I Was So Excited To Do This - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

omgomgomgomg I’m so excited! Thank you @between-the-stones !!! Okay, calm down, Rae, you can do this-

I’m gonna go with Michael!

Be drowned or be burned? Michael actually can’t swim, so he’d go with burned- he’s afraid of large bodies of water because it makes his powers go haywire.  Better the devil you know, right?

Be starved or be dehydrated? Starvation is a slow death.  Dehydration he’d probably pass out more quickly, so it’s over quicker.  Michael’s not one to just sit around and be tortured, not without himself holding an ace up his sleeve.

Take torture or torture someone else? Jeez, that’s a tough one.  Michael’s not the kind to self-sacrifice, unless it was for someone he loved, but he’s not heartless. Actively torturing someone isn’t something he’s capable of, he’s just a thief with a particular type of gift. At the ending of the day, he’d have to take torture- if nothing more than not to be a hypocrite

Beg or be choked? Michael does not beg- at least choking gives him an excuse to wear a pretty little choker to hide the bruises

Be conscious or unconscious during torture? What is he stupid?  Why would anyone want to be conscious?  That’s just asking for pain, and he’s no masochist.

Be stabbed or have a bone broken? Bone broken- no doubt.  Breaking a bone has very little odds of dying from that, probably about 5ish percent (just guessing) because bones tend to heal on their own, even if healing wrong- while the mortality rate for a stab wound is 27.4 percent.  That’s a big difference

whoa- almost forgot to tag some folks

How about @la-vie-en-whump @cookiecutterwrites @whump-and-coffee???

Would Whumpee Rather?

A new tag game! Would your whumpee rather…

Be drowned or be burned? E.g., Ellis would rather be burned! Burns are familiar and remind him of his Master :)

Be starved or be dehydrated? Ellis is used to being starved.

Take torture or torture someone else? Ellis is the only one who deserves to be hurt :(

Beg or be choked? Ellis is good at begging!

Be conscious or unconscious during torture? Conscious please! So he can learn his lesson.

Be stabbed or have a bone broken? Oh no, these are both scary. Umm…whichever you want, Master?

I’m gonna start us off by tagging @crash-bump-bring-the-whump @wildfaewhump @for-the-love-of-angst @whumpiary and @fallingstormphoenix, no obligation. And if you’re up for it, tell us your whumpee’s reasoning!

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