I Say Things Again - Tumblr Posts
Since I’m on the topic of Vietnam, I’m going to share my experiences being here
A lot of places to go and do
Pretty (City only)
Boba shops in a lot areas (city mostly)
Lots of people selling stuff on the street(no tax)
Lot of shit is decently cheap (Like three whole big plates of food is around the equivalent of 3 usd(most))
Motorcycles everywhere!
Cute clothes for cheap!(Most of the time)
Pjs that you can wear out for fun(wear undergarments tho lol)
Several dozens of bugs and the occasional 1 or 2 lizards
Floods, under knee high but still
Traffic is janky in some areas(except maybe city)
Narrow roads, very few cars unless you’re on the city side
Motorcycles everywhere…
Stiff beds (I can sleep on them just fine prolly cuz of asian blood, not sure bout you tho)
Other tidbits
I literally have three (3) houses here wtf, two (2) on the country side and one (1) close to the city. One of the the houses in the country side hasn’t been renovated yet and it looks like it’s haunted lol
It’s weird yet wholesome bonding experience with me(15) and my brother (7). He sleeps comfortably when he knows that someone is there with him cuz he feels safe to know that someone is there to protect him. And I get to fulfill my desire to protect someone I care about. He usually sleeps on my arm and I let him be. He’s a piece of shit sometimes but I will kill a bitch for the little fart that is my brother.
Jewelry as a b-day gift, yup I’m happy
I’ve managed to wear white clothes and only getting nothing to getting the tiniest stain on them
It’s me b-day (Nov 9)
Well in the current time zone, I’m in Vietnam rn
8:06pm here