I Ship Them - Tumblr Posts

Pouncing Shadow
"I'm setting off to see my boyfriend!"
The words taste sweet and spicy on your lips, and you can't help but grin as you climb into the little boat, the cats ready at the oars.
Do others know the full extent of your meaning, you wonder?
The palicoes? Ah, who can tell? They're happy enough to integrate with civilization if it gets them a big fish at the end of the day, and their food is to die for, if you can mind the odd hairball.
The hunters guild... perhaps. There's banter and jokes aplenty around the dango counter, a reduction of your work to casual terms and easy-going euphemisms, to the point that 'boyfriend' could mean anything - but you know that more than a couple take nighttime excursions to the flooded forest only to return supposedly empty-handed, and that's not even considering those that sprint off with their Palamutes after every hunt...
The questgivers? ...They had exotic tastes. You'd given more than one married woman directions to a Khezu in your time...
But - as you step onto the lush grasses of the old shrine, and leave your feline oarsmen behind the dense treeline - you wonder about what he knows...
It's not hard to track the gouges of claws in the earth, the ripped branches from trees. The ground rumbles with an echoing rrrrrrowwwwlll as you clamber over moss-covered walls, half-fallen and swallowed by bushes. So, it's not long before...
SLAM. Your head rings, sparks dancing in your eyes, and you're briefly disorientated until the paw pulls away from your head. The last few moments are missing from your memory, and you're gradually, staccato-like, reaquainted with the mud under your cheek, the warm air rolling from above you, the shaft buried inside your rear, sparking waves of aching, painful pleasure...
Nargacuga are relentless. Territorial. Envious. Proud, too - and you've learnt to lie down, grit your teeth, and let your moans be drowned out by his ground-trembling snarls. You let him indulge in your body, and delight in how he carves tree roots in twain like they were twigs, as he fights to force every inch he can inside your warm walls. The last thing that interrupted him was a Great Izuchi, and the crater-like crack in the nearby cliff is still visible, still stained.
You grab pawfuls of grass, warm pre running like a river down the inside of your thighs. And the thought once again rises to the top of the blurred mix of pleasure and pain in your head.
How much does he know...?
He no longer attempts to fight you. You don't need a stinkmink to lure him where you want him, nor a kunai on hand in case his hungers drift...
But does he know what a boyfriend even is? Does he know you as a hunter, see this is a rare reaching across a battleline? Does he see you as a mate, and desires to claim you as such? Or is he merely a beast, a monster - indulging in a warm, fluffy body he can throw to the ground and use...
And honestly...
You're not sure which you find hottest.