I Was Just Bored - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Let’s make Bichirs an LGBT symbol

Bichirs are some of my favorite fishes ever, like they are so ancient, yet they continue living and thriving on after major changes. They are also very hardy and can handle a lot. 

The LGBTQA community has been through so many changes and hardships just like Bichirs, the amount of effort and loss they experience trying to get their rights (and still are).

Fighting through tough conditions to stay alive and continue surviving are what Bichirs and the LGBTQA community have in common. 

In conclusion, let’s make Bichirs an LGBTQA symbol.

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(Sort Of) Redesigned Luz Out Of Pure Boredom.

(Sort of) redesigned Luz out of pure boredom.

They aren't really "redesigns" but whatever

Season 1 redesign- I liked how her hair was straight when it was short but got curlier as it got longer (cause haha same) but I still gave her a bit of curl and fluff. I gave her longer sleeves and leggings, edited her shirt to look like a hoodie, gave her her mom's skin tone, and added rips, bandages, and dirt on her and her clothes from running around in the BI without much use of her glyphs.

Season 2 B- Gave her some cuts and bruises from getting into more fights in the season. Made her hair curlier and fluffier because her hair was growing out. Edited her clothes a bit and gave her burn marks on her fingers from her fire glyphs.

Thanks To Them- Edited her pants, shoes, and hair a bit, made her scar longer and bigger, healing burn marks, and eyebags cause we do not see girlie sleep the whole episode.

For The Future- Edited her costume a bit, while also giving her a ponytail and a hair strand sticking out to make her look a bit like Phillip.

I liked her Titan design the way it was so I didn't change it

Watching And Dreaming (Time Skip)- Gave her longer pants along with a bisexual patch, made her scar a bit lighter as it was healing, very light burn scars cause she didn't have access to fire glyphs, sharper canines from her Titan design, and the tattoo for her dad we see in one of the concepts for her future design.

That's it. I don't really know why I did this, just cause I guess.

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7 years ago
I Got Bored So I Made This

I got bored so I made this…

I’m proud of myself!


(Here’s an updated version XP)

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