I Say Things - Tumblr Posts
Random things I've said
*Quietly, at little sister* "Dry your hands before I stab you with a safety pin..."
*Holding a cat on my head* "This is my son" (About the cat)
"I've lived here my whole life and I've came to the concision that there is no intelligent life"
"This is a cloak not a cape, GET IT RIGHT"
"Let me guess, you're here to ask a dumb question you already forgot."
"[insert brother's name.] , Stop bothering me with dumb questions- *Trips and almost falls*"
More random stuff I've said
*Petting cat* "But Boo- *gets nipped by cat* AAIII"
"Don't ruin my rice."
"*Gasp* Loki is adorable!"
“i dont like -” “i think -group of people- are -“ “- are delusional” “- isn’t real”
*comedically loud incorrect buzzer*
antis aren’t real y’all don’t exist no mores
oopsies :)

It’s me b-day (Nov 9)
Well in the current time zone, I’m in Vietnam rn
8:06pm here
Since I’m on the topic of Vietnam, I’m going to share my experiences being here
A lot of places to go and do
Pretty (City only)
Boba shops in a lot areas (city mostly)
Lots of people selling stuff on the street(no tax)
Lot of shit is decently cheap (Like three whole big plates of food is around the equivalent of 3 usd(most))
Motorcycles everywhere!
Cute clothes for cheap!(Most of the time)
Pjs that you can wear out for fun(wear undergarments tho lol)
Several dozens of bugs and the occasional 1 or 2 lizards
Floods, under knee high but still
Traffic is janky in some areas(except maybe city)
Narrow roads, very few cars unless you’re on the city side
Motorcycles everywhere…
Stiff beds (I can sleep on them just fine prolly cuz of asian blood, not sure bout you tho)
Other tidbits
I literally have three (3) houses here wtf, two (2) on the country side and one (1) close to the city. One of the the houses in the country side hasn’t been renovated yet and it looks like it’s haunted lol
It’s weird yet wholesome bonding experience with me(15) and my brother (7). He sleeps comfortably when he knows that someone is there with him cuz he feels safe to know that someone is there to protect him. And I get to fulfill my desire to protect someone I care about. He usually sleeps on my arm and I let him be. He’s a piece of shit sometimes but I will kill a bitch for the little fart that is my brother.
Jewelry as a b-day gift, yup I’m happy
I’ve managed to wear white clothes and only getting nothing to getting the tiniest stain on them
It’s me b-day (Nov 9)
Well in the current time zone, I’m in Vietnam rn
8:06pm here

Pink star is where I ate
Blue is my cousins (They ate almost half)
Tasty cake but too much frosting

That cake to frosting ratio tho
I feel like there might be something wrong with me because I don’t see any appeal from Yurio but everyone loves him and I’m just ????

just look at my ot3 over there, mob and reigen with their mouth open, did they do this unconsciously?! their habits are killing me!! and mob is leaning on him, his hand, and in-between his legs like HOLY CRAP the reimob!!! /SCREAMS/
lookit security guard Dimple (SO FINE) and that ekurei connection /CRIES/ look at his frickin face all up by reigen’s ear (damn you earmuffs but i also kinda like you bc you make reigen really cute!) and reigen is being cradled by dimple’s LEGS and im just dying MY OT3 YESSSS and Idk how to match but i see matching with my ot3, very small like Mobs orange pants and the orange on reigens earmuffs and the green of reigens shirt and the green on dimples tie /CRIES/
i love height differences I LOVE THEM so much and i love seeing the ot3s height difference it’s so perfect i feel inspired
Teru, if i could ask you to push against them a bit more so they could be even closer :”D that would be perfect~
I really like the main pair BUT THIS

i just super love how these two interact (which is probably saying something not great about me bc lolz they’re not exactly pals) but just going to this from where they were before T_T
Like, He Tian is protecting you and got a knife (??) to the hand and now you’re holding his hand (your fingers are intertwining!) when you’d freaked out over him kissing you like
kehindes replied to your post I really like the main pair BUT THIS
But he literally beat him up before?
He Tian and Mo beating each other? I KNOW that’s why I said this probably says something not great about me Orz. I mean, their relationship is really messy, what with He Tian being all aggressive and forcing Mo to do things like cook for him, run errands, and hang out with him (not to mention when he kissed him and touched his chest) and Mo not being strong enough to refuse. Then there’s the whole payment thing for doing these menial tasks, Mo needing said money, power and just so much intimidation @_@

But then I think, if Mo really hated it (hanging out with He Tian) I think he would have done something?? because as weak as he seems sometimes he’s not really weak (although he IS the school delinquent and everyone seems to like He Tian so I don’t really know what he could possibly do if he took the issue to the school for like harassment or something HMMM)
And then He Tian thinks of him as his friend and is protecting him and is sticking his nose into things with Mo stamped onto it so it’s not like he doesn’t care (I don’t really know about his family but considering he was saving a puppy in the flashback and his bro being in some kind of kidnapping mafia type business it feels like that’s his way of showing affection? which again is not right and sucks but it’s what he’s grown up with)
plus, i don’t think someone would just go beat up the school bully and take a blade to his person just because they didn’t care? and he even thought about Mo’s future, saying it probably was best if he dropped out and started developing his workplace skills (and Mo is the only one who gets to see this side of He Tian)

I mean, I really like the whole childhood buds being cute and just being them and working out their problems but I also really like the HeTian x Mo dynamics
I think this is turning into something interesting ;-;
p.s. sorry this is long and i don’t even know what the original question meant or if you even wanted a response or if i even answere it and just OTL
started watching Haikyuu last night (s2) but i couldn’t figure out where i left off! i started watching it around the time it was airing but i had also been keeping up with the manga before then. now that i watched it i couldn’t remember if i’d seen the episodes or had read them so i may or may not have rewatched like 9 episodes before i felt i’d finally found my place xD
i think my favorite part of s2 so far has been the training camp (the parts with Tsukki, owl dude, and Kuro) and the bathroom scene where Iwaoi, ushijima, date tech, and hinata are having this major showdown by the bathroom bc stuff like that always happen when hinata’s trying to relieve himself LOL
i was up until 3am just watching, then i got to bed and read some fanfiction. i ended up falling asleep until nearly 6AM #lisirecordofstayinguplate! and i still surprisingly got up around the same time as usual, Noice
Should I post all of my LOTR and Hobbit fanart in one post or separately??? What would y’all prefer??
(Sorry for all of you who followed me for Ben 10 stuff, I have a new hyperfixation and y’all are along for the ride)
Tagged by @iitzpandachuu
Last Song - Cher Lloyd - None of my business [and etc, it does count as my favourites?]
Favourite colors - all of them!<3
Last Movie / TV Show - Hmm Helluva boss[currently on season 2] and Eddsworld and etc [it does count?]
Sweet/Spicy/Savory - it doesn't matter, as long it's fine.
Relationship Status - Single
Current Obsession - Eddsworld and drawing&editing!
I don't have to tag anyway, here we go.
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @meghawhopp <33
Last song: Down by the River by Borislav Slavov from the Baldur’s Gate 3 Soundtrack (or more specifically the cover of Down by the River by Nerissa Ravencroft)
Favorite color: Blue and purple!
Last movie/TV show: Seinfeld, I’m currently on season four!
Sweet/spicy/savory?: I have a huge sweet tooth, so sweet things
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: I searched up the show “Arthur” because I was trying to find that one meme where Buster was like “You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and spread lies?”
Current obsession: Fragaria memories and tears of themis mostly^^
Tag Nine People: @kyaruun @xinieeee @deadmansbistro @florapot @hunita812 @scuffle-with-spirals @rexonalapis @maxellera @manicpixiedoomedgirl