hurts.

A shadow draped over you, prompting you to shrink back into your little cage with a shallow gasp. Terror settled deeply within your chest when you saw a familiar fluffy tail whipping back and forth in excitement. The hostess.

She tittered at the pretty sight you made and cracked her modified heels onto the concrete upon her arrival at your cage. Grasping one of the iron bars, the hostess beamed and lowered her iconic microphone to her lips. “Hello, my little darling morsel! Hope you’ve been faring well since we last saw each other~ Aren’t you excited for this event?”

She didn’t wait for your reply, though you had nothing nice to say to her, or the invisible audience, at all. She instead cackled like the witch she was and tossed you a sly wink with her microphone clasped back to her lapel. “Ah, a joke, of course! You’ll be fighting for your freedom, mhm? You little humans are so adorably predictable~”

The hostess spun away, hitting a palm on the top of your cage, and cheered to a group in the near distance. “Hello, my dear viewers! How are you all fantastic people today?”

You realized the group consisted of photographers, cameramen, interviewers, some strangers you recognized from the auction, and the gussied-up personnel of the show. There were no masses of the audience visible anywhere. Though, perhaps because of the grand scale, even bigger than most stadiums you've seen before in the tube TV, there was no way to safely separate the participants and the spectators—?

Your logic halted abruptly upon realizing that you’re overthinking.

You skittered against your corner upon hearing soft, lusty growls from the five strangers—those five bidders who had clawed and bitten at each other a week prior, with literal fur and scaly skin flying about in the air in the middle of the auction floor, over you. Their gazes burned.

They were all you could focus on, not the whirs, clicks, and light flashing of the countless cameras around.

One was a fangedfolk, standing tall on a pair of strangely elongated legs. His thick coat of red and gold, with a few streaks of gray, glittered under the high sun, and his amber eyes made you squirm. He licked his lips when he caught you glancing at his lanky form and waved his fingers in wordless greeting. The end of his long tail trembled, over-eager to claim you.

Second was a tawny-furred whiskeredfolk, their pointed ears swiveling for any threats. Beside them stood someone who seemed to be their sibling or a relative, but with a thicker, white coat—baring their teeth at one other. Both were more interested in out competing the other.

Next was a scaledfolk giant, hankering above all, with thick plated skin and heavy ebony claws hanging low to their bulky knees. His beady eyes promised nothing but dangerous hunger at the sight of you, and their dark purple tongue swept across their crested lips. You huddled into your corner at the sight of him.

The final candidate was yet another scaledfolk, a slender, legless reptile with silky black scales. They settled on their coiling tail with a slight smile, feigning harmlessness, as they flickered out an ink-like tongue to taste your wafting scent. You gulped when they sent you a saucy wink.

Distantly, you heard the hostess cackle, waving an arm to gesture at your thinly clad form, and continued, "Our lovely little darling got very, very popular with all five contestants, mhm?”

Her tail coiled around one of the metal bars of your cage, as she posed scantily against the top and rumbled, “They’re also getting real impatient too, soooo why don’t we go over the rules all quick-like and get this show on the road, shall we?”

She rattled off the similar verbatim you’d already heard before from the guard, ignoring the hitch of the terrified sob you desperately held back. The hostess tutted, pulling away from your cage, and proceeded, “—time limit of three hours. For my darling viewers, the timer, any current advisory, and the map progress will be on your screen! Of course, for the sake of fairness, our wonderful guests won’t be privy to those detailed pieces of information outside the countdown—”

It was a small mercy that the hostess obliviously shielded you from the dirty leers from those five guests as she chattered away.

“—in the event that we reaches to the end without either a capture of our darling morsel or their escape from the labyrinth, the viewers will have the opportunity to vote—”

There was something about that thick-maned fangedfolk that unnerved you most of all. Unlike the other four, trembling with eagerness, he lost that quiver in his tail and was calm. Calculating. The fangedfolk evened his stance, his posture relaxed in the midst of the hostess’ chattering, and alternated his glances between you and the forest.

Despite their initial demeanor, even the coiling scaledfolk weren’t as calm. They constantly shifted their long tail, restlessly and impatiently waiting for the hunt to start.

“—now, to introduce our talented hunters!” The hostess cocked her hip at the cameras, sweeping an arm at the five predators in a flourish.

Each spoke their names and shared a brief biography and background, some more emboldened than the others. The two rivaling felines had even pledged to share you if they reached their coveted prize, you, at the same time. Yet you heard not a single word any of the dangerous participants said; your brain was full of your internal screaming.

You refused to move an inch, paralyzed with fear—and the growing heat swelling through your pulsating veins. Something slicked between your thighs, pooling beneath your folded body, and perfumed your sweltering body with that strange musk that left the predators inhaling sharply.

An aphrodisiac.

That guard drugged you with some kind of aphrodisiac cocktail.

But you couldn’t afford to dwell on that. Not now, not when the hostess lolled her head to the side with a long purr, and pivoted to the front of your cage. She bowed down to your eye level and crooned, “And now for today’s favorite morsel! You’re probably in no shape to introduce yourself properly, mhm?”

Unperturbed by your heavy scent, she winked at you and gestured for one of the cameras to pan down to your crouching form, where every bit of your humiliations was laid bare to the public eye.

From your liquid heat coating down your inner thighs and slicking the curls of your pubic in an oily mess to your face dripping with perspiration and arousal, you were in no state to even utter a word. Even your simple tunic hadn’t spared you from shame. It was plastered to your sinful form and did nothing to hide your taut nipples. All you could do was to wring the cheap fabric tight against your body, to shield what modesty you had left from the flashing cameras.

The hostess wasted no time and recited the short introduction you didn’t remember writing. The way she detailed your life, from your job to your hobbies and favorite foods, had you wrenching your nails into your calves. She divulged so much about you that you felt sickened, and your blood ran cold.

How long had they been planning to take you?

Yet you were afforded no time to despair, to even taste the urge to rip the tag off your ear, when the hostess erupted in excitement at the end of her monologue. Swaying her hips to her enraptured audiences, both visible and beyond the live feed, she trilled, “—so! Without further ado, my dearest viewers, it’s almost timeeeee for the Hunt!”

She slapped at the air above your cage, “Gentlemen, get our little darling into the starting positionnnn...!”

Several uniformed personnel materialized by your cage, hooking their claws onto the metal bars to wheel you across the concrete to the entrance of the labyrinth. The leveled gravel crunched loudly underneath the employees’ heavy footsteps, and the rumbling groans from the axles below your prison were reminiscent of a death march. As your skin quivered with a sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through your muscles, you seized the iron bars and stared ahead. The abyss was vast and unrelenting, its green foliage stretching in every direction, yet you could smell the sharp scent of metal and rust.

Desperate to ignore the lust filled glares burning holes into the back of your skull (fitting for beasts like them), you sensed them restraining themselves and faintly hear demanding snarls—

“Hurry up, my cock is aching—!” one roared.

The hostess laughed in response, “Oh, shush, patience is a virtue, my friend—”

Her voice faded away from your consciousness, as adrenaline consumed your senses the moment the staff parked your cart. One employee took to the front of your cage and repositioned himself in one corner. He clasped his hands on something above, out of your sight, and waited for the hostess’ cue.

You couldn’t see the pointed look he sent the grinning feline in the distance, your heartbeats loud in your ears. With all the flair as an entertainer, she was yowling empty words about your characters and mockingly cheered you on with a hand over her heart.

“It’s time!” The hostess erupted, finally catching on to the staff’s dull look and disrupting you back to reality with her voice hitting feedback in her lapel microphone. She pumped a fist into the air, eliciting further excitement from the crowd, and began the countdown.

“Five, four, three—”

Instinctively, you scurried back from the bars and rolled to your knees. Your eyes darted around wildly, oblivious to the confusion you felt about the sudden changes—from the heat to an anxious need to run. Your body craved the urge to flee, to get away from the monsters lurking not too far away.


Blood now roared in your ears.

The door dropped down like a guillotine—and you bolted from your metal prison, desperate for that freedom at the other end of this labyrinthine hell.

You have fifteen minutes head-start.

Pursuit In The Labyrinth

Damp grass rippled underneath your racing feet, with no thought of which path to take or how far you’d sprinted. As your pounding heart thrummed through every vein in your body, your ears and eyes searched for any abnormality in your surroundings.

A distant rustle.

Somewhere over the walls of trees, a hunter echoed a drumming snarl, “Where are you, my sweet morselll~?”

To your arising panic, they felt far too close.

Your lungs tightened inside your body, and you choked at the sensation of what felt like everything imploding within. You needed to breathe. Your battered feet sank into the cool, mulched floor, but only numbness remained in your soles. Every step grew heavier, your body teetering on the brink of collapse, yet the fear had you in its chokehold and continued to drive you.

Slapping a shaky palm on one of the massive ivied brick walls, you staggered forward with labored breaths. With a long inhale, the air tasting acrid on your tongue, you forced yourself to lift your heavy head. You needed to get yourself together, to get your state of mind functioning beyond primal instincts, and to rein in the strange urges to keep running.


Shivering, you pushed your jellied legs forward. The voice soon became garbled to your burning ears, and you refused to acknowledge the existences of hidden cameras dotted throughout the maze, broadcasting your every movement. To record your inevitable fate—

You adamantly shook your head to clear your despairing thoughts.

It was better not to think anymore.

Freedom was your priority, your humiliations be damned.

You sucked in another painful breath—and surged forward, diving between a fork in your path. Flying down the rightmost passage, you nearly stumbled over a protruding root and narrowly avoided a collision against another brick wall. By sheer luck, you corrected your footing without losing another second, and all you could hear was your heavy panting reverberating throughout the forest—

“PREDATORS, MAKE HASTE, WE GOT A FAST ONE!" you distantly heard.

Like hell you were losing your freedom.

The heavy thudding of feet came closer behind you—and you grappled a hanging root without a second thought. In a frenzy, you jerked your weight upward and planted your feet on the rough bark of a tree. Pain exploded in your swollen hands, throbbing from what felt like a thousand tiny thorns on the green rope, but the approaching footfalls had you gritting your teeth.

The branch rattled above you, its perfect leaves raining over the wall, and you propelled your body upward.

You were gone by the time the hulking scaledfolk came into the same passage you once occupied.

“Fuck!” He roared, dashing over to your previous spot and thudding a thunderous punch.

You flinched at his rage, scraping your roughened fingers against the damp moss as the entire structure quaked with his strength. In your haze of desperation, you clawed into the crevices of the shifting wall and pulled yourself up. Amidst the towering lizard’s cursing rants, you steadied yourself and planted your aching feet on another mossy concrete tile. With the way the overgrown lizard was punching the wall, you needed to hurry before he could break through it.

With each lunge, one foot after the other, you shambled into a staggering run. Your lungs were on fire, and every part of you screamed for rest, but you willed yourself onward. Gasping loudly, with your mouth tasting like desert sand, you took another path and ran once more.

Even though it felt like you were swimming through molasses and your tunic was so soaked with sweat that it stuck uncomfortably to your heavy skin, you refused to stop.

Surrender was never an option.

Catching your second wind and evening your strides, you began running quicker when you heard an explosion of bricks. A rumble shook underfoot, but by the time the oversized lizard reached the other side, you were already well out of his reach. Absently, you wondered why he couldn’t climb over the wall like you did.

But you dwelled no more on it, your thoughts interrupted by a booming announcement and you nearly toppled over from the volume.


Second advisory? You must’ve missed the first one—

The walls began to groan, and you yelped, nearly face planting into a nearby tree. Hooking your fingers into the rough barks, oblivious to the ways the artificial textures crumbled under your fingers, you clung on as you stared wide-eyed at the sudden tremors of the labyrinth.

Dumbly, you watched in confused awe as certain bricked walls turned sharply to a different direction and some others disappeared into the ground. The maze was morphing new pathways, with the metallic screeching of gears and cogs groaning loudly throughout the forest. It rang for an eternity, leaving your tagged ears aching, until it ended with a deafening thud to conclude the transformation.

The static voice abruptly returned.



Your adrenaline soared with your renewed fear and, without a second hesitance, you sprinted once more. Your tunic had ridden up your thighs, revealing a taunting tease of your soaking lips, but you stayed oblivious to your own state. All that mattered was to keep moving, to find the exit of this accursed place.

You cannot afford to let a hunter capture you.

You have to succeed.

Pursuit In The Labyrinth

You vaulted over a pile of broken bricks, a recent telltale sign of the stubborn scaledfolk stalking you. Biting back a sharp wince as a jagged piece grazed your oversensitive soles, you grabbed a hanging vine with a weak curse. Its spiny hide stung your palms, but your hands were so numbed from the numerous cuts on your swollen flesh that nothing even registered to you.

A rustle.

You swung your head backward, paranoia running deep in your consciousness, and your frantic eyes searched for any trace of anything amiss in your vicinity. You learned quickly that the whiskeredfolks and the snake were especially fond of stalking in the shadowy depths. With so many narrow misses and instances, you knew that even a tiny bush could still hide any of them.

With a hasty heave, you yanked yourself over to the treetop in a few pulls and landed clumsily on a sturdy branch. Skittering to the top of the closest wall to peer over the maze, you tried to make sense of your location—and the predators. It was a bit of a cheat, but you realized that being the ‘prey’ of this sick game had allowed you some small exceptions—

Though they were limited still.

The tree branch you perched on began to vibrate in warning by the time you spotted the lumbering lizard in the distance.

You hurried off to the other side of the closest wall before it could zap your feet—it was not something you wanted to experience for the third time. Crumbling down to the hard ground, still recently disturbed by the scrapes of the latest rotation, you choked back a whimper. The burn continued to grow between your thighs, reigning hotter than even the cuts and bruises you endured from escaping every single predator.

It’d been some pure luck that you found yourself a small hiding hole long enough to rest during the...

When was it? During the fifth advisory? Sixth?

Thirty minutes of obscured and compromised senses. To the predators, they were all but entirely blind in almost every way, their tracking nonexistent during that time. For you, it was the perfect blessing in disguise. You could rest, nurse your wounds and bruises, and drink some water in a bottle conveniently found nearby.

[Though, you didn’t remember seeing it there before when you circled back for that hiding spot.]

It had been enough to restore some of your thinking capability, just enough to test some theories on how to exit the maze faster.

Most fell through.

You tried walking on the top of the walls, determined to take advantage of your higher vantage points—but it’d leave you utterly vulnerable to any lingering hunter alongside the wall, (you had a way too close of an encounter with the white-furred feline) as there was a time limit of how long you could stand there before you’d get mildly electrocuted. The electricity would linger too for a short while no matter which wall you tried.

You suspected the electricity was also the reason the predators had no semi-free reign to climb over the walls like you could. Even you were aware of how sensitive the beastfolks’ senses could be. Maybe it was the constant noises it emitted that rebelled them from trying, or the fact that it likely has a far higher enough voltage output to stun them all.

[That lizard didn’t punch as many holes as you expected, so perhaps it was because of that effect...?]

The trees being electric was not a welcome surprise when you attempted to climb to the peak for a better vantage point. Swinging like the screaming Tarzan wasn’t a pleasant experience either, as you tried saving your neck—and your nervous system—from being potentially fried.

[Though you could’ve sworn you saw something red and fluffy whipping in your periphery that time—but you never saw it again when you landed roughly on some thick layers of moss. You were thoroughly bruised, but so was your ego. At least you were still alive.]

Cheating was a no go, but it at least gave you some answers and advantages.

Still, how long had you been in this forsaken place?

It felt like you had been running for weeks straight—!


You clawed into the walls with an ugly grimace at the screeching voice.


Fuck! Paralyzed by the sudden anxiety the hostess’ words caused, you trembled as the announcement continued.


You didn’t bother staying to finish listening; your instincts screamed that someone was prowling far too close to you. Rasping for air as your body screams for rest, you’re spurred into movement. You could barely run with a sudden bout of vertigo spinning your head, but you were determined.

Even if you’d end up in a hospital for overexertion, you’d rather face that fate than to be a beast’s plaything. If you fainted here and now...

You shuddered to even think about what would happen to you.

There was no way you would lose your freedom.

There was no way you would lose.

There was no way you—


You were about to ignore her, as you had done so often before, too hyper-focused on escaping this hellscape—

Though something sugary smelling wafted to your nose, and you careened to a stop in confusion. It was so strong that it caught you off-guarded. It overwhelmed your already heightened senses that were still burning from the adrenaline rush you were constantly sustaining.

The fragrance had you trembling, and your loose drenched tunic felt so tight on your skin it was suffocating. You peeled it right off your torso with a choke, and your softer flesh bounced from your hasty, thoughtless removal. As you flung it off your body, it rubbed coarsely against your hardened nipples, sending electricity right down to your core.

You yipped, flinging off the shirt from your body to fight the sudden need to seize, but grinding your thighs together from the movement had you spiraling with a strained mewl.

A powerful surge of arousal punched its way into your lower belly, buckling your knees to the ground. Then a flinch shuddered throughout your frenzied system—and you hadn’t realized you were crawling to the ground with wet heat gushing down your legs. Your lungs felt so thin—

Your fingers scraped lines through the dense moss, hissing upon hearing the explosive announcer above.


Was that what the syringe was for!? It was a trigger!?

Horror cooled the sweltering heat within your shaking body. You could faintly hear the invisible cameras whirring at the humiliating sight of you, immortalizing your weaknesses in the memory of whoever was watching this hideous show. You gritted your teeth to swallow your anger—the need to break something in someone’s face for what you were being put through.

The ear tag itched so, so terribly, but even that couldn’t distract you from the searing heat between your legs.




Oh, fuck. You had to hurry.

You needed to get out, now.

You shambled to your feet, shivering from the gnawing sensations under your bruised skin and gushing warmth leaking from your swollen heat, as you propelled yourself through the maze. Sobs hitched between every unsteady breath, your cunt trailing copious slick onto the beaten path—

Like breadcrumbs for the famished to follow.

The sharp arousal snapped through you, feeding your urges to plunge your blood-slicked fingers into your greedy pussy right then—

But you refused. You had to endure—

You were so, so close to your freedom that it was impossible for you to surrender now!

Another announcement boomed, alerting how close you were, but you barely could even focus on even one word of what the hostess had said.

You grappled onto a nearby vine, wincing at the excruciating throbbing in your swollen clit. Even the lightest draft of air was hellish. Planting your feet onto the papery bark, you climbed the tree and bit back every wail swelling within your dusty throat. Going to the top sounded utterly insane when every fiber of your being was so ignited with lust you felt as if you were on fire, but you forced yourself upward.

A higher vantage point would be your answer to this victory—

“I can smell how delicious they are—!” One feline exclaimed, rasping as if they were inhaling the sweetest fragrance they’d ever smelled. “Gods, we need to breed this bitch—ride ‘em on my cock...”

You stiffened, hearing their voices so close through the walls.

Their comrade agreed, snickering and shuddering with a deep inhale of your scent. “They’re so close—we have to catch ‘em...!”

Your blood ran cold.

Somehow, you managed to find enough strength to dart into some other passage, your stride clumsy and the number of times you hit the walls, and the floor was embarrassing. With a muffled sob, you hated the way your cunt ached incessantly and the impulsive need to grind your thighs together—


You collapsed with a seizure, a white-hot sensation snapping your boiling nerves taut from the sudden orgasm storming through your curling body. Your teeth sunk into your thumb to muffle your screams, a pitiful attempt to trample the sounds of your confusion. You hated yourself for mindlessly stroking your other hand into your puffy flesh. Your clit throbbed in tandem with your thundering heartbeats, and you clenched your eyes shut from the way the ecstasy swarmed your better senses.

After a few seconds, you were startled awake by a booming announcement of words that sounded garbled to your numbed ears, and shakily crawled back onto your feet. With your nipples stiffing from arousal and the musky air biting harshly at your overheated skin, you shambled forward with another hitch of sobs. You were too dazed to focus, your vision blurry and seeing red and streaks of gold and gray, but you still pushed forward with your hands grasping the vines draping across the nearby wall.

Despite everything—

Despite the very words in your head too indiscernible to understand—

Despite how every fiber of your existence howled for mercy—

You refused to submit.

The hateful, throbbing aches between your thighs was so acute you nearly wailed each time the slightest brush of your own skin touched your soaking slit. Even when your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and the sounds you heard were distorted, you still pushed on with a soft growl of determination.

But by the gods, it hurts.

It was so excruciating, this inferno of wants drowning you from the insides. Your cunt hungered to be filled, to be stretched, and your womb swollen with cum. The needs to have teeth and claws caressing your tight skin was mind-numbing. You wished to howl your surrender, to plunge your fingers inside your holes.

You wanted to give up, to beg for those monsters to fuck you into sweet oblivion—

“No,” you hissed airily through your tears, fighting against your body’s urges in order to continue forward.

The red blob seemingly sniggered, curling so close to you that you could almost make it out beyond your visual snow of hallucinations. But...

It was beckoning you.

Mindlessly, you followed. You were confused, but it felt right to follow whatever this weird hallucination was.

Or was it wrong? You couldn’t tell anymore, your brain a scrambled mess of words that stopped making senses to you.

The announcer erupted in a shrill, but you understood none of what that wicked witch said.

“You’re almost there, sweetheart,” you thought it said, leaving you to pause in confusion. Your ears were buzzing with white noises and garbled voices, and you were smart enough to know that such things can stemmed from the highest amount of stress a living being can endure—but gods, you’d rather follow a hallucination than to become an animal’s plaything...!

You shambled forward, your knees and feet shaking in disjointing steps, but—

Something with rough textures on their…palms?

Caught you by your biceps.

You shook your head. You probably caught onto a tree again, shouldering yourself to stand straight. The red smoke tutted when you shook it off and mumbled something at your insistence to continue.

It felt like you took a thousand steps—yet only took one, when you stared at a looming gate. Its rusted iron was pure black, lines of void in your fuzzy sight. You blinked.

You blinked again. Your eyes narrowed with effort.

A slow buzz grew louder in your head—

You gasped the moment you comprehended what it was.

You never thought twice when you sprang forward—

Then a dull pang rang throughout your depleted body.

“Ugh, huh?” You blinked, scraping at the moss on the ground, your lead-heavy ear tag catching as you grappled. Why were you on the ground?

Even trying to push yourself off was futile; your body felt too heavy to move.

A sweltering hot breath burned your ear with an ugly chuckle.

“You’re so adorable, my sweet morsel,” he crooned, trailing his polished claws down your back.

Your heart stilled.

Your eyes widened and tears grew heavy in the corners upon realizing his color, “N, no...!”

The red blob...

He grinned, and you shivered at the shine of his ivory fangs. The lean beast purred against your drenched skin, inhaling your sweet scent deep.

“Oh, yes, you were oh so close—but my poor little morsel, you were so tired and so out of it you fell for my little trap anyway. Just imagine if you hadn’t listened...”

Your cracked nails scored through the green moss when he pushed your face against the cool ground and lifted your lower body to grind himself over your exposed cunt. It left you gasping, mumbling to a delighted thrill from his throat—and the feel of a coarse tent in his loins had you shuddering.

The aphrodisiac in your system returned with a vengeance.

All the fight you had left was snuffed out of you when his large claw slithered down your spine to massage your hard clit. Soaking his curved digits in your wet heat and slowly pumping them inside of you, the hunter sighed into your nape. 

“It was worth seeing you to the end—the thrill of this chase had me salivating...you really are quite a prize.“

You heard nothing of what he’d said, writhing and bucking against his hard loin. Against his stroking fingers—

“Ah, I’m getting impatient too—” you briefly felt him pulling away and saw him looking up at the trees. There was a brief confusion when you caught him sweeping an arm to wave—

That hostess erupted with an exclamation, rattling out some static-filled words again, but you were too far gone to try to discern her comments or even where you were anymore. The only thought in your mind is the need to be fucked until you were broken.

“Let us give them quite a show, hm?”

Behind you, there was a rustle of fabric, and the deafening sound of a zipper tore through your static-filled mind. Your breaths quickened as something thick and heavy slapped across your asscheeks. The heat dragged down your bare skin, causing you to squirm from the slow realization of his size, and it nudged against your hard nub.

His claws dwarfed your thighs, with his long nails nicking thin red scores on your flesh, as he slowly spread you wide open to his burning gaze. He started stroking your weeping slit with his large, sweltering thing and coating himself thoroughly with your essence, as he snarled against your ear, “My morsel, you had no idea what you’d done to me the entire time I was shadowing you—you were so cute, so oblivious...”

Confusion furrowed your brows as you found the strength to glance over your shoulder. His long face was blurry, so close that you could only make out his black muzzle and ivory fangs, but when his red tail flicked into the corner of your distorted vision, it clicked.

It was the tawny-furred fangedfolk—the one with unnervingly long limbs. He grinned upon catching the recognizance in your widened eyes.

“I, it was you. Y, you’ve been behind me this whole time...” You sobbed in defeat, staggering your face against the cold stone and shuddered. With another choke and a brief struggle to curb your gasps, you mumbled wearily, “W, when?”

His breathy chuckle scorched the thin skin of your nape as his long tongue traced down the curve of your spine. Grabbing your buttocks in a firm squeeze, the wolf pressed a tender kiss on the soft area between your shoulder blades. At your hitched sob, he hummed, “Since the very beginning—I got lucky, but I didn’t want the game to end so early, so I sat back and watched the show, so to speak.”


 “Though, I gotta say…”

You flinched at the purposeful press against your soaking hole, his tapered tip stretching inside the wet ring of your inner muscles. His claws pried you open so obscenely that you could feel cool air caressing your puckered rim, and the hunter dug his sharp nails into your soft cheeks, taunting you. You couldn’t suppress that whine from escaping your throat at the way he purred against your scalp.

“You really did test me this whole time, my dear morsel—the way your body breezed through the skies, your ass—” a rough growl erupted from his throat, and you trembled as a hot trail of saliva dripped onto your shoulder.

“You really were amazingly adept at surviving this long on your own.”

It was a precursor to everything he’d do to you, his cock kissing your clit.

The wolf shifted, now nudging himself at home—

A slam, his silky fur caressing your skin and sticking to your sweat, and you distinctly heard yourself whimpering on through a broken gasp.

He split you open so vulgarly, hilting himself right to his swollen knot. You felt nothing, only dullness, for a moment too long. There was only the eerie stretching you felt between your spread thighs. Vaguely, you remembered choking on air.

Your lungs felt hard, your breaths were thin and wheezing, and your body went slack. You turned into a helpless toy, rocking against his slim hips. His chest was heavy on your back, his claws everywhere as he brutalized your tiny body. Your mind blanked, only absently catching his unabated growls and the desperate rhythm of his fat cock.

Then it came like an explosion, so intense you melted with a deafening yowl. Your very bones shuddered as the blinding agony consumed you like wildfire, making your bloodied fingers tremble against the soft moss and splitting your broken nails even further. You laid there uselessly, gasping wetly and mewling—

You wept as the pain ebbed, giving way to the tide of pleasure from the drug coursing through your veins. It was sweet, the wolf’s lunging thrusts thrumming through you so intensely your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Hot and cold washed over you, caught in the juxtaposition of confusion and acceptance, of searing pain and intoxicating pleasure.

Feeling yourself being pulled apart shouldn’t feel this good—

It was supposed to feel ugly.

The way his hard knot hammered against your tight walls should’ve left you begging for mercy and in hysterics. It should’ve repulsed you that a monster like him was fucking you, panting like the dog he was over your limp, broken body. That he was ruining you to the illicit eyes of hundreds of thousands of viewers watching this sick, twisted show.

But instead, you were bucking your hips against him and ached for more.

More of whatever this disgusting pleasure was.

“S, stop—” you tried so pathetically you wondered why you even tried at all.

“You’re so adorable for trying,” he panted with a low chuckle, his fangs scraping against the tender surface of your nape and peppering possessive nips against your bruised shoulder. A few powerful jerks of his hips had you whining, your broken sobs replaced with desperate mewls and your body curving to his immense, disproportionate frame.

The wolf pulled you off the dirt, wounding a slim arm around your neck, and jerked you deeper into his embrace—showing you off to the world beyond the maze. He rasped into your ear, baring your deformed belly under his ugly leer (and everyone else’s through the countless camera lens) where his cock stretched your insides. “Mine.”

You heard him loud and clear, even through the garbled static booming from the treetop, his possessiveness bleeding into each snarl.

“N—” No word would come to your throat, lost to a choke at the way he plowed your battered insides.

You grappled onto his arm, briefly taken aback by the firmness of his hard muscles beneath your grip, and your thoughts were immediately lost at his next thrust. A gasp fled your mouth when you felt the rough pad of his other paw on the hideous protrusion against your womb. It was perverse, yet—

A jagged moan escaped, and you squeezed around him involuntarily, wetting your chapped lips at hearing his slow groan.

Even the feel of his scruffy, soft fur against your swollen, abused pussy should’ve made you ill, but it felt...good.

Even though you’re being fucked by a monster—a beastfolk who’s ready to breed you...

A walking, humanoid animal.

A being that should in no way be compatible with any human being—this pure torture was nothing short of heavenly. 

You staggered, helplessly prone to his unforgiving rhythm, bouncing and grinding your wet cunt along his entire length, on the verge of popping his engorged knot inside—

His subtle musk drowned out the lingering bit of your consciousness, drawing you deeper into the fangedfolk’s possession. A pleasant numbness drenched you down to your toes, which were stained green from the moss and leaves. You paid no thought to how wrong it was supposed to be. You allowed yourself to surrender all your senses to him, to stop thinking, and diverted what little of yourself you had left to his searing hot flesh.

You were supposed to fight him—!

To get out of this hellhole...!

A stifled squeal erupted from your mouth as a sudden pang ripped throughout your taut body and seized every nerve, reducing you into a sniveling, blubbering mess. Everything was electric, pulsating throughout your veins as your climax surged in torrents.

As your abused pussy soaked and tightened around the plunging cock, the wolf remained unyielding. His teeth were like an inferno against your skin, and his harsh breaths felt like welts against your flushed cheeks, and his voice warbled and slurred as he fucked you ever so roughly. 

“G, gods, y, you really are a, a wonderful prey—a prize...!”

His cock stretched you apart, digging deeper and deeper for your womb. The thick, taper head battered against your poor cervix, bulging against your poor belly—the wolf never stopped caressing it, and you were barely hanging on.

Your vision blurred once more, and only you and your captor existed in this universe, entangled in each other’s flesh. His fur draped over your body, and he so easily consumed you from the inside out, slowly devouring your consciousness into this sweet oblivion.

Somewhere in the furthest corner of your mind, you were screaming. It was supposed to be disgusting, it was supposed to be vile to be fucked by the beast. Instead, you clung to the wolf’s knuckles, rasping for more, as his knot hammered against your swollen clit. You wanted it all.

You relished in the slick sounds of his cock violating your sopping sex in a vicious tempo. The way you were speared so deep, your toes gripping the wet earth for purchase to grind against his hips while your slick coated his fur into a matted mess—your world shrunk further the more you sank into him.

You didn’t even know his name, that you knew you were supposed to hate him, but your body...

You melted into his furry chest, his arm still tightly coiled around your neck like a collar, almost asphyxiating you while his every thrust drew the very breath of your lungs—

A sharp yank—your stomach stretching and rolling—his length burying in you like a blade—

Distantly, you thought you heard a pop!

Something swelled past your throat.

Did you squeal? You didn’t know, only that you were clawing into his arm and bucking against his furious pursuit. Sharp sensations followed in a delay, as if you were disconnected from your reality, but your body was not. Sweltering heat surged and—

It filled every inch of your insides, and the sounds of the obscene squelching of your joined bodies had you writhing.

The fangedfolk sighed, pulling you deeper into his dangerous embrace, and trailed a long sloppy lick down your neck. He curled his claw around your lower belly, proudly showing off the distension his seed and oversized cock did to your poor little womb. His knot remained buried deep, throbbing and aching for more of you.

Against your ear, he inhaled your scent deeply with a content growl. 

“Show the world you’re now mine, my sweet morsel...”


You slacked against his grip, defeated.

You could still hear the announcer, her words incoherent and buzzing in your ear, but her tone seemed so eager and exhilarated.

You’ve lost.


noncon, dead dove, sexual assault, (nonconsensual) drug uses / drugging (reader gets drugged), stalking, nonconsensual filming, kidnapping, human trafficking, human hunting, injuries, psychological torture, stress hallucinations (visual and some auditory)

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ski Jumping RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Stephan Leyhe/Andreas Wellinger Characters: Stephan Leyhe, Andreas Wellinger, Karl Geiger, Markus Eisenbichler, Severin Freund, Pius Paschke, Constantin Schmid, Philipp Raimund Additional Tags: Idiots in Love, First Time, First Time Blow Jobs, I actually dont know what to put here, I wrote this my first time, Smut, funny at the end, Willingen, Visiting parents, telling, Fluff, Adorable Summary:

After Andi won in Willingen, Stephan takes him home to his parents. Things develop interesting.

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