I Want To Change The World - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I once ended up at a dinner with a bunch of business and economics majors from all over the world. Conversation flowed, as it does in a group of optimistic grad students, about world politics and economies.

At some point, a person from Venezuela went on to say "I don't care if the next leader in my country is genocidal, I only wish them to be economically efficient." He said it semi-seriously, and I politely giggled, even though it wasn't a great joke in my opinion. But what did I know, I'm a math major, maybe I just don't "get" econ jokes. Nobody reacted too much and life moved on.

As I look at the news of the Israeli war, and the support by the western world, I realise that wasn't as much of a joke as I thought. People, whole countries, think that this would be better. Life moving on as "normal" for the economy, even if meant a some people dying, some children killed, some cultures erased.

"For the Greater Good", though for whose greatness and whose good, we don't know.

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